
美 [kwɪk]英 [kwɪk]
  • adj.快的;迅速的;短暂的;敏捷的
  • adv.迅速地;快速地;…敏捷的;…迅速的
  • n.(指甲下的)活肉
  • 网络最快捷的;最快速;最快的

比较级:quicker 最高级:quickest

quick way,quick recovery,quick decision,quick change,quick succession


1.快的;迅速的;短暂的done with speed; taking or lasting a short time

2.敏捷的;迅速的moving or doing sth fast

3.[obn]迅速的;立竿见影的happening very soon or without delay


to have a quick temper

性子急;容易发脾气to become angry easily

quick and dirty

权宜处理;机动安排used to describe sth that is usually complicated, but is being done quickly and simply in this case


新浪教育_新浪网 ... 3、vocabulary n. 词汇 1、quickest adj. 最快捷的 2、change v. 变化 ...


ftp isu edu tw - 义守大学档案伺服器_馆档网 ... quick 快的 quickest 最快速 quickfile 快速档 ...


Flashcards about 托福词汇-24 ... geochemical 地球化学的 quickest 最快的 overgrow 长满 ...

It was a little obtuse trying to find the answers so I thought, well, that's the quickest way to give information. 为了试图获得解答,虽然这麽做有点愚蠢,我想管它的,最起码这是最快速可以获得相关资讯的方法了。
quickest way to get a hold of you? And, finally, don't forget to triple check the addresses and digits for your website, phone etc. 最快可能联系到你的方式是什么?最后,不要忘了多次检查你的地址信息和网站、电话等的数字正确与否。
People come from all over the country to see who can shuck two-dozen oysters the quickest and the best. 全国各地的人们会前来观看谁能在最短的时间内,完美的剥下两打牡蛎。
This is the quickest way, in case as if it works well, then you can pick up the goods today. 这是最快有解决方法,如果顺利的话,你们今天就可以提货。
The quickest person is not the most perfect person, he was only full uses him to be able to grasp in the hand. 最快乐的人不是最完美的人,他们只是充分的利用了他们所能握在手中的。
One of the simplest and quickest ways to turn a negative and sour mood into a more positive one is to be grateful. 一个将消极、愁眉苦脸的心境转变为积极的心态的最为简单并快速的方法就是感激。
Beijing has plenty of choices if it wants to ease policy. The quickest-acting option would be to let banks lend more briskly. 中国在实行宽松政策上有充足的选择.见效最快的将是允许银行迅速扩大信贷规模。
Horton said a guilty plea was "the quickest way to get out of the system" . 霍顿称认罪是“最快摆脱这套体系的办法”。
The rule is to take the flashcard as a hot potato and pass it around very quickly while crying out the word, the quickest team will win. 玩法是把卡片当成烫手的土豆,一张张很快地传下去,边传边喊出那张卡片的单词,最后看哪个组完成得最快。
An acquisition is often the quickest (and sometimes the only) way to gain a foothold in a country. 要在某一国获得立足点,收购通常是最快捷(有时也是唯一)的方法。
They seemed anxious to get out of the sight of the houses and of their kind, and this road appeared to offer the quickest means of doing so. 他们似乎要急于避开挡住他们视线的那些房屋和诸如此类的建筑,而从这条大路走似乎为他们提供了一条最快的捷径。
There's no doubt at all that losing pounds is the surefire quickest way to help you climb harder. 减轻体重,毋庸置疑是帮助你爬的更好更快的捷径。
Gil is a basketball player. Robbing him of that joy, a thief in the form of a knee injury has been the quickest way to eliminate that smile. 阿里纳斯是一个职业篮球运动员。讨厌的膝伤就像一个盗贼一样无情地抢夺了他的快乐,而且还用最快的方法让微笑从他的脸上消失。
So we want to carry on a reorganization with quickest speed completion I last time once spoke of with you at the mailbox of the item. 所以我们要进行重组以最快的速度完成我上次在邮箱跟你提到过的那个项目。
Scripting-wise it was one of the quickest missions to build. 聪明的使用脚本能让你用最快的速度完成关卡建设。
On the job, the person who can figure things out the quickest is often celebrated. 工作中,那些能最快指出事物缺点的人通常是最值得庆贺的。
I am going with the cheapest and quickest, like i said if you already have a program like this i will except that as well after i test it. 我将与最便宜,最快,就像我说,如果你已经有了一个这样的我将只是在我的测试,以及它的方案。
One of the quickest ways to burn out in education is to refuse to embrace change. 对教育失去热情的最佳办法便是拒绝接纳改变。
Psychologists have shown the quickest way for a woman to gain a man's interest is by gently touching his arm, the Daily Mail reports. 心理学家说,女人引起男人兴趣最迅速的方式是轻轻碰触他的手臂。
The quickest way to do that is to act like the developed-economy companies with which those partners are already accustomed to dealing. 最有效的一种办法是像那些发达经济体的公司一样行事,因为这些合作伙伴早已习惯了跟这些公司打交道。
And, in the process, I've found what I would consider to be the best, quickest, and easiest ways to manage AIX networking. 另外,在这个过程中,我找到了最好、最快和最简便的AIX连网管理方法。
Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant. 感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法。
And it's going to be quickest because you're not forever waiting to turn across the traffic. 而且这将是最快的,因为你不用永远等这穿过交通。
The sponsor wants the master of ceremonies to invite members of the audience to see who can swallow a cup of yoghurt quickest. 赞助者想让主持人邀请观众上台参加比赛,看谁能够在最短的时间内喝下一杯酸奶。
But the quickest way to help would be funding, he said. 但是最快速的提供帮助的途径就是拨款,他说。
Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. . 解酒:一个最快治愈酒醉后遗症的方法是香蕉奶昔,可加蜂蜜增甜。
She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother's, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. 她具有她哥哥那样的天赋,对文字的音乐旋律表现出敏捷超群的想象力,并同样钟情于剧院的演出。
Perhaps the quickest check to see whether command line editing is supported is typing Control-P to the first Python prompt you get. 要查看是否支持命令行编辑,也许最快的方法是在您看到的第一行Python提示符后输入Control-P。
These two types of retrievals are the quickest , as no additional data structures have to be built . 这两种检索类型是最快的,因为它们不需要构建额外的数据结构。
Eye contact should last exactly 0. 28 seconds. The quickest glance is the most effective. Treat us like the sun during a solar eclipse. 眼神交流应该持续恰好0.28秒。最快的一瞥是最有效果的。把我们当做日食时的太阳来对待吧。