rainy day

  • un.雨日
  • 网络下雨天;贫苦困难的日子;穷困时期

rainy dayrainy day

rainy day


  下雨天(Rainy Day)是一款独特题材的 Android 游戏,游戏的题材非常新颖有趣,是一款以下雨天为舞台的都市情感游戏。故事 …


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... rain or shine 不论晴雨 rainy day 贫苦困难的日子 raise hell 破口大骂 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(R) -亿城英语 ... rainworm 蚯蚓 rainy day 穷困时期 rainy season 雨季 ...


蝴蝶图片 butterfly - 图蛙 ImageWa.com ... 图片 bodie 2 雨天图片 rainy day 3 峡图片 Blackhand Gorge 2 ...


爱思英语论坛 - Powered by Discuz! Board ... rain or shine: 风雨无阻, 不管在什么情况下 rainy day: 准备一些钱,以备不时之需 ...


英语常用俚语和习惯用语索引 - Vam - 博客园 ... 171.raise hell 大吵大闹 172.rainy day 以防万一 173.rain check 改日 ...


森林跑跑熊2代|火箭飞熊之森林跑跑熊... ... 小猫快跑( Go!Go!FooCat) 下雨天第二季Rainy day) 神庙逃亡( temple run…

In a sense, medium-term fiscal policy is all about saving for a rainy day. 从某种意义来说,中期财政政策是未雨绸缪。
No matter how much money you raise at the outset, remember to bank some for a rainy day. 不管一开始你筹到了多少钱,记得存起一些以备不时之需。
Silly love whatever one rainy day, still I wait for you to appear, I believe, the street, the sun appeared smiling face. 傻傻爱一个人不管雨天,我依然等待你出现,我相信,雨后的街,太阳露出笑脸。
Some have touted the holiday season, the beginning of the week or a rainy day as among the best times to try and reel in that low low price. 曾经有些吹捧节日假期,一星期的开始或者下雨天是最好尝试获得那个超低价格的时机。
If the sun in red should set, the next day surely will be wet; if the sun should set in grey, the next will be a rainy day. 太阳落山日头红,次日必定会下雨;太阳下山日发灰,次日下雨也无疑。
This is the time to take that "taxi for a rainy day" , to catch public transportation, or to call in a favor for a lift home. 这是时间去打一辆“雨天的出租车”了,坐公共交通或者让搭别人的顺风车回家。
It had been a rainy day and the steps leading to the car park were wetter than I realised. 雨下了整整一天,通向停车场的台阶比我想象得要湿滑得多。
She fly higher than weather, and she rocks it better, you know me - in anticipation for precipitation, stack chips for the rainy day. 她飞得比天还高,她摇滚的更好,你知道我–期待降水,为雨天下注。
The next day the weather was fine, finally not rainy day, the sun is not very drying. 第二天天气还好,终于不是下雨天,太阳也不是很晒。
love, isn't an umbrella that the rainy day supports for you, but accompany you to be drenched together. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. 下雨的日子,云中虹的形状怎样,周围光辉的形状也是怎样。
Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day. 监管者利用VAR来计算银行究竟需要多少资本以防不测。
Today is a rainy day, in the morning, I was the voice of the early train woke up, because, my home is near the train station. 今天是下雨的天,早上,我早早的被火车的声音吵醒了,因为,我家在火车站附近。
On a rainy day, shout out the name of the girl or boy that you love and wish her or him happiness if you are not brave enough to him or her. 在一个飘雨的日子里,如果你没有勇气告诉他(她),那就大声喊出你爱的那个女孩或者男孩的名字,并且祝福她(他)幸福。
There is no question of our leaving on such a rainy day . 这样的下雨天我们动身是没有问题的。
July the twenty-seventh. A rainy day. He said goodbye to me for the last time. 号,雨,他对我说了最后一次明天见。
This was almost more than Wilbur could stand: on this dreary, rainy day to see his breakfast being eaten by somebody else. 在这样一个让人悲伤的下雨天,看着自己的早餐被别人吃掉,这幅景象几乎让威尔不能忍受了。
How much should you tuck away for a rainy day? 多少你的小卖店距离未雨绸缪?
I'd like to take a vacation with my wife. However, we have decided to save money for a rainy day . 我想跟太太一起去度假,不过后来我们还是决定存些钱以备将来不时之需。
Besides, on a fine day, we can go out for a walk or play a game in the open. On a rainy day, however, we can only stay indoors. 在碧空万里日子里,我们便可以外出散步玩耍嬉戏,但如果天空阴云密布,阴雨绵绵,我们就只能呆在家里了。
Maybe you're one of those people who holds onto every penny you've got - save money for a rainy day sort of thinking. 或许你是抱有这种想法的人--要控制好攒下的每一分钱,以备不时之需。
In a difficult position dislike that the rainy day may come you and I across intentionally on the raining day. 讨厌雨天可偏偏在下雨天遇到了你,我狼狈的..样子
Build an emergency fund: As you attack your debt, remember to put away a small amount for the rainy day. 准备一个急救资金:当你着手于你的负债时,记住要先挪出少许钱以备有需要的时候用。
I guess it never occurred to you to put aside some money for a rainy day . 我想你从不会留出点儿钱来以备不时之需的。
The old grey tiles in play long long rainy day music, as if in the distant depths of echoes, fuzzy and clear, penetrating in the moist air. 老屋灰色的瓦总在雨天奏出绵长绵长的音乐,仿佛在遥远的深处回响,模糊而真切,渗透在潮湿的空气里。
Today is the rainy day, the air a little stuffy, is a little moist, lets the person not be very uncomfortable. 今天是雨天,空气有点闷,有点潮湿,让人很不舒服。
The pastor told a story about saving for a rainy day, then asked, "Now children, if you had some money, what would you want to do with it? " 牧师讲了个关于“饱带干粮,晴带雨伞”的故事,然后问道,“孩子们,现在,如果你们有一点钱,你们准备拿它怎么办?”
Kearns finally took action: "I waited for a rainy day, then I drove over to see Dave Tann. " 卡恩斯终于采取了行动,“我等来一个雨天,开着车去见戴夫·坦恩。”
Now that it's pouring, in other words, American households have decided to save for a rainy day. 现在洪水泛滥,换句话说,美国家庭决定为了应付干旱而储蓄。
It's such a wet and rainy day; you'd better take an umbrella with you. 今天天气很潮湿又下雨,你最好随身带著雨伞。