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  • 网络乾;钱会计;上海



金字旁|金字旁的字|金字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 钼" mu4" " qian2" 钺" yue4" ...

乾(干)与qian)是同体异音字。干为什麽要与 乾同体呢?


在规划active... ... qian( 钱会计) 读 sun( 孙出纳) 读 ...


Booking.com 缤客: 99老城精品旅馆,... ... Jiasheng 广州, 中国 Qian 上海, 中国 Jing 广东省深圳市, 中国 ...


四维世景六城巡展用户大会 ... 唐兆海 zhaohai.tangsiweidg.com 王 倩 qian.wangsiweidg.com 王 沛 pei.wangsiweidg.com ...


参与《中国文化产业学术年鉴》前期资料整理工作... ... 刘晓玲 Xiaoling Liu 杨谦 Qian Yang 陈东 Dong Chen ...


Queena的精油世界_南京时尚论坛_西祠胡同 ... 晴朗四月 tiantian 亲艾的 qian (350字) missjudy ...

If it is not money, perhaps I would choose to Tao Qian's life, if not find it a pleasure to see the mountain, I can wine, then Sangma! 如果不是金钱,或许我会选择陶潜的生活,即使没有悠然见南山,我也可以把酒话桑麻!
The PSB stressed that Qian was no longer in office at the time of his death. 公安局强调,钱死的时候已经不是村长了。
Chapter 4 proves Xiao Qian is competent enough to be a good writer-cum-translator and has his own understanding of translation. 第四章首先证实萧乾具备作为一名合格变译译者的条件,并分析其翻译原则和态度。
about in the gate two sides are exhibiting the clear Qian Longyear the fine quantity and said the sundial (free opens to tourist). 阙左右门内两侧陈列着清乾隆年间嘉量和曰晷(均免费向游人开放)。
Qian Mingkun, you know your sence of humor is growing stronger and stronger over time, I find a little bit in love with you now, no kidding. 老钱,你越来越有幽默感了,感觉自己都有点爱上你了哦,真事儿!
"It was the stupidest thing this country ever did, " said Undersecretary of the Navy Dan Kimball, who tried to keep Qian in the U. “这是这个国家做过的最蠢的事,”海军副司令金贝尔说,他企图把钱留下。
Perhaps, in a number of years ago, Qian has also been the East so the sky Staring at it! 或许,在若干年前,钱学森也曾如此凝望过东方的天空吧!
On a recent Tuesday at IKEA Mr. Qian was excited to get the number of a woman he referred to as a 'nice lady. ' 最近的一个周二,钱先生在宜家要到了一位女士的电话,他很激动,称那位女士“人不错”。
Qian was convinced that, as a staunch member of the CPC, his suggestions were all out of consideration for the party. 钱三强自认为自己就是一位忠诚的共产党员,是在为改进党风献计献策,纯属善意。
5th, if you cannot help on me, I hope you to be able Qian Da in mine wages, if perhaps the wages were too low I not to be able to help you. 如果你不能帮我上,我希望你能把钱打在我的工资里,如果工资太低我恐怕帮不了你了。口语点,谢谢啦。
Qian Zhongshu defines marriage as a besieged city into which the outsiders desire to go and out of which the insiders attempt to come. 钱锺书把婚姻界定为一座围城,城外的人想进去而城里的人想出来。
Zhang Qian was captured by the Huns just as he left Han territory, and was held prisoner for a dozen years. 没想到刚出边境,张骞就被匈奴抓住了。在被扣留期间,他学会了匈奴语,掌握了匈奴的地形。
Liu Qian: Yes, I just do not understand why such a false news rumor would be believed, also the media spread? 魔术师刘谦:知道了,我就是不理解,为什么这样的假新闻传闻,会被人相信,还被媒体传播?
The Jiangxi bomber, Mr. Qian, made reference to an attack he said recently took place in Wuhan. 钱明奇提到过一次袭击,据他说发生在武汉,时间就在最近。
Officials and police officers in Wenzhou, the coastal area where Qian died, said it had been an accident. 钱死亡地区温州的政府官员及警方人员称(钱死亡)事件只是一场交通事故。
Qian Ye Hong developed a detailed plan, a few months to their own abortion, the only assistant can only be cold Bangladesh. 钱叶红制定了一个周密的计划,几个月后自己给自己做流产手术,唯一的助手只能是孟寒。
Text together responds to come over right away, that person takes Qian son, just for leading him to take the bait, but the body of Qian son? 文齐马上反应过来,那个人带走芊儿,只是为了引他上钩,可是芊儿的身体呢?
Qian Jing and her fellow students had a good idea. They decided to videotape the last days of their university life. 钱静和同学们终于想出了一种好办法,决定用摄像机来记录大学生活最后的日日夜夜。
Though Qian Ao made an apology to him for that, the man still resolutely refused to eat the food and thus he died of hunger in the end. 尽管黔敖向他道歉,那人仍然坚决不吃,终于饿死了。
Zhou Yu accepted the gifts and sent Sun Qian back ahead of him. 瑜收了礼物,发付孙乾先回。
In a late-night press conference Wednesday, officials reiterated that Qian was a victim of a traffic accident, not a murder. 在周三深夜的新闻发布会上,官方重申钱云会是一起交通事故的受害者,而不是死于谋杀。
I believe that the shop cannot go, Shui Qian did not have the big fish, the water depth to have the dragon. 个人认为,小店不能去,水浅了没有大鱼,水深则有龙。
Though Sima Qian was very distressed , he took great pains to write with strong will and completed the great historic book Shi Ji. 司马迁非常痛苦,但他凭着坚强的意志,发奋著书,终于完成了《史记》这部伟大的历史著作。
Four people including Qian himself were sentenced to 18 months in jail, with a two-year reprieve, said the comment. 包括钱自己的四民村民被判处18个月的监禁,缓刑两年。
Spring Festival evening party need not I said, let's see the "little shenyang" "liu qian" popularity to know. 春节晚会不用我说了吧,看看“小沈阳”“刘谦”的人气就知道了。
On the question of Taiwan, Qian stressed that this question is the most important and sensitive core question in China-US relations. 关于台湾问题,钱其琛强调,台湾问题是中美关系中最重要、最敏感的核心问题。
During Xiao Qian "s novel creation, the recollection of the childhood life nearly becomes the main origin for the theme of his novels. " 在萧乾的小说创作中,有关童年生活的回忆几乎成为他小说母题的主要来源。
Dr. Qian is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him. 钱博士是位著名的科学家,但对文学却一窍不通。
Due to an accident, White Fang unfortunately fell into a group of gambling fights for rogue hands, became their shaking Qian Shu. 由于一次意外,白牙不幸落入了一伙以赌博斗狗为生的流氓的手中,成了他们的摇钱树。
Linna surprised to see a chimera: your boss Qian enough, would like to earn a little extra money? 林娜惊异的看着望月:老板给你的钱还不够,还想挣外快?