
美 [ˈkwɔtər]英 [ˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)]
  • n.季度;一刻钟;宿舍;四等份之一
  • v.把…切成(或分成)四部分;给…提供食宿
  • 网络四分之一;宽大;宽恕

复数:quarters 现在分词:quartering 过去式:quartered

residential quarter,previous quarter,final quarter,past quarter,same quarter
report quarter,expect quarter,come quarter


n. v.

四分之一1 of 4 parts

1.[c]四等份之一one of four equal parts of sth

15 分钟15 minutes

2.[c](正点之前或之后的) 15 分钟,一刻钟a period of 15 minutes either before or after every hour

城区part of town

4.[c][ususing]城镇的区(或一部分)a district or part of a town


5.[c](尤指能提供帮助、信息或作出反应的)个人,群体a person or group of people, especially as a source of help, information or a reaction

住房rooms to live in

7.[pl](供士兵、服务人员居住的)营房,宿舍,住房rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live in

月亮of moon

8.[c]半圆的月相;上弦(或下弦)月the period of time twice a month when we can see a quarter of the moon


12.[u](对掌控中的敌人或对手的)慈悲,同情pity that sb shows towards an enemy or opponent who is in their power


AE中英文对照 ... Third → 三分之一 Quarter四分之一 Custom.... → 自定义 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 376 half n 半,一半 377 quarter n 一刻钟,四分之一 378 for prep 为,给 ...


我的博客 - 自由虎啸 - 网易博客 ... H——heart( 心) Q——quarter( 宽大) B——belief( 信任) ...


SAP字典 - MBA智库文档 ... quarantined warehouse 待验仓库 quarter 季度,四分之一 quarterly forecasts 季度预测 ...


爱的宣言(2) _ 人生指南成功励志网 ... P - Protect( 保护) Q - Quarter宽恕) R - Receive( 接收) ...


