put up

  • adj.预先商定的
  • 网络举起;张贴;搭起

第三人称单数:puts up 现在分词:putting up

put upput up

put up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸 put up 举起;安装;张贴 put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸 put up 举起;安装;张贴 put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) ...


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 72.make camp 宿营;野营 74.put up 搭起;张贴 75.at midnight 在半夜 ...


关于put的短语有那些?_百度知道 ... put together 商量 put up 举起;抬起;张开(伞) put up to 鼓动;唆使…做… ...


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... look at 看着…… 107) put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖 109) put into 使进入,输入 110) ...


考博英语词汇 ... put out 公布;播出;使熄灭,扑灭;生产;出版; put up 建起;支起;张贴,挂;修建;留宿;提出 put up w…


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... look at 看着…… 107) put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖 109) put into 使进入,输入 110) ...


英语听力经典词汇1 ... 105,put on = 排练,创作,安排 106,put up = 做,从事,进行 107,put up with = 迁就,忍受 ...

As he was leaving for the flour-mill, she put up her mouth to be kissed. He ignored the invitation, and said goodbye coldly. 他要离开到面粉厂去的时候,她凑上她的唇,等他吻她。他对她的主动表示不加理睬,只是冷冷地说了声再见。
Beijing may be able to put up with a Hsieh-led DPP but will do nothing to give it a pre-election boost with, for example, a deal on tourism. 北京可能可以忍受一个由谢长廷带领的民进党,但不会给它来一个选前的推进,例如签订旅游协议等。
Many times items are put up for sale that were never used at all, or replaced quickly by an updated or promotional test model. 更多时候,一些被陈列出来销售的产品一点也卖不掉,或者很快就被新品和促销产品所替代。
The second one was that a tall structure had been put up in downtown. 第二则新闻是一座高建筑物已在市中心竖立起来了。
Yet if a recapitalisation of a substantial number of eurozone banks were needed, some member states might be unable to put up the money. 不过,如果必须对大量欧元区银行进行资本重组,一些成员国可能也无法提供资金。
It's too delightful of you to be so nice to him, and put up with all his tiresome stories. 你对他那么好,那么耐心地听他的无聊故事真叫人高兴。
Born in San Francisco in February 1955 to a pair of unmarried graduate students, Steve was put up for adoption within a week of his birth. 1955年2月,一对未婚硕士研究生在旧金山生下了乔布斯,史蒂夫在他出生一周之内就被领养。
Tanks can fire attack each other, one's own in a game where tanks put up to three super-weapons, large-scale killing the enemy. 坦克可以开火相互攻击,己方坦克在一局游戏里最多放三次超级武器,大范围杀伤敌人。
The technical route and preconditions deducing the damage evolution law of a rock mass are put up from that of the rock sample. 提出了将此方程用于建立岩体损伤演化方程的技术路线和前提条件。
The jilted Germans called on GM to put up at least 50% of the money required under its restructuring plan. 被背弃的德国人要求通用公司根据其重组计划提供至少50%的所需资金。
You know, Put up a fight, dude. You are such a pushover. 你知道,你该跟老婆打一架,伙计。你这人太易于受人控制了。
It is now surrounded by a "green belt" , on which new buildings may be put up only with the permission of the planning authorities. 现在伦敦市由一圈“绿林带”环抱,只有经过有关规划当局的允许,才能在这上面建造新的建筑物。
My girlfriend must BE a bit of a saint to put up with me. 我的女朋友必须像个圣人才能忍受我。
These farmers often do not land in the railway side of the road, or city to find a state-of land put up a shed, it will become their home. 这些没有地的农民往往在铁路公路边,或城市里找一块国有的土地搭一个棚子,便成为自己的家。
If it's critical to your career to simply put up with the boss, try to make the best of the situation. 如果忍下去对于你的职业前途很重要,那就尽量充分地利用好当前的局势。
I don't know how much longer I can put up with these damn "public appearances" . 我不知道我还能再忍受多久这他妈的“公众形象。”
My son is alway complaining that I dump on him. He was very rude and told me to mind my own business. I cannot put up with that. 我的儿子总是抱怨我对他太挑剔了,他很不客气,让我管好自己就行了,我真是受不了。
Fans might say that players are paid enough to put up with this sort of thing, but that's a peculiar kind of morality. 球迷也许会说,球员们报酬很高,应该忍受这类事,但那是属于奇怪的道德。
Margaret shone as one of the brighter pupils in her year, and was very soon put up a form. 玛格丽特学习突出,在同年级学生中出类拔萃,很快就向上跳了一级。
Japan's voters, who are guilty of having put up with this for far too long, at last seem to have had enough. 日本选民也有责任,他们忍耐了太长时间,不过现在看来终于受够了。
The legitimate wife was expected to put up with all this, but herself to remain strictly chaste and faithful. 对于正式的妻子,则要她容忍这一切,同时还要她自己严格保持贞操和对丈夫的忠诚。
It was as if around 25km north of the Jordan border there was an invisible military zone that had been put up. 就好像在离约旦边境25公里的地方,一个无形的军事区正在建立起来。
When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just an old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along. 什么时候你想去寻幽探胜了,只要跟老约翰打个招呼,他就会为你配制一份快餐,让你随身带上。
The boat-people have been put up in tenements. 船家已被安置在了公寓里了。
Moses could no more put up with all of the troubles that the Israelites gave him in the wilderness than fly to the moon. 摩西要忍受以色列人在旷野带给他的所有麻烦,简直比登天还难。
My parents wanted me to be a doctor , but I couldn't have put up with all those years of study . 我父母亲原来想让我当医生,但是学习那么多年我可受不了。
They take just a week to put up. 搭建一所房屋只需一个星期的时间。
Even though he came into the league late, he still managed to put up solid numbers in limited minuted , due to knee injuries and his age. 尽管他进入联盟比较晚,但他仍然在有限的时间里提供了稳定的数据统计,这还是基于他的膝伤和他的年龄的基础上。
It drove her father to a pitch of exasperation. He had had to put up with this all his life, from her. 这使她的父亲陷入了恼怒之中,他一生中一直不得不迁就她的这种脾气。
When owners ask where a cherished piano is going, he said, he tries to avoid the subject or tells them it will be put up for adoption. 他说,钢琴的主人们有时会问起曾经珍爱的钢琴会去往什么地方,他总是尽量转移话题,或者告诉他们,有人会认领它。