promise you

  • 网络答应你;我保证;对你承诺

promise youpromise you

promise you


9. 나이기를 答应你 (Promise You)10. Lady Lady (Feat. 79)11.


Polly-Nirvana 翻译(by me) ... have been told 告诉过你 promise you 我保证 have been true 都是真的 ...


★Michael Buble-... ... Oh,promise you,kid 噢,对你承诺,宝贝 To give so much more than I get 我付出的将会比得到的更多 ...


superjunior吧_百度贴吧 ... promise you 向你许诺 敢不敢许诺榜单第一 〓NeverEnd〓130111● 视频●(补)上流社会 下 ...


韩剧《宫》的所有歌曲的中文翻译_百度知道 ... I SAY 我想知道 promise you 要让你看 I 'm so in love with you 我就在这里 ...


TaipeiWalker|Top... ... 套书、设计精品 DESIGN 「Promise You呼吁粉丝千万不要外遇! 「Man in love」 唱出男人陷入爱 …


503首好听的动漫 日文... ... 433楼 钢之链金术师 motherland~ 20楼 圣母在上 promise you 22楼 潘多拉之心 parallel hear…

If the mat lives up to its promise, you may even save some money in the long run. 如果这个垫子遵守它的承诺,那么从长远来看你甚至是节省了钱的。
And on this day, today of our wedding, I promise you this: I promise you to leave my heart in upon of your hands. I promise you , me. 今天,在我们的婚礼上,我向你承诺,我要把心交到你手上,我把我自己,交到你手上。
It was one of those nights that will never happen again, I can promise you that. 这样的夜晚再也不会出现了,我向你们保证。
It had very little room for food, and if I ate more than it could hold, I can promise you, my stomach would let me know in a hurry. 只为食物留下了很小的空间,如果食量超过它的容积,我可以向你保证,胃立刻就会通知我。
We can promise you to make a remittance within a week in full ~ of our purchase of fertilizer. 我们答应在一星期内汇款,偿清我方购买化肥的全部货款。
TO hold you in my arms, to promise you my love, to tell you from the heart. You're all I'm thinking of! 拿着您在我的胳膊,许诺您我的爱,告诉您从心脏。您是我认为的所有!
And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this, I promise you to lay my heart in the pond of your hands, I promise you, me. 今天,我们婚礼的日子,我向你保证,我保证,把心放在你的手掌上,我,向你保证。
I promise you, if God get gifted me dawn wealth or beauty, I be to do it as exert to you to leave me here as it is to me to leave you. 告诉你吧,假如上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我目前难以离开您。
Once you give somebody a promise, you must carry it out on matter what will happen. This is called 'keeping one's words. 一旦你给别人一个承诺,你不管发生什么事都要去实现它。
And you know I give myself to you, and no matter what you do, I promise you my heart. 你知道我把自己给了你,无论你做什么,你都在我心里。
Accordingly, you may say that you know China, but I promise you would never know all of her. 因此,你可以说你知道中国,但是你永远都不可能了解她的全部。
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get. 我对你承诺,宝贝,我付出的将会比得到的更多。
When I'm with him in the studio, I promise you that we will do something fucking crazy. 当我和他在工作室里,我保证我会和他干些疯狂的事出来。
I promise you if God gifted me wealth and beauty I should make it as hard to you to leave me now as it is to me to leave you. 我也会的!如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我一定要使你难以离开我,就像我难于离开你。
I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. 报告你吧,假如天主赐予我财产和仙颜,我会让您难以离开我,就想我如今难以离开您。
You are not a new industry with power and promise, you are just a new cog in an old machine. 你并非充满力量一诺千金的全新产业,你只是一台老旧机器上的崭新齿轮。
If I can wait here patiently, so can the rest of you. The next one who disobeys my orders will meet a worse fate. I promise you that! 如果我能够耐心的等在这里,你们也必须等。下一个违抗我命令的将遇到一个更悲惨的命运。我发誓会的。
And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this, I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands. 在这一天,我们婚礼的这一天,我向你承诺,我承诺将我的心放在你的掌心。
Do you know how I desire to hold you in my arms, do you know how I desire to promise you my love and to tell you from heart. 你知道我是多么渴望把你拥在怀里。你知道我是多么渴望向你承诺我的爱并且从心底告诉你。
Tomorrow I'll come with you, he had 12 points, we would point out the candles, and I promise you to look at you wish. 明天我就过来陪你,当过了12点后,我们就点上生日蜡烛,我要看着你许下你的心愿。
Don't give me a promise you know you'll never keep. Go and find it all and I'll see you in the Fall. 别给我承诺,你知道你守不住它。去寻找一切吧,我会在秋季来看你。
I can promise you more than that, Charles. If Lucie ever tells me that she loves you, I shall give her to you. 我可以承诺更多的东西,查尔斯。如果路茜告诉我说她爱你,我就会把她交给你。
As president of the United States, people are going to be held accountable in my administration. And I promise you that that will happen. (如果)我是美国总统,在我的管理下,人们将(为自己的工作)负责。我向你们保证那将实现。
For you to say I would understand, the only way that I did not promise you requested. 对于您的所说我都会去领会,唯有这要求我没有答应您。
My heart, my heart beat for you. And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this. 我的心,我的心只为你跳动。而今天,在我们的婚礼上,我向你承诺。
Eve: Really? You're an amazing bargain hunter! Next time there's a sale, promise you'll let me tag along with you. 依芙:真的吗?你实在是个高竿的折扣猎者!下次如果他们又打折,别忘了让我跟着你!
But I am not like other boys! I am better than all of them and I always tell the truth. I promise you, Father. 可我跟别的孩子不同!我比所有的孩子好,我一直说真话,爸爸,我向您保证,我要。
I want you to let me come soon, and detail my whole month's history; and I promise you it's worth hearing. 我请你们允许我再来一趟,详详细细地说说我这一个月的经历,我保证这值得一听。
ANTHONY Tonight darling, I wanna promise you that this is just the beginning of many, many special moments in our lives together. 今晚,我亲爱的,我保证这只是许多特殊时刻的开始,我们一起生活还将会有很多特殊的时刻。
HP: Son, it's better for me to owe you one in here than it is for you to owe me one, I can promise you that. 孩子,我向你保证,在这个地方我欠你个人情绝对比你欠我个人情要好。