
美 [pʌmpt]英 [pʌmpt]
  • adj.紧张的;〈俚〉喘得上气不接下气的
  • v.“pump”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络兴奋;腐心的;抽吸




OMG美语 第256课:白洁要来中国_口语专区... ... ) stoked 兴奋 ) pumped 兴奋 ) jam-packed 排得满满的 ...


pumped是什么意思|pumped的中文意思... ... Pumped腐心的 pumped concrete : 泵送混凝土 ...


15.The older boy ______ the little boy on... ... B. punched 冲压 C. pumped 抽吸 D. punishe 惩罚 ...


《回忆猎人》 ... 暗恶灵 Wiesha 万圣恶魔 Pumped 布热迪连特 Tomated ...


攀岩英语---- - 新起点英语拓展 -... ... Prusik【 普鲁士结】 Pumped充气】 "Off Belay"【 解除确保】 ...


Bussiness English 商业英语词汇... ... to step up( 词组,非正式用语)增加 pumped形容词)极其热情 directive( 名词)指 …

The evil killer in your latest dream may be the guy who pumped petrol in to your Dad's car when you were just a little kid. 你上次梦到的那个邪恶杀手,或许是你小时候见过的、曾经偷走爸爸汽车里汽油的那个家伙。
load of milk is accepted it is pumped into, a silo to be used within a few hours or to be stored FOR later use. 一旦这些乳通过检验就会泵送到地下室几个小时内或以后利用。
The central banks of Japan and Australia pumped more than $15bn between them into the money markets to encourage interbank lending. 日本和澳大利亚央行向货币市场总共注资超过150亿美元,以鼓励银行同业拆借。
Josephine managed to reach and use the chute, whereupon her colleagues rushed her to a doctor, who pumped her stomach. 约瑟芬勉力走到洗衣槽那,滑到下面,由同志紧急送到医生处洗胃。
It had served "mud pie" to be eaten out of a skull, featured rattling chandeliers, smoke pumped down from the ceiling and moving paintings. 餐厅曾供应过一种“泥馅饼”(mudpie),要从骷髅里往外舀着吃——枝形吊灯吱吱呀呀地摇曳着,天花板和晃动的油画里喷出阵阵烟雾。
And when we have the best middle schools in the world, we'll have the best kids pumped out of that system, let me tell you. 而且,我来告诉你们,当我们有了世界上最棒的中学的时候,我们也将拥有从这个系统中脱颖而出的最棒的孩子。
The first few days of my high school life I was pumped up by a sense of triumphalism and I was a bit stuck up. 我高中生活最初的几天我还是充满了必胜的信念并且自信满满的。
They have pumped large amounts of liquidity into the system over the past fortnight, and continued to do so this week. 过去两周,他们已经向金融系统注入大量流动性,并且本周还在继续。
A good deal of the money that the Federal Reserve pumped into the U. S. financial markets through QE2 didn't stay in those markets. 美联储以第二轮量化宽松的方式注入美国金融市场的资金,有很大一部分没有留在那个市场。
It was not spotted for an hour, by which time enough of the milk fluid had been pumped into the child's vein to provoke a deadly embolism. 一个小时都不见人,这段时间已足够牛奶液注入儿童的静脉,导致致命的肺栓塞。
Liquid is usually withdrawn (or pumped ) from the side or bottom of the tower and is reheated by means of heat exchange. 一般是从塔侧或塔底部抽出(或泵出)液体,借助热交换进行再加热。
It is either pumped up to a cooling tower or it gravitates into a cooling pond , and is stored for later use in the condenser. 它要么就被抽到冷却塔或是排到冷却池里留待下次作为冷却液来使用
The bank has pumped billions of dollar into the financial system to stabilise the economy since the massive earthquake. 自从大地震后,银行已经将数十亿美元注入金融系统来稳固经济。
In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking, cleaning and watering the garden. 院中央的是个水泵,小女孩们就在这里泵水用来做饭、打扫卫生、灌溉花园。
It was "pumped up like an athlete on steroids" , he said in an office meeting. 市场就像“运动员服用了类固醇一样被打足了气”,他在一次公司会议上这么说道。
Now, waste from these farms is often just pumped into nearby pits. 目前,这些来自农场的废水通常直接排入附近的池塘。
It had pumped $600 billion into the financial markets, but was due to be wrapped up at the end of June. 美联储当时已经向金融市场注入了6,000亿美元资金,但是要等到6月底才能全部完成。
The entity pumped its stock offering in the selfsame papers, trying to gain the technological potential high ground. 由同一张图纸衍生出的工程实物让这家公司的股票变得紧俏,试图占领潜在的高地。
it will be the debut in Serie A for a lot of my teammates and definitely all of us will be really pumped-up, facing such a great team. 这将是很多队友的第一次意甲亮相,所以我们都想马上面对这样一支伟大的球队。
Excess water at the surface is siphoned down to replenish ground water, which is then pumped back up for use as necessary. 地表多余的水被虹吸下去,用于补充地下水,然后地下水被重新抽上来用于必要的用途。
If water is not pumped to the top of a tall tree, and if it is not pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we may ask: how does it get there? 如果水不是被泵到高树的树顶,也不是被推到树顶,那么我们会问:它是怎样到达树顶的呢?
Prior to setting surface casing, the cellar also takes mud returns from the well, which are pumped back to the surface mud equipment. 在下入表层套管且注水泥之前,方井同样接受从井眼内返出的、必须被泵回到地表泥浆设备中的泥浆。
This method can be used for the design and evaluation of the gas migration prevention performance of the cement slurry pumped do whole. 该方法可指导入井水泥浆的防气窜性能设计及评价。
besides, as the working gas is not needed to be continuously pumped, the amount of the working gas is greatly saved, thus saving the cost. 另外由于不需要持续输入工作气体,也大大节省了工作气体的用量,节约了成本。
When the cofferdams are completed and made safe, the water trapped between them is pumped out. 围堰完工稳固后,就将围堰间的水抽干。
In a good lasing material, electrons that are pumped up with energy release that energy in the form of coherent photons of light. 在好的雷射材料中,受激发的电子在释放能量时,会放出同调的光子。
Water ring vacuum pump to the evaporator of the non-condensable gas and a small amount of vapor pumped back into the atmosphere. 水环真空泵将蒸发器的不凝性气体及少量蒸汽抽吸后排到大气中。
Thisallows them to be safely mounted horizontally (unlike sleeve bearings), since the fluid being pumped lubricates the top of the shaft. 这使他们能够安全地安装横向(与套筒轴承),自润滑液被抽上方的骨干。
The rescuers pumped her full of fluids and sent her to a Brazilian hospital. 救援人员给她输了许多液并把她送到巴西人的医院。
A nutrient fluid is pumped through the channels, flowing from one chamber to another just as blood flows from organ to organ in the body. 小房间之间有像人体内的血管一样的通道相连,这种通道内有营养物质流动。