
美 [ræk]英 [ræk]
  • n.架子;支架;(旧时的)拉肢刑具;(羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊肉
  • v.使痛苦不堪;使受折磨
  • 网络机架;齿条;行李架

复数:racks 现在分词:racking 过去式:racked

magazine rack
rack brain


n. v.

1.支架;架子a piece of equipment, usually made of metal or wooden bars, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on


go to rack and ruin

变得一团糟to get into a bad condition

off the rack

成品的;现成的made to a standard average size and not made especially to fit you

on the rack

倍感压力;焦虑万分;痛苦不堪feeling extreme pressure, anxiety or pain


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... plate 衬板 rack 机架 rapping rod 起模杆 ...


锁具_百度百科 ... 4.5.2 底板 base plate 4.5.3 齿条 rack 4.5.4 弹簧闸 spring loaded stop ...


浅谈初中英语名词复数形式的几种特例 ... )rainbow“ 彩虹”; )rack行李架,隔板”; )ribbon“ 丝带,锻”,均不符合题意。 ...


首页-Jedi 杰迪骑行生活馆-淘宝网 ... 脚踏 Pedals 货架 儿童座椅 Rack 挡泥板 支脚 Mud Fender ...


由於机架式Rack)的效果器单价较高,携带上也比较麻烦一些,因此对於初入门的人来说,地板式(Floor Set)与单颗式(P…


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... tap: 轻敲, 轻拍 rack: 架子 more: 再 ...


折字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 折门〖 foldingdoor〗 折磨〖 torment;rack;torture〗 折杀〖 notdeserveit〗 ...

Colloids, gels, bubbles, boiling and cooling are just a few of the long list of areas astronauts will study using the fluids rack. 胶质,凝胶,气泡,沸腾和冷却,这些只是宇航员通过这个实验台所要学习的部分领域。
There was a pickup truck with a gun rack in the front yard, standard equipment for mountain men. 在前院的敞蓬小货车上有一个枪架,这是山里人标准的设备。
With all of the expenses associated with going to college, it can be very easy to rack up a lot of credit card debt. 加上和上大学相关的所有费用,大量的信用卡债务很容易就会被构架起来。
Jose Calderon made one of Toronto's nine turnovers in the period. Iman Shumpert would cut to the rack for a dunk, making it a 3-point game. 何塞•卡尔德隆制造了这段时间多伦多九个失误中的一个。伊曼•香珀特用一个灌篮缩小比分,将比分变成3分。
When it has cooled enough to firm up, remove from the tin and peel off the parchment paper. Leave on a wire cooling rack to cool completely. 当冷却到足够硬了,就可以从烤盘中取出、剥掉烤盘纸,放在一个架子上直到完全冷却。
Barclays said it had taken hits in areas such as Spain and the Middle East, while HSBC continued to rack up impairments in its U. 巴克莱集团说,它在西班牙和中东等地区的业务遭受了打击。
There was a massive dvd rack on the side and I began to sift through Jared's enormous dvd collection. 有一个庞大的DVD架在旁边,我开始筛选Jared的巨大DVD收藏。供述中,约翰塔克??
Up to seven of these modular units plug into a bookshelf-style card rack. 每个机架式插件板导轨最多可安装7个此模块装置。
The opening and closing angel of the cantilevers of the clothes rack can be regulated by a knob at the lower end of a hook. 此款衣架可以通过挂钩下端的旋钮调整悬臂的开合角度。
No, of course not. I just don't want you to have to rack your brain to think of the perfect gift, that's all. 不,当然不是。我只是不想让你为了送我完美的礼物而绞尽脑汁,仅此而已。
Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand. 浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。
We either uncomfortably hang our belongings on a public coat rack, or across the back of our chair for the world to see. 也只好不情不愿地把我们的东西挂在公用的衣架上,或是系在所有人都能看见的椅背上。
And our conference rooms look like a rack, but it was really all about sort of encouraging the spirit of the team. 后来我们的会议室,看起来很傻,但这都是为了提高团队的积极性。
Today, I was at Walmart just looking around when all of a sudden a little boy jumped out of a clothing rack in attempt to scare me. 今天我在沃尔玛闲逛,一个小孩子从衣服架子里突然跳出来吓我。
"Africa is lacking in samples, " a deficiency he attributes in part to an unfortunate accident. "Early on, I had a rack collapse, " he said. 不过这种不足某种程度上因为早前他的一个样品架坍塌,导致很多样本被销毁。
From the front of the rack a conventional forklift truck can select the shuttle from its rails and move it to another location. 当需要将穿梭车转移至其它操作位置时,则可用普通叉车从货架前方的导轨上把穿梭车提起移至所需位置。
Shoes and boots go right onto the waterproof mat laid out next to the wall, , and coats go on the coat rack behind the door. 鞋靴摆放在靠墙的防水垫上,外套挂在门后。
I rack my brain for a moment, trying to remember the last time Connor and I had a fight. 我绞尽脑汁,想回忆起我和康诺的最后一次争吵。
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to rack up debts on your card account with little to show for the money you've spent. 可惜这太容易了货架帐户卡债你很少来证明你的钱花。
I certainly didn't think little ol' me who gets on a plane maybe once a year would be able to rack up enough miles to matter. 我当然不认为自己可以攒到足够的里程换返还金了,因为我可能一年才坐上一次飞机。
The cardinal shelf is composed of a backplate for dorsal palm and a bracket for wrist with a U-shaped rack fixed in front of it. 由掌背护板和腕托架构成主架,主架的前侧固定安装一U形前支架;
From the air, looking down, the entire office complex is like an inverted deduction of the oven rack. 从空中俯视,整处建筑群就像是一个倒扣的烤炉架。
He told me that he would take it from the train rack by himself when I suggested that he had better ask a help from any male passengers. 当我建议儿子最好请车上的男乘客帮忙把包从行李架上取下来的时候,儿子告诉我他要自己取。
Except for the wealthy, most people select their clothes from the "ready to wear" rack of a clothing store. 除了富人,大多数人都从成衣店挑选衣服。
As she finally hurried out the door, trailed by Adam and Lori , she found the car's luggage rack moving in the distance. 他们跟在乔伊身后匆忙走出校门,这时,乔伊发现远处汽车的行李架正在移动。
The brand is known for its custom-made suits, but it rolled out off-the-rack sportswear when Chinese men appeared to be uninterested. 该品牌素以定制套装闻名,但当发现中国男人对此不怎么感兴趣之后,就开始推出运动装成衣。
Back to see middle-aged man took from the luggage rack of a package, luggage rack and went to another rush took a box under the machine. 回头看见中年男子从行李架上拿了一个包,又跑到另一个行李架拿了个箱子匆忙下机。
If such a rack is not available, a wire frame could be made to work as well. 如果这样架不有的话,线框可以作出的工作以及。
Huang went down and got a big sword off the rack and performed with it. He took two hard bows off the wall and pulled them broken. 只是见黄忠大步走下堂,取下架上大刀,舞动如飞,拿下墙上硬弓,一连拉断两张。
Beat the clock and try to rack up as many points as possible as you compete in a wide range of your all-time favourite extreme events. 尽全力表演您自己最爱的极限项目,在给定的时间里尽可能多地得分。