rainy days

  • 网络雨日;雨天;下雨天

rainy daysrainy days

rainy days


the daydream_百度百科 ... 15 Bicycling Journey 单车旅行 01 Rainy Days 雨日 02 Remembering 还记得那时 ...


新目标英语九年级unit11-unit15 短语集合 ... raise money for 为…筹钱 1.rainy days 雨天 3.so sad that 如此…以至于 ...


英文翻译_百度知道 ... prepare: 准备 rainy days: 下雨天 dancing: 跳舞 ...


初三英语短... ... lead to sth 导致 , 引导 , 通向 24. rainy days 多雨的天气 26. leave sb a note 给某人留个条 / 留言 14 1 . ...


Panoramio - Photos by KaySin ... Sha Tin Hospital - 沙田医院 Rainy days - 天有不测之风云 Three Heads Six Arms - 三头六臂 ...


...初见曙光,而NBA的这一缕曙对CBA来说,却是一场阴雨天(Rainy days),让人心情(Mood)骤然间有点郁闷,不仅是CBA球队 …

The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it, which is filled with water on rainy days. 稍稍能安慰我们的,是在那石上有一个不大不小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。(贾平凹《丑石》)
It has not been a very wet summer, rainy days have been few and far between. 不是这个季节上市的新鲜草莓很难找。这个夏天不是很湿润,雨天很少见。
The weather here has been a little poor, mostly rainy days, but hey that's the kind of weather we get during this time of the year, right? 这几天天气很糟,大部分都在下雨,嘿,不过每年这个时候我们都是遇见这种天气,是吧?
Darren: We cannot stay inside all day and watch movies - that's OK for rainy days but the sun is perfect today. 达伦:我们不能整天呆在家里看电影,雨天那样还可以,可今天的阳光太好了。
The sun guardian said, "Ok, but I need you to come and see me on rainy days. I need friends. " The sisters said, "All right. " 太阳守护神说:“好吧,不过我需要你们在雨天来看我。我需要朋友。”两姐妹说:“好的。”
On rainy days, he carries me over puddles and says: you could stand to gain a few pounds, you know. 雨天散步,背我过积水,说:你还可以再胖一些啊。
Rainy Days. What's the matter with you? You don't look well. 雨天,你怎么了?你脸色不好。
India is dashing in old clothes, as printed on the landscape seems to be cloudy and rainy days. 印衣服则衣服显得不新,印风物则似是不阴晦不天。
In these rainy days, it is a challenge for you to maintain and use your vehicles, otherwise your cherished car may be damaged. 阳春四月的雨天,对车辆的养护和使用都是一项挑战,忽略了就会伤及爱车全身。
The vicinity of the apartment to his office was an advantage on rainy days. 这公寓离他的办公室很近,在雨天时是一大优势。
I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad. 我原以为今天会是非常糟糕的一天。一开始天就下雨,而雨天使我难过。
Smiles are like the rainbow. The rainy days end and the sky is beautiful again. 微笑犹如彩虹。雨天结束,天空重现美丽。
On the rainy days when Mother wasn't feeling quite bad enough to stay away from the windows we used to play under it. 逢到下雨天,当妈妈感到身子还好,能坐在窗前时,我们总是在紫藤架下玩耍。
Everyone's preferences are not the same, some people like rainy days, some people do not like rain. 每个人的喜好都不一样,一些人喜欢下雨天,一些人不喜欢下雨。
It's rainy today. I hate to go out on rainy days. My clothes get dirty on rainy days. Let's stay at home and yell English. 今天风大。我不喜欢在下雨天出去。下雨天我会把衣服弄得脏兮兮的。我们呆在家里喊英语吧。
Gathering and separation in the rainy days, soon accustomed on-again, soon many things at the time the pace of light would lose. 相聚和分离都在雨天,很快就习惯分分合合,很快许多东西都在时光轻盈的步伐中流失掉。
On rainy days the children really mess up the house . 他们家那些淘气的孩子们老是把家里弄得一团糟。
Hot, wet and rainy days accounted for 40% of the total class hours, which made serious influence on the normal school physical education. 这种高温、湿冷和雨天占到总上课时段的40%以上,对学校体育的正常教学产生了极大的影响。
It's nice to see the sun again after those rainy days . 下了这么多天雨后,见到太阳。
At that time, my mother always let me go out to play on rainy days, but I secretly they walk out of the total, to find their own world. 那时妈妈总是不让我在雨天出去玩,但我却又总偷偷地遛了出去,去寻找自己的天地。
Coincides with the rainy days, filled with misty rain, shrouded in lush mountains, high, low, and far, close to the unaware Dai Qing. 恰逢雨天,弥漫的烟雨,笼罩着葱茏的山体,高的、矮的、远的、近的浑然黛青。
Although we had some rainy days few days ago, I did see the rainbow when the sun came out. 虽然前几天阴雨绵绵,但是当太阳出来时,我倒是看到一道彩虹。
Get a collection of board games so you can play on cold or rainy days, or with friends and family for a game night. 收集一些棋牌游戏,这样可以在寒冷或下雨的日子一起玩耍,或者与家人朋友一起度过一个游戏之夜。
AMSTERDAM (Reuters Life! ) - With more than 230 rainy days a year, it doesn't really matter when you visit Amsterdam. 因为阿姆斯特丹一年有超过230天在下雨,所以当你参观阿姆斯特丹的时候,下雨并不是什么大问题。
did not expect so many people could travel on rainy days, on the bustling streets, tourists here are enjoying a rare leisurely. 没想到如此多的人可以旅行在雨天,繁华的街道上,游客在这里享受难得悠闲。
The next rain has been hard, San started a little annoying. Whenever rainy days, San indulged. 雨水一直拼命的下,阿三开始有点讨厌。每当下雨天,阿三就想入非非。
Love is the little red umbrella in rainy days, under the umbrella it is always sunny days. 爱情是风雨中的那把小红伞,伞下永远是明朗的天。
For instance, on the album's title song, she sings, "The sun has fallen in love with rainy days. " 例如,在专辑的同名主打歌中,她唱道,“太阳爱上了雨天”。
A serious review of this metaphorical evidence would count up the rainy days and the sunny ones. 对于这种比喻的认真评估,就会把阴雨天和艳阳天都加起来。
Always carry an umbrella with you during rainy days. 下雨天一定要带伞。