
美 [pruv]英 [pruːv]
  • v.证明;【法】验证;【数】证;试验
  • 网络亲眼验证;证实;以上所述证明

过去式:proved 过去分词:proven 第三人称单数:proves 现在分词:proving

prove worth,prove innocence,prove theory,prove identity,prove guilt
easily prove



《Friends》词汇表A ... thurman 瑟曼(姓氏, 男子名) proves vt. 证明, 证实, 检验, 考验 hoo int. 呼!(表示激动,高兴,轻蔑,赞同等) ...


新概念英语四册课堂笔记 Lesson59:The&n... ... Keeping: 保管 Proves: 亲眼验证 Packed like sardines 拥挤的要死 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... thurman 瑟曼(姓氏, 男子名) proves vt. 证明, 证实, 检验, 考验 hoo int. 呼!(表示激动,高兴,轻蔑,赞同等) ...


above是什么意思_ above翻译_ above解释... ... the ~ facts 上述之事实 The ~ proves ?. 以上所述证明… ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... thurman 瑟曼(姓氏, 男子名) proves vt. 证明, 证实, 检验, 考验 hoo int. 呼!(表示激动,高兴,轻蔑,赞同等) ...


证据语言,evidence... ... ) verbal evidence 言词证据 ) proves 方言证据 ) Verification language 验证语言 ...

If it proves to be too slow (or otherwise horrible), identify the specific beans that are a problem and surgically replace them. 如果证实它确实太慢了(或不能忍受),那么确定出现问题的特定的bean并替换它们。
Miami proves to be a perfect location for a CSI series with its wild blend of people, culture, nightlife, and criminal landscape. 迈阿密被证明是一个具有其野生沪深系列完美融合了人的位置,文化,夜生活和刑事景观。
Bitton said the heat, rather than the microwave radiation, likely is what proves fatal to the pathogens. Bitton说加热而不是辐射证明对病原体来说是致命的。
But even if he proves to be great or near-great, Apple may be close to reaching something like corporate maturity. 但是,即便事实证明库克是一个伟大(或近乎伟大)的领袖,苹果可能也将接近达到某种企业成熟期。
Through the practical application in ventilation scheme optimization selection of a mine, it proves that this result is reliable. 经过在某矿山通风方案优化选择中的实践应用,证明了该结果是可靠的。
Each will remove whatever proves to be without a true foundation, and with it an allowance for free expression. 任何被证明没有真实基础的都将被移除,它所带来的都是为了对【自由表达】的认可。
Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. 噪声不能证明什么。母鸡产下一只蛋,往往大声啼叫,好像产下小行星似的。
Thereby it proves itself to be a biological factor that can be described phenomenologically like any other object of natural science. 因此,心灵证明自己是一种生物的因素,能够从现象方面来描述,如同任何其他的自然科学的研究的物件。
This mechanism proves very flexible because you can create as many versions of the body as you want by using different style sheets. 这种机制被证明是很灵活的,因为您可以通过使用不同的样式表来创建任意多的消息主体版本。
No matter what career path you choose, I believe you have to love what you do. My own personal experience proves this point. 不管你选择哪一条职业发展之路,我认为你必须热爱你的选择。我的个人经历证明了这一点。
I contend that I'm just a piece of messed-up code, and our inability to have kids proves that I'm not going to be the Missing Link. 我声称我就是一块乱七八糟的代码,并且,我们不能有孩子并且我也不是在人和猿类之间过渡的那类人种。
Needless to say that there have always been exceptions but then the exception proves the rule. 没必要说那里已经存在免责条款,但是另一方面,例外已经验证了规则。
He said her behaviour and acceptance of him proves the boars do not need to be feared because they are not a threat to well-meaning people. 他说这头母猪的行为和对他的接受也证实了我们不需要害怕野猪,因为他们对饱含好意的人类是没有任何威胁的。
She maintains that if both sides are barreling down on her, it must mean she's doing something right; it proves her independence. 她认为,如果民主党和共和党都对她不满,那一定说明她在做着一些正确的事,说明她没被他人意见左右。
So what might his vision for the world be, if the ZetaTalk message proves correct as it increasingly seems to be? 那么如果齐塔人之声的信息像现在这样越来越被证明是正确的,奥巴马对世界的愿景是什么呢?
If your quotations are acceptable and the machine proves to be satisfactory, we shall place regular orders with you. 如果你方报价可以接受,并且机器令人满意,我们会向你们定期下订单。
This Skill Set or Skill Sheet proves you know what you are worth, what your accomplishments are, and that you are prepared. 该技能列表或技能表单让你知道自己的价值,自己的成就和自己所准备的东西。
The main way he proves this point is proofs from scripture, and so we're going to look at a few more of that. 他证明这点的主要方式是从经文中证明,所以我们还要再看看经文。
Needless to say, a certain part of the brain lights up when the jaw is so engaged, but what that proves is hard to tell. 不用说,下巴如此繁忙肯定会让大脑某个部分警觉起来,可是很难说明那证明了什么。
Secondly, people tend to imagine that the mere existence of an international dispute proves that at least one state has broken the law. 其次,人们常常设想,只要存在着国际争端就可证明至少有一个国家违反了法律。
And yet some conservatives have turned it into a profane text, one that proves Mr Obama's unfitness for the great office he holds. 但一些保守者把它当做亵渎神圣的话,证明了奥巴马不能胜任其肩负的巨大职责。
The resurgence, albeit modest, of vinyl, especially among young listeners and musicians, proves that this argument is not generational. 尽管黑胶唱片在年轻人和音乐人士中有温和的复苏,证明这种说法不是沟的问题。
Such a lonely figure is always pathetic because whatever he wants proves impossible to have. 这样一个孤独的人总是可怜的,因为无论他想要什么结果总是得不到。
In TLS, a server proves its identity to a client by sending it a certificate obtained from a trusted certification authority. 在TLS中,服务器通过向客户端发送从可信的证书颁发机构获得的证书来证明其身份。
Secondly, it focuses on the influence of such a system on justice and efficiency and proves the necessity of the system establishment. 然后,从强制律师代理对司法公正和效率的意义,证明其制度必要性。
Exception proves the rule, the This is often used to mean that the exception confirms the rule. 这种说法用语表示‘例外’证明了规则。
If you find it pretty easy to cheat in an exam, it only proves that the invigilator doesn't care whether you cheat. 如果你发现考试的时候作某场弊异常容易,只证明监考老师对你作不作弊毫不在意。
This proves that the method of gym payment can seriously affect people's activity levels in this study, at least, by up to 50 per cent. 这一研究证明,健身房的支付方式极大地影响人们锻鍊的程度,至少50%的人会受此影响。
When a fact appears to be opposed to a long train of deductions, it invariably proves to be capable of bearing some other interpretation. 如果一个情节似乎和一系列的推论相矛盾,那么,这个情节必定有其他某种解释方法。
And what Jesus is trying to say is the Cross proves if you want influence, then you go low, you don't go high; you serve! 耶稣在这里想说的是:十字架验证了——如果你想具有影响力,那么你就要谦卑自己而不能高高在上;那么你就要服务他人!