
美 [reɪz]英 [reɪz]
  • v.提升;增加;培养;举起
  • n.加薪;工资增长
  • 网络提高;饲养;筹集

第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised

raise money,raise level,raise capital,raise awareness,raise quality
probably raise,steadily raise,sharply raise


v. n.

提升move upwards

1.~ sth提升;举起;提起to lift or move sth to a higher level

2.~ sth/sb/yourself (+ adv./prep.)(使)直立,站立to move sth/sb/yourself to a vertical position


3.~ sth (to sth)增加,提高(数量、水平等)to increase the amount or level of sth

筹募钱财;征集人员collect money/people

4.~ sth筹募;征集;召集;组建to bring or collect money or people together; to manage to get or form sth

提及主题mention subject

5.~ sth提及;提起(课题)to mention sth for people to discuss or sb to deal with


6.~ sth引起;导致;使出现to cause or produce sth; to make sth appear


7.抚养;养育;培养to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself

牲畜;农作物farm animals/crops

8.~ sth饲养;培育;种植to breed particular farm animals; to grow particular crops

终止end sth

9.~ sth终止,解除(约束)to end a restriction on sb/sth

无线电;电话on radio/phone

10.~ sb(通过无线电或电话)与…取得联系,和…通话to contact sb and speak to them by radio or telephone

死人dead person

11.~ sb (from sth)使起死回生;使复活to make sb who has died come to life again

纸牌游戏in card games

12.~ sb sth在(另一玩牌人)基础上加注to make a higher bet than another player in a card game


13.~ sth to the power of sth使自乘(若干次)to multiply an amount by itself a particular number of times


raise a/your hand against/to sb

打人;威胁要打人to hit or threaten to hit sb

raise the bar

提高标准to set a new, higher standard of quality or performance

raise your eyebrows (at sth)

扬起眉毛(表示不赞同或惊讶)to show that you disapprove of or are surprised by sth

raise your glass (to sb)

举杯祝酒to hold up your glass and wish sb happiness, good luck, etc. before you drink

raise hell

愤怒抗议;(尤指)大吵大闹to protest angrily, especially in a way that causes trouble for sb

raise the roof

(在屋内)大声喧闹,闹翻天to produce or make sb produce a lot of noise in a building, for example by shouting or cheering

raise sbs spirits

使振奋;使鼓起勇气to make sb feel more cheerful or brave


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bone n 骨;骨头 raise vt 举起;提高;唤起;饲养 △ advice n 忠告, 建议 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bone n 骨;骨头 raise vt 举起;提高;唤起;饲养 △ advice n 忠告, 建议 △ ...


走进狗狗网--纯种狗中文专门网Dog.IntoPet.com ... 百科 Cyclopedia 饲养 Raise 繁殖 Breeding ...


筹字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 筹议〖 consult〗 筹集raise(money)〗 筹办〖 makepreparations;makearrangements〗 ...

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 47,juven=young 年轻,年少 49,lev=raise 举, 50,liber=free 自由 ...


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... career: 事业 raise: 抚养 unconditionally: 无条件地 ...


法律词汇_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... 提案上诉 legal an appeal 提出 raise 提出反对 lodge an objection ...

