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多音字_百度文库 ... 号叫 看见 看门 等待 着色 待一会 3、着: zhāo 教室 教学 13、quān 13、 结果 9、喳: chā ...

Later, it had scheduled for this day for the Dragon Boat Festival, to take the form of dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan. 以后,人们就把这一天定为端午节,以吃粽子的形式来纪念屈原。
The ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan is still remembered today, both for the love of his country and for his beautiful poems. 人们至今还在纪念中国古代诗人屈原,即因对祖国的热爱,也为他的美文华章。
Wan Qu Qu spoilage go along analyses , study , discuss the main body of a book mainly, be used for out a summary then. 本文主要就弯曲曲损耗进行分析、研究、讨论,进而做出总结。
This commemorates the death of a national hero, Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in protest against a corrupt government. 它是为了纪念屈原为反抗腐败的统治投江自尽而形成的传统节日。
The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's body. 当地人知道他的事迹后,决定把食物抛进河里喂鱼,以免它们吃掉屈原的尸体。
With Qu Road turn obstacles, the driver must be alert at all times did not dare take it lightly. 有了弯道曲道的阻碍,司机须时时警醒不敢掉以轻心。
With a comparable aesthetics, the theatrical presentation of Qu's sculptures carries out a similar narrative logic to these bronzes . 瞿广慈作品中的舞台特色可对应于铜器的叙事系统,且在造形上显示出相通的美感;
"The PBOC [is] fully aware of the global situation . . . but from the political point of view they have to be very careful, " Mr Qu said. “中国央行完全清楚全球形势……但从政治角度出发,他们必须十分谨慎,”屈宏斌表示。
Sources who know Mr Qu well said he was close to both officials, especially because Titan Sports was registered under the authority. 了解瞿先生的知情人表示,瞿与上述两名官员的关系非常密切,特别因为《体坛周报》是在该局名下注册的。
Qu Hongbin, China chief economist at HSBC, said the "upbeat reading" implied the growth slowdown seen in previous months was decelerating. 汇丰银行首席中国经济学家屈宏斌表示,“乐观的读数”意味着前几个月出现的增长放缓势头正逐步减弱。
Qu Yuan was a minister of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period and one of China's earliest poets. 战国时期,屈原(公元前340—278年)出任楚国的大夫,是中国诗歌的先驱之一。
In the long life of exile, Qu Yuan did not. 在长期的流放生活中,屈原没有屈服。
Just as well if you use cosmetics pouch ultrasonic Qu, cosmetics good expensive, demand a lifetime, the key is also regardless of use. 你用化装品还不如用超声法佉眼袋,化装品好贵啊,需求用一辈子,关键是还不论用。
"A pick up in new orders means that domestic demand is still strong, " Mr Qu said. “新订单数量的回升表明国内需求依然强劲。”
dumplings delicious, but be careful; food processing, people vomiting see that this is the Qu Yuan was poisoned! 粽子好吃,但要小心;食品加工,让人呕吐;要看证明,屈原就是这样被毒死的!
HSBC economist Qu Hongbin said the reading confirmed that 'China is moderating rather than melting down. ' 汇丰银行(HSBC)经济学家屈宏斌说,PMI指数证实,中国经济正转趋温和,而不是快要完蛋。
Even so, Qu believes China's recent moves will raise the yuan to be among the top three currencies in global trade. 曲红兵相信,中国最近的动作将使人民币成为国际贸易中三大货币之一。
Qu Qiu bai was an early leader of Chinese Communist Party as well as an emotional poet. 瞿秋白既是中国共产党早期的无产阶级革命家,又是一位才气横溢、感情丰富的诗人。
Mr Qu's absence has not disrupted the normal operation of the group's publications, but it has added uncertainty to the sports media group. 瞿先生的缺席并不会打乱集团旗下出版物的正常运作,但会为这家体育媒体集团平添不安。
Or that Qu and Wu were not especially rich or well connected: Qu's father is a manager at an insurance company, his mother a teacher. 瞿銘和吴颖也并不出生于特别富裕的家庭,没有什么很好的社会关系:瞿銘的父亲是一家保险公司的经理,他的母亲是个老师。
Qu Yuan's mind is the fate of the country and repeated after exclusion of the left in the bank that painful inquiry strings. 命运就是屈原一心报国而屡遭排挤后遗留在汩罗江畔的那一串串沉痛的叩问。
The company is situated in Zhejiang important industrial, trade, tourist city of Taizhou Luqiao Qu, location and convenient transportation. 公司地处浙江省重要的工业、商贸、旅游城市台州市路桥区,地理位置优越,交通便利。
In 1980, it was listed into the state sports competition programs and has since been held every year. The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup. " 1980年,赛龙舟被列入中国国家体育比赛项目,并每年举行“屈原杯”龙舟赛。
That's because Qu decided to return to campus a few days before the semester began. 因为他决定在新学期开始前几天返校。
I must forever rest down in here, is weary of the world from my this every qu on to work loose the misfortune the fetter. 我要在这儿永远安息下来,从我这厌倦人世的凡躯上挣脱厄运的束缚。
Reports said the factory claimed that Mr. Zeng had founded a beggars' adoption agency in Qu county. 报道说,该工厂称曾令全曾在渠县成立了一个乞丐收养所。
The Design using by "road endless its long and far, I will seek up and down" the Qu Yuan culture and names as the subject. 设计以“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的屈原文化为主题并命名。
At least, says Qu Hongbin, of HSBC bank, inflation is moderating, increasing the scope for stimulatory policies. 汇丰银行(HSBC)的屈宏斌表示,最起码通胀正在减缓,这扩大了实施刺激政策的空间。
Qu Yuan as the first great patriotic poet of the Chinese nation, his works and personality of the generations have had a profound impact. 屈原作为中华民族第一位伟大的爱国诗人,他的作品以及人格对后世产生了深远的影响。
Later, the new king lost a battle because he did not take Qu Yuan's advice. The country was in danger. 后来,由于新皇没有采纳屈原的建议导致一场战争的失败,国家处于危亡的境界。