
美 [prɑmpt]英 [prɒmpt]
  • n.提示;提示符
  • v.提示;促使;激起;导致
  • adj.迅速;敏捷;准时;立即的
  • adv.准时地

复数:prompts 现在分词:prompting 过去式:prompted

prompt reply,prompt action,prompt delivery,prompt response,prompt service


1.立即的;迅速的;及时的done without delay

2.[nbn]敏捷;迅速;准时acting without delay; arriving at the right time

Both sites automatically detect Office and prompt you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up to date. 这两个网站会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。
The traditional LILO boot prompt was a very terse text prompt similar to what you see if you press the Tab key. 传统LILO引导提示符是一个非常简略的文本提示,类似于按Tab键所看到的内容。
This can be a good way both to prompt a speedy turnaround, and to let people off the hook in the long term. 这是一个不错的方法,它既能促使对方快速回复,长期来看,又能让人摆脱邮件压境的困扰。
That helped prompt the realisation that exchanges, most of which had previously been run as mutual associations, can be very profitable. 这让人们意识到,交易所的利润可能会非常丰厚。多数交易所此前都采取互助协会的经营方式。
The consent of the head of the consular post may be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action. 遇有火灾或者其他灾害须迅速采取保护行动时,可以推定领馆馆长已经同意。
We trust that this notification will prompt you to settle the trouble finally . 我们相信这份通知将促使你方终止此麻烦。
Method: Is poisoned to a wormwood sends the heart rate abnormal patient to carry on the prompt anti-heart rate abnormal treatment. 方法:对一支蒿中毒致心率失常患者进行及时的抗心率失常治疗。
Normally, these things, or blind notifications of these things, would prompt you to pull your phone out of your pocket. 通常,这些东西,都会使您条件反射般的从您的口袋中拿出手机。
Having Analysis Services prompt you for user information means that this information does not have to be stored and encrypted. 如果让AnalysisServices提示您输入用户信息,则不必存储和加密此信息。
And the United States Senate has a duty as well - to give those nominees a fair hearing, and a prompt up-or-down vote on the Senate floor. 美国参议院也有责任就这些提名人选问题举行公平的听证会,并在参议院立即做出表决。
The buyer agrees that this kitten will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care, and will never be allowed to harbor parasites. 买主同意会给予小猫,适当的医疗处理,不让猫咪感染寄生虫。
Also, the bailout plan isn't likely to prompt the sort of increase in mortgage lending that could put a solid floor under house prices. 另外,救助计划不大可能促使按揭贷款的增加、从而阻止住房价的下跌。
You need to be smart about marketing, prompt with replies, friendly with your service, and ready to give the best customer experience ever. 你要精通营销之道,反映迅速,服务态度亲切,随时准备为顾客带来最好的体验。
The Company shall be entitled to any discounts for prompt payment customarily granted by the Supplier whether or not shown in the Contract. 不论是否在合同上有过声明,在供应商有特殊要求时,公司有权因快速支付了货款获得折扣。
He said it was vital that information published should be accurate, rather than prompt but imprecise. 他说至关重要的是信息发布的准确性,而不是只求速度而不准确。
One utility source said that despite the higher pays in the prompt DES ARA market, he did not believe there was much demand in Europe. 一位消息人士称尽管较高的支付存在于DESARA市场,但他不认为欧洲存在着很大的需求。
At a banking conference, Bernanke also said the Federal Reserve Board had not agreed on criteria that would prompt additional easing. 但在一次银行会议上,伯南克同时表示,美国联邦储备委员会理事会(FederalReserveBoard)目前还未就进一步推行宽松的政策计划达成一致。
If you forget to create one of these, the Welcome Center will display an error message and prompt you to create them. 如果忘记创建其中的某一个,欢迎中心将显示一条错误消息,并提示您进行创建。
Visual Web Developer will prompt you to browse for a URL if one is not set and you attempt to preview or debug a page. 如果有一个文件没有设置,并且您要尝试预览或调试页面,则VisualWebDeveloper将提示您浏览URL。
Make a prompt decision, raised his head and began to carefully think about the future steps to fight. 当机立断,开始抬起头谨慎思考未来奋斗的步骤。
You can use flash cards to help prompt the children with what you want them to say. 你可以用卡片示意小朋友你想让他们回答的答案。
S: It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods. 史:我刚想起来,还有一种可能性可确保即期交货。
To prompt broader semantic interoperability, IBM has been a strong supporter for various industry standards. 为了促进更广泛的语义互操作性,IBM已经成为各种行业标准的有力支持者。
You may have configured Outlook 2003 to prompt you to work online or to work offline when you configured how you work offline. 您可能已经配置Outlook2003以提示您配置如何脱机工作时脱机到联机工作或。
So when you see someone prompt a girl to talk and it takes forever for her to react, it is exactly that mischief at work. 于是当你看见有人想一个女人说话时,她半天没有反应过来,正是此因作怪。
Luckily, it only did not boot into X but I could still get a prompt and mount an external disk and backup my home dir. 幸运的是,它不但没有启动到X,但我仍然可以得到及时和挂载一个外部磁盘和备份我的家目录。
The EU is likely to crack down on excessive government budget deficits, which could prompt Italy to leave the currency regulation, it said. 欧盟可能制裁那些政府预算赤字过多的国家,这将促使意大利退出现在的流通规则。
Thirdly, it is our responsibility as news media to see that we deliver prompt and accurate reports to people who need news and information. 第三个课题是,我们应该将新闻媒体负责任的报道迅速、准确地传送到需要新闻和信息的人们手中。
At least they were concerned enough to be prompt. 至少他们还够关心他,能准时来校。
Mancini also issued a thinly-veiled threat to his employers that the arrival of any new faces would prompt his immediate departure. 曼奇尼还向他的雇主表示了委婉的一点威胁,那就是任何新面孔教练的到来将导致他的直接离开。