
美 [prɑp]英 [prɒp]
  • n.支柱;支撑物;支持者;后盾
  • v.支撑
  • 网络道具;维持

复数:props 过去式:propped 现在分词:propping

prop dollar,prop yen


n. v.

1.支柱;支撑物a piece of wood, metal, etc. used to support sth or keep it in position

3.[usupl]道具a small object used by actors during the performance of a play or in a film/movie


give props to sb

对(某人)表示感激(或敬佩)used to say that people should appreciate what sb has done because it is good


道字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 道教〖 Taoism〗 道具prop;stageproperties〗 道口〖 crossing;roadjunction〗 ...


支字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 支柱〖 support;bolster〗 支柱〖 pillar;prop;mainstay〗 矿用支柱〖 support;propup〗 ...


新视野第四册单词 - 豆丁网 ... be in a position to do sth. 能够做;有条件做 prop vt. 支撑 pessimistic a. 悲观的 ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... prone 俯卧的;倾向于…的 prop 支撑物,靠山;v.支持 propagate 繁殖;传播 ...


中级口译词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 废除(法令等),取消 abrogate 支柱,后盾 prop 养生法 regimen ...


Esp词汇资料 ... fost'o:post 邮 柱竿 职位 营地, prop 支持者 7 potenc'o: 权势 ...


《综合英语二》整理资料[旺旺英语论坛] ... series 系列 prop 支柱,支撑物 frustration 挫折 ...


高级英语第二册课文翻译及词汇(1)_lynn_新浪博客 ... topple 向前倒;摇摇欲坠 prop 支撑;维持;支持 tilt 倾斜;倾侧;翘起 ...

Nobody gets to be an octogenarian without sometimes feeling heavy-limbed and in need of a prop (usually in the form of a chair). 没有人在耄耋之年不会时而手脚笨拙,也不需要支撑物(通常是椅子)的。
After getting Mom to lie down on the couch, I remove her shoes, prop her feet up on a pillow and put a cold pack on her legs. 母亲躺进了沙发,我挪开她的鞋,用枕头支起她的脚,在她腿上敷上冰袋。
China's decision to prop up the dollar is not going to be affected by the size of the US budget deficit. 美国缩减了财政赤字,中国人为地让美元维持在高位的决心不会因此而受影响。
And yet the bank is still holding rates close to zero, and is pursuing a second round of QE to prop up asset prices. 尽管现在银行汇率一直接近零,美联储仍然在继续实行第二轮定量宽松政策以支持资产价格。
The body weighed a ton, and it was all he could do to heave him up again on to the bed and prop his head on the pillow. 那孩子忙抢上扶住,这人身子极重,奋力将他扶正,将他脑袋放在枕上。
However, with Lehman, the Fed believed the system was better prepared for the shock and wanted to show it would not always prop up brokers. 然而,到雷曼出问题的时候,美联储认为金融体系已经对冲击有了更充分的准备,同时希望向外界表明,它不会总是支持经纪公司。
The economy is not money, it can be also no need for me to consider the total for the family life of the mother prop up one of the days. 经济不算是宽裕,可从也无须我去考虑,母亲总为家的生活撑起一片的天。
Relatives and friends for ChuDong prop up solid backing, appreciate the opponents of a ruler of him going. 亲人与朋友为楚东支撑起坚实的后盾,惺惺相惜的对手则成为他前进的标尺。
If the animal still will not leave, prop the door open with a stick and leave it for a while. 如果动物仍然将不离开,用一根根支撑门公开而且离开它一阵子。
Hillary Classic Quotations If there is no salary, housework and paid work together, a woman is not just prop up half the sky. 如果把没有薪水的操持家务和有薪水的工作加在一起,女人撑起的不只是半边天。
What you really mustn't do is, is to try and feel sorry for a retailer, trying to prop it up in some way. 你真的不能做的是为一家零售商难过,尝试以某种方式支撑它。
I think this is all very good business for the Americans, and no doubt a deliberate strategy to help prop up their slowing economy. 我想这对美国人而言是一笔很好的生意,无疑也是一种深思熟虑的策略,有助于提振他们日益放缓的经济。
Investigators don't know whether the wheelchair was just a prop or whether the suspect was truly disabled. 调查人员并不知道这个轮椅只是一个”道具“还是嫌疑犯真的有残疾。
Ghana was an agricultural country when it was in the colonial times, and cocoa was the prop of the agricultural economy. 殖民时期的加纳是个农业国家,可可是农业经济的支柱。
"The prop person probably thought he was going to sit in it, " a baffled senior aide said on Thursday night. “道具人员很可能以为他自己要坐那把椅子,”一名困惑不解的高级助手在上周四晚上说道。
No. We will prop it up with a hydraulic pressure instrument. Hold on just a few minutes. 不,我们用液压工具顶开它,再坚持一小会就可以了。
But in the short run, credit was an easy way to prop up the living standards of those at the bottom of the economic pile. 但是从短期来看,要想支持落在经济收入队尾的人们的生活水平,信贷是一条捷径。
A receptionist handed me a vast key on a wooden board that might have been a prop from a prison drama. 前台摘下木板上挂着的一把大钥匙递给我,就像是监狱题材电视剧里的道具。
One competitor, spotting Thain and Mack in conversation, said that such a union would be like two drunks trying to prop each other up. 一位看到塞恩和麦晋桁交谈的竞争对手说,这样的联盟就像是两个酒鬼试图搀扶对方。
Mom seemed to see through my mind, she told me that the other papers too thick wind prop it up. 妈妈好像看透了我的心思,她又告诉我因为其它纸太厚了风托不起来。
He has been helping out with the cooking and with paperwork for his wife's business, and she says she works to prop up family morale. 他现在帮忙做饭以及负责一些她妻子业务上的文书工作,她说她工作来提高全家人的士气。
South Korean authorities intervened to prop up the won yesterday after the currency dropped to a two-and-a-half year low against the dollar. 韩国当局昨日入市支撑韩元,此前,韩元兑美元汇率跌至两年半来最低点。
Circular ownership--with the potential for a pair of companies to prop up each other's share price and earnings--is not at all uncommon. 交叉持股--这就意味着一对公司可以互相支持对方的股价和收益--这一点都不平常。
In other words, a central bank trying to prop up its currency must allow its sales of foreign exchange to reduce the domestic money supply. 换一句话说,央行要如果要支持它的汇率,必须容许出售外汇以降低国内的货币供应。
Back in 1979, it was Afghanistan - when Russian tanks rolled across the dusty Hindu Kush to prop up a struggling communist regime. 在1979年,是阿富汗——当时俄罗斯的坦克开过尘土飞扬的兴都库什地区,支持困境中的共产主义政权。
Prop up in such concept just about below, the toilet that regards form a complete set as establishment makes one large window however here. 正是在这样的理念支撑下,作为配套设施的厕所在这里却成为一大亮点。
And the personage inside course of study thinks, such speed that burn money, cash of shake hands handle net flows to prop up a year hard. 而业内人士认为,这样的烧钱速度,拉手网现金流难以支撑一年。
In October, there was a report that you got hit with a prop just above one eye and needed stitches. 十月份的时候曾经有一个报道说你的一只眼睛上方被什么东西击中受伤需要缝针?
More importantly for the United States, China would no longer have the surplus dollars to prop up the market for U. S. Treasury bills. 更重要的是,对美国而言,中国将不再有多余的美元来支撑美国的国债市场。
Bear Stearns is still standing only because JPMorgan Chase was solid enough to prop it up. 贝尔斯登之所以现在还能不倒,完全是因为摩根大通有足够扎实的实力能把它支撑起来。