
美 [prɑp]英 [prɒp]
  • n.支柱;道具;支撑物;支持者
  • v.支撑
  • 网络螺旋桨;斜撑式

复数:props 过去式:propped 现在分词:propping

prop dollar,prop yen


n. v.

1.支柱;支撑物a piece of wood, metal, etc. used to support sth or keep it in position

3.[usupl]道具a small object used by actors during the performance of a play or in a film/movie


give props to sb

对(某人)表示感激(或敬佩)used to say that people should appreciate what sb has done because it is good


《Friends》词汇表B ... statute n. 法令, 条例 propped n. 支持者, 倚靠人, 道具, 螺旋桨 matthew n. 马太, [宗]马太福音 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... statute n. 法令, 条例 propped n. 支持者, 倚靠人, 道具, 螺旋桨 matthew n. 马太, [宗]马太福音 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... statute n. 法令, 条例 propped n. 支持者, 倚靠人, 道具, 螺旋桨 matthew n. 马太, [宗]马太福音 ...


悬臂式和斜撑式propped)挡土墙Cantilever and Propped Walls锚定Tie Back Anchors支撑开挖1Braced Excavations 1支撑 …

Its mixed bag of business units have propped up the company at different times since the recession. 而其品种繁多的各项投资业务,也使得该企业顺利度过了经济衰退的各个时期。
The front door of Leonard's building was propped open with a brick, so she went up to his apartment and knocked. 伦纳德的公寓楼大门被人用砖头撑开了,因此她直接走了进去,来到他的单元门前,敲了敲门。
Carmen Elcira narrowed her eyes and studied his face. He was wearing the plainest of clothes, with sunglasses propped on his head. 卡门埃里西亚俩眼眯成一条逢,打量着他的脸,他穿着特朴素的衣服,头顶架一副太阳镜。
On the third night the countess was quiet for a few minutes, and Natasha closed her eyes, her head propped on the arm of the chair. 第三天夜里伯爵夫人安静了几分钟,娜塔莎把头靠在安乐椅的扶手上,合了一会儿眼睛。
All day long the battle raged, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot facing the Arameans until evening. 那日阵势越战越猛,以色列王勉强站在车上抵挡亚兰人,直到晚上。
We gave him water from his canteen. We gave him oxygen. We propped him up and gave him time to try to relax and get calm. 我们从给养车里给他拿来了水,给他输氧,扶他起来,给他时间,让他试着休息放松。
They do not get up: they eat propped on an elbow, use bedpans and shower lying down on a waterproof gurney. 志愿者不能起来,他们吃放在肘上的食物,使用便盆,躺上防水翼布上洗澡。
A few hours later, after a visit to the Buddha bar, she emerged looking unsteady on her feet and had to be propped up by a pair of minders. 几个小时后,在Buddhabar的访问期间,她步态蹒跚,不得不由陪同人员扶着。
His head is tilted in the direction of the camera, his hand on his belly, his rifle propped up vertically against the rocks. 相对于镜头的方向,他的头部倾斜着,手放在肚子上,来福枪垂直地支在岩石边。
He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and blinked at the unwonted light. 金牙姑姑进门的时候他正靠在床上吃饭。
Having propped up entire companies that perhaps ought to have been allowed to fail, they need to permit piecemeal consolidation to proceed. 政府已经为或许本应任其倒闭的公司提供了支持,他们也应该允许零星整合计划的进行。
A child wrapped in a blanket sits propped up in a large wicker chair , toying with a sprig. 一个孩子包裹座垫放在较大的藤椅上,小枝制成的玩具。
When the pastor arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows and an empty chair beside his bed. 牧师来了,他看到这个男子躺在床上,头下垫著两个枕头,在床的旁边有一张空椅子。
Her flat cloth slippers were propped up on a foot warmer , and a cat reposed on her lap . 她脚上的平底布鞋蹬在一个脚炉上,大腿上躺着一只猫。
Summer, hot weather, Willow has given us propped up an umbrella to block out the sun, let the sun drying our bad, let cool cool. 夏天天气炎热,柳树就给我们撑起了一把大伞,遮住了太阳,不让太阳把我们晒坏,让我们凉快凉快。
The restraint of Saudi Arabia, and of a handful of other countries of the Arabian Gulf, has propped up oil prices. 沙特阿拉伯及一些其它海湾国家的限产措施推高了油价。
But have they propped up prices at levels that simply do not reflect the long-term fundamentals? 但他们是否将价格推高到了根本不能反映长期基本原则的水平呢?
He hobbled to the torch, where it stood propped among the firewood, and took a fresh light to his pipe. 他一瘸一拐走到插在柴堆上的火炬旁边,重新点着烟斗。
Just past Houdai Rd. someone seems to have heatstroke and is being propped up by fellow paraders. 经过后埭西路,有人疑似中暑,被同伴扶出队伍。
Prices have been propped up for years, which means there is now a serious disconnect between house prices and fundamentals. 房产价格向上爆发增长已经连续几年了,这就意味着在房产价格和基础经济框架之间产生了严重的偏离。
By placing more than $1 trillion in U. S. stock and bond markets, it has propped up the U. S. economy. 一万亿以上的资金投放在美国的股票和债券市场,支撑了美国经济的发展。
Piero laid down the book and went to look among some paintings , propped with their faces against the wall . 彼埃罗放下手抄本,在几幅画稿里寻找,把它们正面翻过来靠在墙上。
A short stack of books lay propped against the bowl, and I could barely contain my excitement at the prospect of reading come morning. 碗上斜靠着一小摞书,一想到明天就能读这些书,我激动不已。
A Ghostlight Industries Priest bike sits propped up in the shop with placeholder body panels. 车间里支着一台覆盖着车身壁板的鬼火工业制教士机车。
B When a ladder is propped against the wall, it is supposed to be bad luck to walk underneath it. 当梯子靠墙支架时,从下走过被认为是有坏运气。
Paintings of sleeping Elizabethans show them, too, propped up in alcoves. 油画里表现的那些伊莉莎白时代的睡客,窝在门洞里也能睡着。
So it sits propped up in its bright blue case, awaiting customers, many of them desperate themselves. 于是房子就被放在淡蓝色的箱子里,等待顾客光临。而顾客里许多人也显得很绝望。
Love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like green mattress propped up the sky. 爱,像火种点燃心灵的希望;爱,像绿茵撑起心灵的天空。
The little girl stood the doll on the boxes that represented the chair, propped up against the wall behind. 小女孩让布娃娃站在充当椅子的盒子上,靠在后面的墙上。
An integrated lock control relay helps provide faster throughput, while an alarm notifies security when the door is propped open. 集成的锁控系统可以更快的进行处理,在门非正常打开时报警通知。