
美 [pərˈsu]英 [pə(r)ˈsjuː]
  • v.追求;推行;追赶;追随
  • 网络从事;追踪;追击

第三人称单数:pursues 现在分词:pursuing 过去式:pursued

pursue career,pursue policy,pursue life,pursue strategy,pursue truth
actively pursue,pursue systematically



[转载]MBA英语核心词汇2_MichaelWang_新浪博客 ... 60 traced 追溯 61 pursuing 追求,从事 62 in pursuit of 追求 ...


◆◆◆黑魔方版 ◆◆◆考研英语完形词汇全突破 -... ... registering:" 记录"。 pursuing:" 追赶;从事,进行"。 at hand:" 手头…


[转载]MBA英语核心词汇2_MichaelWang_新浪博客 ... 60 traced 追溯 61 pursuing 追求,从事 62 in pursuit of 追求 ...


... offence n. 犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 罪过, 过错n.[军] 攻击 pursuing vt. 追赶, 追踪, 追击, 继续, 从事 sr Suriname, 苏里南 ...


... offence n. 犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 罪过, 过错n.[军] 攻击 pursuing vt. 追赶, 追踪, 追击, 继续, 从事 sr Suriname, 苏里南 ...


... offence n. 犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 罪过, 过错n.[军] 攻击 pursuing vt. 追赶, 追踪, 追击, 继续, 从事 sr Suriname, 苏里南 ...

He was interested in pursuing a career as a professional soccer player, but his mother convinced him to train as a teacher. 他对成为一个职业的足球运动员十分感兴趣,但是他妈妈劝说他成为一个教师。
Although the gaffer admits to still holding a sense of frustration at the decision, he decided against pursuing the matter. 虽然对这个判罚仍有点不愤,他还是决定不继续追究此事。
Cheney is an advocate for pursuing the war in Iraq to try to stabilize the country, while Obama wants to get U. S. troops out of Iraq. 切尼呼吁在伊拉克战争基础上再接再厉,以稳定美国局势,而奥巴马希望美军撤出伊拉克。
In the early years, it was unclear how much Mr. Gates was pursuing each opportunity as it came, as opposed to carrying out a grand strategy. 我们不清楚在早期,当每次机会来临时盖茨是怎样不顾反对坚持追求,促成伟大战略诞生的。
At the age of 36 I now feel it is time to begin the next chapter of my life, being at home with my family and pursuing other interests. 在36岁的时候,我觉得是时候开始我生命的另一篇章了,在家陪伴我的家人,以及追寻其他的兴趣。
You're not pursuing pie in the sky. You're aiming for a cake that in theory at least, you can both have. . . and eat. 你没有去追求天上掉下来的馅饼,你的目标是得到一块至少在理论上既能拥有又能享用的蛋糕。
However, this opportunity seems to be particularly interesting and I am interested in pursuing it further. 不过,这个机会看起来特别有趣,而我想继续深入下去。
Police searched the company's offices last April and have been pursuing an investigation into the matter. 去年4月份,警方搜查了中信泰富的办公室,并且一直在对此事展开调查。
How much money you need to prepare for your pursuing the degree? 应准备多少费用可以顺利取得学位?
It just so happened that, at least for a while, everyone was pursuing the same objective: avoiding a deep recession. 这件事就是这么发生的,至少一段时间内还会持续这种情况,每个人都在追求同一个目标:避免更深的衰退。
The ethnic hatred seems to have been pushed aside and now people are pushing a common agenda and pursuing economic survival. 种族的仇恨似乎已经被抛在两边,现在人民正在推行共同的议程,追求经济上的生存。
But people familiar with the matter said that the Bear acquisition doesn't preclude J. P. Morgan from pursuing that strategy. 不过,据知情人士透露,收购贝尔斯登并不会使摩根大通放弃以前的战略。
But Air Force undersecretary for space programmes Gary Payton has said the plane programme is not pursuing "offensive capabilities" . 但负责太空计划的空军副部长加里·佩顿说,研制太空飞机计划的目的不在于追求“攻击性能”。
He made it clear that China was committed to pursuing a low-carbon economy despite the tremendous difficulties that it would face, Wu said. 胡说,温总理很清晰地表示了,无论要面对多大的困难,中国都会承诺追求低排碳经济。
Today is the only day you can begin to make a difference in your life. And pursuing your dreams is what life is all about. 就是今天,就是当下,你可以让自己的生活变得不一样,而追求你的梦想就是你生活的全部。
Social workers in the Netherlands are trying to stop a 13-year-old girl from pursuing her dream to sail around the world on her own. 荷兰社会工作者试图阻止一名13岁的小女孩实现其独自航行世界的梦想。
Pursuing peaceful development and a national defense policy which is defensive in nature, China poses no threat to any other countries. 中国坚持和平发展,奉行防御性国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。
Among artistic thought of him , have heavy person who forgive very and look for novelty aspiration of changes pursuing. 在他的艺术思想中,有着很大的包容性和求新求变的渴望。
The Times deserves kudos for pursuing such a open model rather than locking its articles up and trying to charge people for every view. 纽约时报值得人们尊敬,他们探求开放的模式而不是把文章都锁起来按查看次数收费。
Pursuing a zigzag course across the market-place, the child returned to her mother, and communicated what the mariner had said. 孩子沿着一条弯弯曲曲的路线穿过市场,回到她母亲身边,把船长的话转告给她。
A feasibility study is a detailed preliminary evaluation of your business idea to see if it is worth pursuing. 可行性研究是一个详细的初步评估您的经营理念,看看是否是值得推行。
Its morality approaches are learning to be solid in morality, pursuing the perfection and trying to be disciplined. 其主要的德育方法是学而后德、追求至善、力行戒律等。
I copied and sent him a great part of it, which set in a strong light the folly of pursuing the Muses. 我抄了一本,把大部分诗稿送给他并希望他为该书所感动,不要再愚蠢地从事于诗歌。
This has made her to start the road of pursuing her self-value in the time of misfortune. 让她在乱世中走上了寻求自我价值的道路。
Meeks said he looked for any type of encounter, seeking out unusual places and pursuing the supernatural as a pastime and passion. 米克斯说,他对所有形式的灵异遭遇都进行过寻觅。追寻灵异场所,发掘超自然事件,是他的消遣,也是爱好所在。
The frenzied final hours of negotiation had an air of farce, with heads of state pursuing one another through hallways and conference rooms. 在那场谈判的尾声,忙乱的场面活像一出闹剧,其间各国的头头脑脑在走廊与会议室间寻找彼此。
and a red bolt of light shot from his own wand, cleaving a gap between the four pursuing Death Eaters as they scattered to avoid it. 一道红光从他自己的魔杖里射出,那四个追来的食死徒急忙躲避,闪出一个空当。
He said he was just 'carrying out his responsibility' in pursuing the story. 他说,他报道此事只是履行了自己的责任。
Are we able to help ourselves and encourage others in pursuing truth, goodness and beauty by the power of religion? 我们果真能因著宗教的力量帮助自己且鼓励别人追求真善美的人生吗?
This was also the highest goal that Emily was pursuing in her life, and she thought that she was one of very few lucky ones in the world. 而这正是邓煜女士一生所追求的最高目标,她自豪地认为她是世界上为数不多的最幸运的人当中的一员。