
美 [reɪt]英 [reɪt]
  • n.“rate”的复数
  • v.“rate”的第三人称单数
  • 网络差饷;运价;价格

现在分词:rating 过去分词:rated 单数:rate

high rate,annual rate,low rate,current rate,same rate
increase rate,raise rate,reduce rate,cut rate,set rate



土地词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... rated property 已评估差饷的物业;已征收差饷的物业 rates 差饷 rates charge 差饷征收率 ...


1.运价RATES):承运人为运输货物对规定的重量单位(或体积)收取的费用称为运价。运价指机场与机场间的(AIRPORT …


优惠价格Rates):700元/天车型(Model):北方51座旅行车http://blog.sina.com.cn/singingswallow[订阅] ...固定资产:fixe…


《Friends》词汇表B ... dragons n. 龙, 凶暴的人, 严厉而有警觉性的女人 rates n. 比率, 速度, 等级, 价格, 费用 po pos 便壶,夜 …


2)构成: (1).基本费率rates) 基本费率是费率表的主体,它分单港费率(l 港装1 港卸)和多港费率(1 个以 上港口装/l …


财务英语英汉对照表 (R) - MBA智库百科 ... rate risk 汇率风险,利率风险 rates 地方税 rates relief 地方税减免 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... dragons n. 龙, 凶暴的人, 严厉而有警觉性的女人 rates n. 比率, 速度, 等级, 价格, 费用 po pos 便壶,夜 …

Interest rates are expected to stay very low for longer than many thought possible just a few months ago. 预计利率将在很长一段时间内保持极低水平,这个时间可能比几个月前许多人所预期的还要长。
One reason to think not is that the central bank has not been able to raise interest rates anything like as quickly as it would like. 有人认为不会改变,一个原因是中央银行不会按照利率应该变化的速度来提高利率。
as it reflects the bank's response to the changing economic environment in general and to the sensitivity of interest rates in particular. 反映了银行对总的经济环境变化,特别是对利率变化敏感性的反应。
But now, to moderate that growth, Beijing is trying to tighten credit by restraining bank lending and by raising interest rates. 然而现在为控制那样的畸形发展,中国政府正试图通过限制银行贷款和提高利率的方式实施紧缩信贷政策。
The Federal Reserve will certainly do all that it can to help restore high rates of growth and employment in a context of price stability. 联储当然会在保持价格稳定的条件下为帮助高的增长率和就业率而竭尽全力。
If a customer loses more than five percent of their weight within a year, or holds a gym membership, the bank offers special rates. 如果客户在一年内减轻体重的百分之五,或持有健身房会员资格,该行提供特惠利率。
Many people, out of their desire to "whip" themselves into a state of fitness, try to exercise at their maximum heart rates. 许多人希冀可以通过“鞭笞”自己让体形达到适宜的状态,他们总是做使心率最大化的运动。
Gold's rapid rising, to a great extent is result of US dollar's negative interest rates. coupled with inflation, gold have to rise. 黄金快速的上涨,很大一部分原因是美元的负利率导致的。再加上通胀,黄金不能不涨。不过,黄金接下来要怎么走还需要看美联储的货币政策变化。
They own their own utilities and were easy to work with in terms of getting all the utilities with good rates to the new building. 它们拥有自己的实用工具,并可容易地使所有实用工具按照以对新建筑很高的利用比率来运作。
Mr Tilson expects "at least" two more years of falling home prices and very high rates of mortgage default and foreclosure. 蒂尔森预测,住宅价格不断下跌、抵押贷款违约率和抵押赎回权丧失率处于非常高水平的现象将“至少”持续两年多时间。
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) began to lower interest rates in July 1991, soon after property prices began to decline. 房地产价格一开始下降,日本银行就于1991年7月开始降低利率。
If higher rates are paid for that funding, it will get passed on through higher consumer mortgage rates, however, he said. 不过他也指出,如果融资利率上升,那麽将通过更高的消费者抵押贷款利率传导出去。
The zero interest rates and the loose money supply had been used to control Japan's deflation. 零利率和缓和货币数量是日本治理通货紧缩的两项超金融缓和政策。
China's central bank, which makes its own estimates of seasonally adjusted growth rates, also seems to agree with private-sector economists. 中国央行对季调增速也有自己的估计,它和民间经济学家的估计似乎是一致的。
Stakeholders expect to control the rising inflation situation, there is still room for interest rates of the Bank during the year. 相关人士预计,为了控制日益高涨的通胀形势,年内央行仍有加息的空间。
he Federal Reserve Board would seem to have little reason to tighten the money supply and push interest rates up. 所以联邦储备委员会似乎没有什么理由紧缩货币供给以及调高利率。
As he sees it, Rodrik sees high rates of emerging market growth as a sign of how much ground there is to cover. 罗德里克认为,新兴市场的高增长反映的是还有多少路需要赶。
That flow tends to keep long-term interest rates in the U. S. unnaturally low, discouraging Americans from saving. 这种流动有利于保持美国的长期利率不正常地偏低,从而导致美国人减少储蓄。
The U. S. would have to offer higher rates on its bonds to attract other buyers, which would drive up the cost of servicing U. S. debt. 美国将不得不为其债券提高利率以吸引买家,而这将抬高偿还成本。
Moreover, even if it did dare to cut rates, how much would this assist the economy if long-term rates jumped at the same time? 此外,即便是美联储大胆降息,如果长期利率同时跃升,降息举措对经济还能有多大的帮助呢?
And with interest rates at 0. 5% for more than two years, leaving your cash in the bank has not proved to be a massively profitable option. 而两年多以来利率一直是0.5%,把现金留在银行证明亦非高收益的选择。
However the Organ Donation Taskforce said that evidence from across the world indicated that such a plan would not improve donation rates. 然而器官捐献调查小组称,世界上其他国家的证据表明这样的方案并不能有效提高捐献率。
"We're probably not very far from the point where the question of interest rates is not the most important question, " Strauss-Kahn said. “我们很可能离开那个位置不远了——即利率问题不是最重要的问题,”Strauss-Kahn说。
It has cut interest rates three times in recent weeks and lifted limits on how much each Chinese bank can lend. 在最近几同内中国已经三次降低了利率并且限制了中国银行的贷款数额。
They said there is just a 35% probability that China will be able to maintain growth rates over 10% over the next decade. 他们还认为,未来10年中国经济保持10%增长的可能性仅为35%。
y So, if I just increase y, see that u is going to decrease u rate of one at constant rates. 所以,如果我只是增加了,将会以2个单位的速率减小,at,a,rate,of,two。
According to IPEA, a government-linked research outfit, the BNDES's subsidised interest rates cost taxpayers up to 21 billion reais a year. 根据巴西政府研究智库IPEA表示,BNDES补贴利率每年花费纳税人高达210亿黑奥。
Kindly oblige us with your reply. Also let us know the immediate stock available with you and their rates accordingly. 请你尽快给我们回复,同时希望你能告知我们即时股票比率。
China, as an emerging nation of still very poor people, can always achieve higher growth rates than an advanced, rich economy like the U. S. 中国作为一个仍然有许从穷人的新兴国家,可以达到比一些像美国一样的发达、富裕国家更高的经济增长率。
The rates do not include extra fees known as points. One point is equal to 1 percent of the total loan amount. 该利率不包括其他的额外费用,即通常所说的折扣点,一折扣点等于贷款总额的1%。