夸特quarter)是英国重量单位,英国容积单位,美国重量单位等。编辑摘要 目录 [隐藏 ] 1 夸特 2 其他 夸特 - 夸特 夸特 - 其 …

Will you make a schedule for a week, a month, a quarter or even a year? 你会为一周一月一季乃至一年做一个计划表吗?
Mr Parkes said the second-quarter US earnings season would be important in determining whether the rally continued. 帕克斯说,美国第二季财报对于决定反弹是否会继续非常重要。
She disputed with me a quarter of an hour yesterday about the cooking of the beef, she said I boiled it to rags. 昨天为了烧牛肉,她同我吵了一刻钟,说我烧得太烂。
The company declined to provide a first-quarter profit forecast or guidance for the rest of the year, citing the uncertain economy. 公司以经济形势不确定为由,拒绝对第一季度利润和整个财年的营收做出预测。
"But going into next year, China will outstrip the U. S. market continuously. China is going to be larger every quarter. " “不过进入明年,中国仍会持续超越美国市场,且每个季度都会持续增长。”
Do not know from when campus of the quarter, up very popular worshipping foreign powers personage of welcome. 不知从什么时候校园里兴起了过洋节,极受崇洋媚外人士的欢迎。
Indeed, some had been hoping for a modest decline in the first quarter to take some of the heat out of the market. 事实上,一些人曾经希望中国股市在第一季度小幅下跌,以便为市场降降温。
The company also said it had moved into positive cash flow of $1. 3bn during the quarter, having burned through $4. 7bn in the first half. 该公司还表示,在上半年花去47亿美元后,该季度其正向现金流已达13亿美元。
Even when managers do get away, one-quarter check e-mails and voicemail messages, and 13 per cent call the office at least once a week. 即使经理人真的去度假,其中也有四分之一要查阅电子邮件和语音留言,还有13%的人至少每周要给办公室打一次电话。
The timing is unclear, but economists estimate that up to $100bn of that target could have been shifted to CIC in the first quarter. 具体时间尚不确定,但经济学家估计,其中多达1000亿美元可能已于第一季度转到中投。中投的资本金总额为2000亿美元。
Goldman doesn't actually have to pay those dollars until the fourth quarter, but the expenses estimate how much Goldman expects to pay. 实际上高盛在第四季度前不会发放这笔钱,但这项费用能够估算出高盛预计将支付的金额。
We understand that's been a point of strength for them so it's up to us to be better in the fourth quarter. 我们很强调这一点,我们理解在关键时刻他们的实力,所以取决于我们在第四节如何做的更好。
A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty different spots in Paris at once. 不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事
The peak of the total amount of bacteria in the air of Huangshi is in the shopping-traffic-mixed quarter in autumn and spring. 黄石市空气微生物菌落数的高峰出现在商业交通混合区的秋季和春季。
I had been taken back to my room after surgery, one-quarter awake and feeling as if I had just tumbled over Niagara Falls in a barrel. 术后我被推回房间,大概只清醒了四分之一,感觉我想是被装在一只桶里在尼亚加拉大瀑布上翻滚。
The young dreamers in shows like "The X-Factor" commonly perform songs that are more than a quarter of a century old. X-Factor这样的节目中那些怀抱梦想的年轻人所表演的歌曲,往往已经有了四分之一个世纪那么久的历史。
Sometimes a business might be better off spending a quarter or a year not growing but simply consolidating existing business. 有时候,用一个季度或一年的时间巩固现有业务,这比扩张对企业更有意义。
Chen counsel believes that the right to ask Miss quarter of the home stores to replace or refund the new bedding bedding section 298 yuan. 陈律师认为,季小姐有权要求该家居店更换新床上用品或退还床上用品款298元。
A quarter of a million children could die next year due to the effects of climate change, Save the Children warned today. “拯救儿童”今天警告说,由于气候变化的影响,明年可能会死亡二十五万名儿童。
In many European countries workers bow out earlier and can look forward to drawing their pensions for up to a quarter of a century. 许多欧洲国家的工作者们提前退休,期待着运气好的话能拿到25年的退休金。
Howard Webb, the English referee retained by Fifa for the quarter-finals, said he would be open to the introduction of goalline technology. 继续留在国际足联世界杯上执法四分之一决赛的霍华德·韦伯说,他赞同国际足联引进门线技术的做法。
Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. 突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。
Carlo Ancelotti has tried to stay out of the matter and focus on Thursday's Coppa Italia quarter-final. 卡尔洛·安切洛蒂试图置身事外,全力以赴周四意大利杯的四分之一决赛。
I've sold more goods this last quarter than any other man of our house on the road. 这一季度我卖出去的货比我们商号任何一个旅行推销员卖出的都多。
We see it in the faces of the quarter million Thai children forced to drop out of school this year to help support their families. 我们在二十五万被迫辍学以帮补家庭的泰国孩子的脸上看到了这种打击;
Apple saw a limited impact in the quarter on supply or component pricing from the disaster and said it did not see any unsolvable problems. 苹果表示,日本灾难对3月当季供应或零部件定价的影响有限,不存在解决不了的问题。
The bank maintained that its first-quarter performance so far is "solidly profitable" and capital is "strong" . 该行坚持认为,其第一季度业绩迄今为止肯定“百分之百实现赢利”和资本很“雄厚”。
The Mac was one of the few products that failed to live up to expectations in the June quarter (Apple's fiscal Q3). 6月份当季,即苹果公司(Apple)的第三财季,Mac是少数销量没有达到预期的产品之一。
With a Vuitton coin pouch, you know where your coins are thus you wouldn't have to flip your bag upside down looking for a quarter. 用硬币袋威登的话,你知道去哪里你的硬币是这样,你就不会翻你的袋子颠倒过来找一个季度。
Go take a look at the performance of her first quarter of this year, you will suddenly see the light, the wave of the necessary adjustments. 再去看看她今年一季度业绩,你就会豁然开朗,这一波调整之必要。