process on

process onprocess on

process on

A statistical process section performs a temporal statistical process on the result of the traffic monitoring using a clock and a memory. 统计处理单元利用时钟和存储器对所述业务监视的结果执行暂态统计处理。
The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow. 鹰嘴(指肘部的骨性隆起):位于尺骨上端的大块隆起,在肘关节后凸出形成肘尖。
It might be necessary for you to perform the registration process on both server computers and workstation computers. 可能需要同时在服务器计算机和工作组计算机上执行此注册过程。
That's a first step (being able to capture the process on paper), but you need more than just a picture. 这是第一步(能够将流程捕获),但您需要的不仅是一张图片而已。
Use the process. Match each activity on the left to its proper place in the writing process on the right. 根据写作过程,将左边的活动与右边的写作步骤搭配。
Minmetals said the Australian government's foreign investment review process on the new offer was underway. 五矿称,澳洲政府正在对新协议进行外国投资审查程序。
this form must be signed by you in the name of such entity or by a person authorized to receive service of process on behalf of such entity. 该表格必须由你以该实体的名义签署,或者由代表该实体的被授权接受送达的个人签署。
The key decision makers in the ordering process on the face of it are the store managers and the commercials at the HQ. 在订购过程中作为主要决策者的是店面经理和总部的广告。
After completing the same process on server2, we are ready to return to the offsite storage machine to test the new passphrase type access. 在服务器2上完成同样的步骤后,我们就可以返回到离线存储机器上来测试新的口令类型的访问。
Each process on your computer thinks that it has access to all of your physical memory. 计算机上的每一个进程都认为自己可以访问所有的物理内存。
Unfortunately, this is likely to be quite a lengthy process on an old machine. 遗憾的是,这个过程在老机器上执行时可能非常漫长。
When a request is received, the agent service starts a process on which to run the tests. 收到请求后,代理服务将启动一个运行测试的进程。
This method of calling services allows you to begin the long-running process on the server side. 调用服务的这种方法允许您在服务器端开始长期运行的进程。
The applications of the whole-body varnishing process on the surface of the medium and large buses are introduced. 介绍了整车罩光工艺在大中型客车上的应用情况。
Each process managed by the SRC correlates with at least one process on the normal process table (ps). 由SRC管理的每个进程与常规进程表(ps)中的至少一个进程相关联。
At the same time freezing rain and further accelerate the bank rebuilding process, on the slope stability of a threat. 同时降雨和冻融又进一步加速了库岸再造的过程,对库岸边坡稳定性构成威胁。
Bleaching: (1) Chemical process on photographic materials, which converts the Black metallic silver image into a colourless silver complex. 漂白:(1)照相材料的化学处理方法。它把黑色金属银粒的影像变成无色的银粒复合物。
Try ps -Aeww, for example, to see the complete command line and environment of every process on the system. 可以尝试使用ps-Aeww,例如,查看完整的命令行和系统中每个进程的环境。
When a router starts an OSPF routing process on an interface, it sends a hello packet and continues to send hellos at regular intervals. 当路由器要在某介面开始OSPF路由程序时,它送出一个hello封包且定期持续送出hello。
Listeners can be registered in the same process as the server or in a remote process on the same or different machine. 侦听器可以与服务器注册在相同的进程中,或者注册在相同或不同机器上的一个远程进程中。
Knowledge is not the passive reflection process on the sensitive material, but a kind of active productive activity. 认识不是对感性材料被动的反映加工,而是一种积极的生产活动。
Up to now, the chemical process on the interaction between RE and bio-macromolecule in plant has been few reported. 然而,稀土与植物体内生物大分子相互作用的化学过程研究迄今为止报道较少。
The act of opening the project or component in a Management Studio may execute its code in a trusted process on your local machine. 在ManagementStudio中打开项目或组件的操作可能会导致其代码在本地计算机上的可信进程中得到执行。
Similarly, participants must end the process on the last day of a given weeklong segment. 同样地,学员必须在一周课程的最后一天结束课程。
Furthermore, I would like to look at the process on how the merges and syncs are conducted, and how this can be improved. 此外,我还想了解如何进行合并和同步的过程和如何进行改善。
performing magnetic separation process on the mixed liquor after being cyclone separated through a magnetic roller. 将旋流分离后的混合液经磁滚筒进行磁分离处理。
As I mentioned previously, the update process on the monthly ThreatSense Report continues, and the April report is now available here. 正如我之前所提到的,每月的威胁认知报告的更新过程将会继续。现在,四月份的报告已经出炉了!
S&P said respondents to its long consultation process on loan market ratings had said that improving liquidity in the market was crucial. 标准普尔就贷款市场评级进行了长期咨询,该公司表示,在咨询过程中,回应者认为增加市场流动性至关重要。
Citizens are able to participate in the political process on a personal level more easily as a result of web 2. 0. 在Web2.0的驱动下公民们得以更轻易地在个人层面上参与到政治进程中来。
Used in the masking operation during wave solder process on PCB, prevented electroplating liquid immersing and polluting. 用于PCB板含浸过程中遮蔽金手指部分和防止电镀液浸入及污染。