
美 [ræn]英 [ræn]
  • v.run(跑)的过去式
  • 网络乱(Random);无线接入网(Radio Access Network);冉

过去分词:run 第三人称单数:runs 现在分词:running

run business,run company,run risk,run service,run system
effectively run,probably run



IMDB评分_互动百科 ... 70. 8.2 Raging Bull 愤怒的公牛 71. 8.2 Ran 72. 8.2 Amadeus 莫扎特传 ...

无线接入网(Radio Access Network)

无线接入网RAN)侧,将由CDMA技术改变为能够更有效对抗宽带系统多径干扰的 OFDM(正交频分调制)技术。OFDM …

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 毕 bi ran 谌 chen ...

不规则动词_百度百科 ... became 变 ran overcame 征服,打败 ...

Angel是天使的意思,而Ran)在某一集(记不得了)救了化装成杀人魔的黑衣组织里的Vermouth,并且说了人救人是不需 …

The young editor bravely ran national campaigns in his regional paper when he believed there was a wrong to be righted. 当他相信有错误需要改正时,这位年轻的编辑勇敢地在他的区域性报纸中发起全国性的运动。
But she did not do any of these things. Instead, she ran her right hand through her hair. 可现在,她没有作出任何上述动作,却用右手摸起了自己的头发。
The checklist ran to several thousand words, but, one of the main things they learnt was that each level had to feel achievable. 清单长达数千字,但是他们学到的最要东西之一即是,每一关都要人有成就感。
The small boy ran down the street, crying his eyes out because he had lost his mother. 小男孩在街上一边跑一边哭,因为妈妈不见了。
And after about 10 pictures they all settled down, and I ran the story and I said, "What do you think? " 看过10张照片后,他们就都静了下来,我把我的故事讲给他们听,最后说:“你们觉得怎么样?”
A door suddenly opened and a young girl ran to him as he held out the violin case to her. 车门突然开了,而且当他拿出小提琴的盒子要给这个小女孩时,她向他跑了过去。
It did not drop when I traded with him, but started to fade when I got the key, so I ran back to the water, and swam to the wall. 没扔我与他进行交易,而是当我得钥匙时,开始消失,因此我跑回到水,并且游泳到墙。
When he got his wits about him just a few seconds later, Ed ran to follow the man down the corridor, but he had vanished. 几秒钟之后,他恢复了意识,这才沿着走廊跑过去追那个人,但是那个人已经消失了。
Lost her to a fate most Afghans considered far worse than death: She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers. 她跟着一群流浪艺人跑了,这在多数阿富汗人看来是比她死了更糟糕的事情。
Unable to find a way out in the dark cave, they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of direction. 不能找一个出路在黑暗中洞,他们被惊吓并且不需要一个方向感就忧虑地跑。
A prison doctor started treating him for TB with a four-drug regimen, but Gagarin said the prison sometimes ran out of the drugs. 在监狱里,医生采用了四联结核病药物疗法为他治疗,但DimitriyGagarin说监狱有时药会用完了。
and i ran to the door in time to see jim hawkins , safe and sound , come climbing over the stockade. 我跑到了门口,恰好看见吉姆霍金斯从木栅上面翻过来,平安无恙。
They ran millions of dollars through all that project and they came out with nothing on the bottom line. 他们在那个项目上投资几百万美元,可结果一无所获。
They are people who ran into temptation and decided to commit a crime, they become thieves at the moment they take the bike, " he said. " 很多人仅仅是看到了诱惑而产生了犯罪行为。他们仅仅在偷走自行车的那一瞬间是窃贼。
But the leper saw him coming, and ran to meet him, and knelt down and cried, 'Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger. ' 但那个麻风病人看见他来了便急忙跑上前去,哭着跪求他:“给我钱吧,不然我就要饿死了。”
Suddenly I saw a man riding on my bike and trying to get away with it. I quickly ran to him. 几分钟后,我从商铺里出来,俄然看见一小我骑在我的自行车上,要逃跑。
He ran out of the inn and along the road. In a few seconds, he had disappeared from sight. 他跑出客店,上了那条小路,不一会儿就没了踪影。
Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins. 街头小儿很快学会了这些歌曲,在街巷间奔走传唱,以此博取几文赏钱。
The bride ran back into the chamber, and said, I know now what I said to the nettle, and she repeated the words which she had just heard. 听到这些话,新娘立刻跑回新房,对新郎说:“我知道我对荨麻说过什么了!”
I ran by a wounded German soldier lying alongside of a hedgerow. He was obviously in a great deal of pain and crying for help. 我跑过躺在树篱旁一德国伤兵身边,他疼痛苦难忍,哭喊救命。
Another Californian robbed a bank close to his home. While making his getaway he ran into his mom, who turned him in. 另一个加利福尼亚劫匪抢劫了自家附近的一家银行,他正要逃走时却撞见了自己老妈,老妈把他交给了警方。
She got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. 她怒不可遏,于是就去追赶他们,她很快就气喘吁吁了,但仍然继续追赶。
But after a decade in which Washington ran up the country's credit card, we've got to find more savings to get out of the red. 但是在华盛顿刷爆这个国家的信用卡十多年后的今天,我们还需要更多的存量资金才能走出“红色”困境。
He ran up to the shop only to see that the shop had already closed. 他跑到商店发现已经关门了。
The young lady ran into the country with her mother and had a good day. 那个年轻的女士驾车带着她母亲到乡下转了一圈,玩得很开心。
When he ran for election in 2001, Mr Bloomberg said the school system was "in a state of emergency" . 在2001年市长竞选时,布隆伯格就曾说过,纽约的教育系统,情况“万分危急”。
When they got to the airport and ran up to the check- in counter, they were both out of breath. 他们到了机场,冲向登机报到柜台,两个人都上气不接下气。
The hardware that went into this ran me around $400, and that's not including the possible value of a few hours of my time. 定制设备所需的硬件大约花了我400美元,并且这还不包括我所投入的时间可能创造出的价值。
With the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out of the door. 眼睛里还噙着晶莹的泪花,她奔出房门。
One day, he was finally with his courage, with a little bit of luck, ran out of the fish tank, went to the creek, ready to swim to the sea. 一天,他终于凭着自己的勇气,再加上一点点运气,逃出了金鱼缸,来到小溪里,准备游往大海。