Another was that startups had to decide in advance how much to raise. 另一个问题是创业公司必须提前确定筹资数目。
At the national flag-raising ceremony once a week, it is a great honour for the children who are luck to be choosen to raise the flag. 每周一次的升国旗仪式,有幸作为升旗手的孩子们,那认真的步伐和庄严的表情。
Forced to bow his head in the ritual kowtow, he kept trying to raise it. 在被迫低头行通常的那种磕头礼后,他总是努力再抬起头来。
To raise the awareness that the individual has specific responsibilities towards the different social organizations to which he belongs. 使人们意识到个体对他所属的组织或团体有专门的责任。
One of the Canadian government's first budget reforms was to raise the minimum amount of time worked to be eligible for these benefits. 加拿大政府的第一项预算改革就是提高可获得失业救济金的最低失业时间。
(Laughter) I said to my boy, "When you raise the money we'll put your taste on the wall. " (笑声)我对我的儿子说:“如果你筹来了钱我们就把你的口味写在墙上。”
Perfectionists, by definition, strive for the best, trying to ace exams, be meticulous at their jobs, and raise perfect children. 完美,据其定义可以描述为:争取最好、尽力考试优秀、工作一丝不苟、养育完美的孩子……
Web Accelerator, which will optimize the system settings of your present Internet connection and raise your Web surfing speed by up to 300%. 网络加速器,将优化系统设置,您现在的互联网连接,并提高您的网上冲浪的速度高达300%。
We decided to have a day out and father said he'd raise the wind somehow. 我们决定外出一天,父亲说他要设法张罗一笔钱。
He said he would raise the question at the meeting. 他说他要在会上提出这个问题。
White House officials said the overhaul should be revenue-neutral: neither raise additional revenue nor add to the deficit. 白宫官员说,改革应该对收入没有影响:既不会增加收入,也不会增加赤字。
In a Sept. 21 letter to Mr. Doggett, he said: "The Citigroup guarantees raise important oversight concerns. " 在九月二十一日写给德哥特先生的信中,他表示:“对花旗集团的担保有严重失察的担忧”。
Since the stock market crash, companies have been trying to raise capital by selling new stock. 股市崩溃以来,不少公司一直在设法通过销售新股筹集资金。
I'm going to ask my boss for a raise but I got cold feet . 我打算要求老板给我加薪,但我退缩了。
Do each of the points that you raise in the body of your paper support your thesis in a clear and compelling way? 你在论文主体中提出的每一点能否清晰并引人注目地支持论题?
Zhao shisan: My affection to you, is like the stars in the sky. Just raise your head, you can see my eyes, and saying: I love you. 赵十三:我对你的感情,就像天上的星星一样,只要你一抬头,就会看到我对你眨眼睛,对你说着爱老虎油。
Be ready to ask for a raise or negotiate a salary for a new job in the workweek that follows. 准备好要求提升,或者因为那周之后新工作谈个薪水。
Summing up the whole research process, we summarize the main conclusions of this paper and Raise further outlook further about this subject. 对整个研究过程进行全面总结,概括本文研究的主要结论并提出作者的进一步研究展望。
The state, in an attempt to reduce local property taxes, planned to raise more money for schools through a tax on business profits. 为了降低当地的财产税,德州曾计划向商业收入增加征税,从而为教育事业筹集更多的资金。
I would also like to thank such a person, they supply me with work, so I was able to work to survive, to raise their children. 我还要感谢这样的人,他们用劳动供给着我,让我得以工作,得以生存,得以养育儿女。
Whenever I raise my head, I'll see them in front of me, sort of like a little nod of affirmation. 每当我抬头,我都能看到它们在我眼前,好像一个个都在对我点头肯定似的。
He thought that was an appropriate moment to raise the question of his promotion. 他认为那是提出他晋升问题的适当时机。
The parents' right to raise their offspring did not go as far as depriving their children of the social experience of school. 父母有权抚养他们的后代但无权剥夺他们的孩子上学获得社会经验。
Many seek to use China to prove their point in our political process or to raise money for the cause to which they are committed. 许多人使用中国牌来证明自己的政治观点,或者为他们所致力事业的酬款。
Some of these parties, like the one held by Elton John, raise money for AIDS charities and are always well-attended. 有些这类宴会,比如说由埃尔顿·约翰举办的,目的是为了给艾滋病慈善机构筹款,而且总是座无虚席。
I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise. 我打算先观察一下形势,然后再向她提加薪的事情。
Mr Carker the Manager did not raise his eyes or turn them on his brother, but kept them on his letter, though without opening it. 经理卡克先生没有把眼睛抬起来,也没有把它们转向他的哥哥,而是继续停留在那封信上,虽然他还没有把它展开。
Exercise might raise it a few points, but it isn't a very efficient way to improve, he said. 运动或许可以提高几个百分点,但它不是一个非常有效的改善方法,他说。
Hatha yoga has not been used to treat the total personality. This is why teachers are not able to raise the level of their pupils. 他们不使用哈他瑜伽去治疗整个人格,这就是这些老师不能提升学生层次的原因。
Andrew Parker, Emirates senior vice-president, said he was unaware of any other airlines that had been asked to raise prices. 阿联酋航空高级副总裁安德鲁-帕克(AndrewParker)表示,他不知道还有任何其它航空公司收到了提高票价的要求。