
英 [ræts]
  • int.可恶
  • n.“rat”的复数
  • v.“rat”的第三人称单数
  • 网络老鼠;大鼠;迷你战争



1.(表示气恼)该死,可恶used to show that you are annoyed about sth


  老鼠(Rats)已被训练用以探测矿物,也有助于肺结核的诊断。  兔子(Rabbits)在觅食和传播种子的过程中,造成空地,维持植物 …


大鼠(rats),fomepizole(110 mg/kg)口服投予40-42天,及果减少了睾丸质量(testicular mass)(约下降8%)。此剂量约为人类以 …


11. 一般模式迷你战争(Rats) 中击杀15名敌人[按此] 12. 一般模式浴血隧道(Tunnel) 中击杀15名敌人 [按此] 13.


练习口语的经典句式,词组_百度知道 ... Relax!- 放轻松! Rats!- 差劲! Speaking!- (打电话时)我就是! ...

Rough Auditing Tool for Security

例如,下面的一段代码输出是由Rough Auditing Tool for Security(RATS)自动生成的,被分析的代码是本章前面所举的存在安全 …

This time I had rats all over my house, first they were very small ones and I didn't mind too much, but then they got bigger and bigger. 我梦到家里到处都是老鼠,一开始都是些很小的老鼠,也没太在意。后来却发现很多巨型的老鼠,死在地上。
The exercised rats noticed the light, investigated it a few times and then moved on. 运动之后的老鼠会注意到灯光,试探几次之后就会继续运动。
Now this abandoned place is often visited by local tramps, fat rats, parkour lovers and peaceful photographers. 现在只有当地的流浪汉,一些肥老鼠,酷跑迷和热爱和平的摄影家才会拜访这遗弃之地。
RESULTS: Normal rats had just a few bacterial CGC, but a great number of bacterial CGC were detected in model rats. 结果:正常大鼠检测未见大量细菌CGC,在模型鼠标本的连续检测结果中检出大量CGC。
Conclusions Under this condition, AN has no effect on hormones of female rats, but it may directly damage the reproductive system. 结论在此条件下,丙烯腈对雌性大鼠的内分泌激素无影响,但对生殖系统有直接损害作用。
It looks like a prison cell with a bunch of mad prisoners, ready to lash out at each other, which is basically what these rats are doing. 这看起来像是一间牢房里关了一群狂暴的犯人,每个人都随时准备向别人扑过去,这差不多也正是这些老鼠正在做的事情。
and I'm sure that the rats you met last time might have caused you to creast a stereotype. 对你造成很大的困扰,使你对我有偏见
Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run for the bridge. 上千只老鼠紧跟着他,当他看见山脚下有一个码头区,惊慌以极,他开始朝着船桥跑去。
After a while, they decided nothing was to be feared. Maybe a few bugs or rats were living in the straw. 过了没多久,他们觉得其实并没有什么好怕的,也许只是稻草里面有几只虫子或者老鼠而已。
Tea drinking might have had the opposite effect: There is some evidence in rats that tea actually speeds up gastric emptying. 喝茶可能起相反效果:一些在老鼠中的研究显示,茶确实可以加速肠胃消化的速度。
He piled up hard currency like British pounds in his palace in Muscat, but rats began to gnaw at it, Mr. Weatherford said. 他将英镑之类的硬通货都堆在他位于首都马斯喀特的宫殿中,结果却招来了鼠咬。
Rats live only about two or three years, so it was possible for the researchers to track their sexual development from birth to death. 小白鼠只能活两到三年,因此便于研究人员观察它们从生到死的性演变史。
Naturally, Stolzenburg says, scientists are concerned about the long-term impact the rats might have on the auklet population. Stolzenburg说,很自然,科学家们非常关心老鼠对小海雀的种群数量造成的长期影响有多大。
They blow air through a small hole in the bottom to send smoke into the underground spaces where the rats live. 通过罐子底下的一个小孔往里吹气,使得烟吹到老鼠生活的地下空间。
Helen's animal business had started 20 years earlier when she brought home a pair of white rats for her young children, Jack and June. 海伦的动物事业开始于20年前,那时她带了一对小白鼠回家给两个小孩子,杰克和琼。
Those with real estate holdings do not wish to see vacant houses subject to rats and break-ins by the homeless. 那些持有房地产股份的人不愿看到大批的空屋住满了老鼠和那些无家可归的人。
It does in rats, he said, and he is running a clinical trial in 600 patients to see if exercise also slows the disease in humans. 在大鼠中的实验表明是这样的,他正在对600名患者进行一项临床实验,以明确是否在人类中锻炼也可以延缓病情进展。
Grain is often heaped on the ground and covered with a sheet: no wonder the rats get at it. 粮食经常堆在地上,用床单覆盖:怪不得大鼠找得到。
Yes, drinking red wine may significantly decrease the risk of heart disease, but white wine may be just as protective, at least in rats. 是的,喝红葡萄酒可以大大降低心脏病发作的危险,,但是白葡萄酒也许正像是保护体,至少在老鼠中是这样。
That Toxo-infected rats approach cats has long been a well-known example of a parasite manipulating the behavior of its mammalian host. 弓形体原虫感染的老鼠与猫“亲近”的现象一直被当做寄生虫操纵宿主行为的典型例子。
Monsieur the Marquis ran his eyes over them all, as if they had been mere rats come out of their holes. 侯爵老爷的眼睛扫过他们全体,好象他们都不过是跑出洞外的耗子。
If ghrelin were all there was to it, we and the rats would eat ourselves to death. 如果就光有它,我们还有那些老鼠们会吃到撑死。
RESULTS: It was found that there was no significant difference in absorptive rate in rats between without and with bile duct ligation. 结果:DZ18在体小肠胆管结扎与不结扎的最终吸收程度分别为59。
Just then he heard two big rats fighting on top of the door sill. He looked up to watch the fight. 刚好他听到有两只老鼠在门梁上打架,于是他仰起头张着嘴观斗。
Rats carry many diseases and these diseases have killed and are still killing thousands and thousands of men today in many countries. 老鼠带有许多疾病,并且至今在许多的国家这些疾病已经杀了和正在杀害了成千上万的人类。
It is possible that Polynesian rats, arriving with human settlers, may have eaten enough seeds to help to decimate the trees. 有可能是与人类共同达到该岛的波利尼西亚鼠类,吃掉了大量的种子促成了棕榈树的大批死亡。
If you were to ask me would I eat in a restaurant where there were rats, I would say I probably already do. 如果你问我是否会在有老鼠的饭馆用餐,我会回答多半早就用过了。
But he also made it clear that he was ready to hunt all the "rats" to eliminate anyone who participated. 不过他也表态说他已经做好“捕鼠”准备,以清除所有起义的参与者。
One video shows police appearing to squirt water up a man's nose, then dunking his head in a hole said to be full of excrement and rats. 录像显示,警察向一名男子的鼻子喷水,再将他的头塞入据称满是粪便和老鼠的洞内。
Compared with rats that received sham irradiation, irradiated rats that did not receive pioglitazone displayed cognitive impairment. 和虚假放射的小鼠相比,未服药的放射鼠出现认知缺损。