qualify for

  • 网络有…资格;使具有…的资格;有资格充任

qualify forqualify for

qualify for


MBA 词汇加词组8_点石成金_新浪博客 ... put up with 忍受,容忍 qualify for 有资格,合格 quite a few 不少,相当多的 ...


英语一到四级单词_百度知道 ... pursuit n. 追求 【考】 qualify for sth. 使具有…的资格 【派】 qualification n. 资格,条件; ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(Q) ... qualifier 合格的人 qualify for 有资格充任 qualify 具有资格 ...


新东方内部资料:四级高频词组... ... (lent/lent) 借给 ~ (使)胜任,(使)具有资格 【考】 qualify for sth. 资格,条件;90 submit …


备战2012年秋季MBA英语,词汇学习策略_百度文库 ... head for = leave for 走向 qualify for 有资格做 substitute…for 用…代替 ...


最新研究吃全麦馒头可以预防心脏病... ... meal (谷类的)粗粉 qualify for 使有资格 soluble 可溶解的 ...


《疯狂英语2003合集全部文本》(二) ... ) associated a. 联合的,有关联的 ) qualify for 使合格,有……的资格 ) confidence n. …

Our objectives are the Coppa Italia and at least the fourth place in the league to qualify for the Champions League. 我们的目标是意大利杯和至少联赛第四名的位置以便得到冠军联赛的参赛资格。
It's unbearable to think England may not qualify for Euro 2008, so we have got to make sure that we win our remaining qualifying games. 英格兰没有得到参加2008年欧洲杯资格将是无法忍受的,所以我们必须确保我们赢下我们剩下的资格赛比赛。
Businesses and households would have to waste less effort trying to qualify for tax breaks. 企业和家庭将会花费较少的努力去争取减税优惠资格。
There is no other position in the company for which either man is qualified, and neither is old enough to qualify for retirement. 在公司中没有其他任何一个岗位可以适合他们中的任意一人,并且他们谁也没有到达可以退休的年龄。
You all know how much we want to qualify for the Champions League without the preliminary round. 你们都知道,米兰不希望打附加赛,而直接进入冠军联赛。
It would be a massive disappointment (not to qualify for the next round), but we just look from one game to another. 如果无法晋级下轮我们将很失望,但我们现在只关注这场比赛。
Kolarov is currently involved in trying to help Serbia qualify for the knockout stage of the World Cup. 科拉罗夫现在正在努力帮助塞尔维亚队从世界杯小组赛中出线。
Do I qualify for a rebate and how much can I expect? 我有资格获得退税么?我能够享受多少?
Her intense wish was to qualify for the Indian police force so she could specialize in enforcement of the child marriage prohibition law. 她的强烈愿望是取得印度警员资格,这样她就可以专门致力于废除童婚法律的执行了。
He said the status quo enticed people to enter the country illegally and have children to qualify for U. S. benefits. 他说,这样的现状激励人们非法进入美国,并在美生儿育女以享受美国福利。
We were probably the only couple ever to qualify for a world championship and withdraw without one of us dying. 我们可能是史上第一对打进世界冠军赛,却又在双方都没有生命垂危的情况下决定退出的搭档了。
He failed to qualify for service as one of the Emperor's select agents, but the Inquisitors forged him to be a weapon for their own using. 他没有获得皇帝精选特工的资格,但裁判官们将他打造成一件武器,为他们所用。
"This does not mean that under the rule, all home buyers would have to meet these high standards to qualify for a mortgage, " she said. 这不意味着所有房屋购买者都必须满足这些高标准才能获得抵押贷款。
Beijing Guoan contested the group stage of the ACL this year and are in a strong position to qualify for the tournament for a second time. 北京国安队有争议的小组赛阶段的ACL,今年正处于强有力的地位,以资格赛第二次。
To qualify for the money, it must be certified as 'economically viable' by the U. S. government, a step that could happen within weeks. 为了满足贷款申请资格,通用汽车必须被美国政府认可为“经济上可以存续”的公司,这个过程有望在接下来的几周内进行。
Two years ago Brazil also hired a Canadian coach for its men's team, although it did not qualify for this year's Olympics. 两年前,巴西也聘请了一名加拿大教练执教冰壶男队,但没有获得参加本届冬奥会的资格。
At least Rooney, perhaps in a less war-weary condition, will be back in England's colours in an attempt to qualify for 2014. 总之,备战或许不周的鲁尼还可以为2014年身披英格兰战袍奋斗。
We will be happy to review with you on a regular basis to see if you would qualify for a revenue share. 我们会很乐意去活期反省你看你能否有资历失掉一个收入共享(股份)。
Utility executives say they do not know of a plant that would qualify for an Energy Department grant as the project is now structured. 公司的执行官说,他们不知道尽管现在项目已经组织好了,一个工厂还要获取能源部的资格认证。
Some energy-intensive products for export no longer qualify for special tax breaks in an attempt to encourage energy efficiency. 为鼓励提高能源利用率,一些用于出口的资源密集型产品不再享受减免税待遇。
She didn't qualify for unemployment benefits and goes to the Goodwill Job Center in Austin, Texas, a few times a week for computer classes. 杰里.牛顿不符合领取失业救济金的条件,此外她还得每周去几次奥斯丁市的亲善工作中心进行电脑课程的培训。
Swap dealers used to be able to qualify for exemptions to hedge their risk after they wrote a swap. 掉期交易商过去可以在签订了掉期合约后争取免税资格来规避风险。
Make sure you take advantage of good-driver, nonsmoking and any other special discounts you may qualify for. 充分利用良好驾驶记录、不吸烟和其他你可能符合的特殊优惠。
you only need to fill out a form to qualify for the membership, the membership allows you enjoy many discounts for your purchases. 你只需填一张表格就获得啦会员资历,它能够使你在买工具时…
If you come up with the goods to qualify for a promotion or land new business for the company, accept your good fortune. 如果你符合了晋升的条件或者为公司谈了一笔新生意,那就坦然接受你的好运吧。
Housing assistance is not an entitlement, and only a small fraction of those who qualify for it actually receive it. 住房补贴算不上一种福利,只有一小部分符合资格的人真正接受了这种补贴。
Homeowners fell behind on their loans and could not qualify for new ones: There was no value left in their house to borrow against. 房屋主人拖欠还款并且不能够再次获得借贷:他们的房子已经没有剩余的价值来再次获得贷款。
The only countries that have chosen to stay out even though they would instantly qualify for membership are Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. 只有冰岛、挪威和瑞士选择不与欧盟沾边,即使他们即刻就能有资格成为会员。
The husband wanted her to incorporate to reduce their income, thereby allowing the son to qualify for more aid. 因此丈夫希望妻子可以将他们的公司合并,减少收入,使孩子就可以得到更多的财政支持。
The Japanese government is exploring what economic changes Japan would have to make to lower tariffs enough to qualify for membership. 日本政府正在考虑本国要作出什么样的经济调整,才能把关税降至符合成员国的标准。