
美 [pʊʃ]英 [pʊʃ]
  • v.推;挤;推(门等);推动(车子等)
  • n.推;推进;推力;〈口〉努力
  • 网络奋发;将推送;推数

第三人称单数:pushes 现在分词:pushing 过去式:pushed

push button,push car,push luck,push dollar,push cart


《Friends》词汇表A ... shopping n. 买东西, 购物 pushes n. , 推动, 奋发, 干劲, 进取心, 攻击 stomps n. 跺脚 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... shopping n. 买东西, 购物 pushes n. 推, 推动, 奋发, 干劲, 进取心, 攻击 stomps n. 跺脚 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... shopping n. 买东西, 购物 pushes n. 推, 推动, 奋发, 干劲, 进取心, 攻击 stomps n. 跺脚 ...


Historical intro to philosophy of science... ... pursue 追求 pushes 将推送 quantitative 定量 ...


第三十九期“鬼手杯”MF8 推箱子比赛 ... ... 步数(# Moves) 推数(# Pushes) 顺序( Order) ...


在任何时间, 都可以开启多段影片, 而像是「推移」 (pushes)、「逐 渐消失」 (fade)、「淡出」 (di ssol ve)和「水波」( wi p…



and he pushes me to a place that I never would have been able to push myself. 而他将我推入一个我从不能推动自己进入的地方。
If you're the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time life pushes you. 如果你是那种没有毅力的人,你将放弃生活对你的每一次推动。
In the case of Doyle's body, here on his treadmill, its physiology holds steady even as he pushes himself to his limit. 而在多伊尔的体内,在跑步机上,即使他达到极限,他的身体也能保持稳定。
She also can sit steadily, to the hand pushes him certainly not to be able to let him drop down, he meets own to support with the hand. 坐的时候,也能够坐得较稳,以手推他并不会让他倒下去,他会自己用手撑著。
A man in a suit pushes a case of water bottles into the kitchen of a hotel in Washington D. C. 在华盛顿的一个酒店,一个穿着西服的男人用推车推着一箱瓶装水走进了厨房。
Jack pushes her to the ground, sits on her stomach and begins punching her in the face. 杰克将安娜推倒在地上,坐在她的腹部开始击打她的脸。
Intel before this also Ceng Li pushes his digital family platform is exultant , but a few years time has gone, did not obtain ideal result. 英特尔此前也曾力推其数字家庭平台欢跃,但几年时候已经曩昔,并未获得理想的成果。
A women feels the urge to climb up there with him to give comfort and she gets a rude shock when he pushes her off! 而一个女人却有攀到岩石上安抚他的冲动,不过当男人把她推下去的时候,她感到无比震惊。
Visually the plane looks as though it is so fast it pushes through air, making air into an air ring, and it looks so beautiful. 观感上,飞机像是快得把空气冲开,把空气爆出一个气环,真的很美。
The first lady said her mother pushes her to be the best woman, mother and professional she can be, and has always been there for her. 米歇尔称,母亲努力将她培养成为最棒的女性、最好的母亲和职业女性,并一直在一旁默默地支持她。
The White House says President Barack Obama has postponed his trip to Asia to stay in Washington as he pushes for health care reform. 白宫说,美国总统欧巴马决定推迟亚洲之行,他将留在华盛顿推动医疗改革进程。
So it really pushes you to watch the whole map and always be on your guard on almost every point of the map at all times. 这将强迫你注意整个地图并一直保持你的防御卫队随时检查每一个地图上的点。
By means of a foot treadle the chain of paddles pushes water along the length of a trough to pour out at the other end. 用脚不停地踩动踏板,水就可以通过水槽流到一个高的地方。
Nobody is really sure how much QE pushes down long-term interest rates but it appears to take a lot of it to make a difference. 没人确切知道,到底多大力度的定量宽松才会压低长期利率,不过看上去,似乎要实施很大力度的定量宽松才能见到成效。
If the wind changes and pushes the slick west towards Texas's beaches, that might be manageable. 即使风向发生轻微变化,浮油向西漂到数个得州海滩,威胁也或许易于处置。
After staring at it blankly for almost a full minute, he closes his eyes and pushes the palms of his hands against his forehead. 他眼也不眨地盯着看了一分钟,然后闭上眼,拿手掌抵在额头上。
Next time you see authors doing big pushes to increase pre-orders of their book, well, now you know why. 下一次一些作家大力造势来提高他们书的预定量时候,很庆幸这会儿你就已经知道是怎么回事了。
The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tall. 鱼通过头向前运动以及身体曲线和灵活的尾巴而把水推向两侧。
When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones. 当它游泳时将无蹼的前脚收起紧靠躯体,伸出有蹼的后脚奋力推进。
soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it. 士兵甲:他向后跳去,扑到无线电上面,就像那是一个座位似的,一下子坐到它上面。
But, of course, the vectorial sum is really the force with which the surface pushes onto that object. 但是,向量和,也的确是斜面,施加在物体上的力。
The U. S. central bank in its monetary policy pushes interest rates up or down by moving money in and out of the financial system. 美联储在制定货币政策的时候,通过增加或减少金融体系中货币的数量来降低或提高利率。
Kobe Bryant's bad back might have cost the Lakers Game 4 Sunday, but in the end, it might be the thing that pushes them to a title. 科比的背伤让湖人队的第4场比赛遗憾失利,但是现在来看,也许这更能激励他们去获得总冠军。
But a show that pushes boundaries and presents the country's leaders in a less-than-positive light is bound to spark criticism . 但一个大打擦边球且以一种消极的方式呈现国家的领导人的电视节目秀势必引发批评。
He walks a few steps, and then pushes his way up to the catwalk above him. He keeps climbing until he sees the roof access. 他走了几步,然后向上爬到上一层的通道,然后不断向上直到看到屋顶的入口。
The trend could simply be part of a natural and long-term cycle that pushes wind speeds both up and down over the course of many decades. 这种趋势可能仅仅是自然的一部分和长期的循环,这种循环是在每经过数十年时间,风速会快-慢的循环一次。
As the country has no manufacturing base to speak of, most items have to be imported, which pushes prices up. 这个国家没有生产基地可言,大部分商品都需进口,从而致使物价上涨。
Within a week or two the hole is filled with new asphalt that pushes up from below. 一两周内,洞又被地下涌出的沥青填满了。
Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. 突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。
Republicans can only hope the move pushes Iraq off the front page as they turn their attention to next year's crucial elections . 共和党希望此举只能把它们作为头版对开伊拉克将目光投向明年的关键性选举。