
  • abbr.(=rubidium)【化】铷
  • 网络视网膜母细胞瘤(retinoblastoma);跑卫(Running Back);视网膜母细胞瘤基因



Rb)又优於其他硷金属,原因是铷 的 Fermi Contact 大於其它硷金属元素,碰撞截面积较 大,且容易与惰性气分离。此 …


视网膜母细胞瘤(RB),是儿童最常见的原发性眼内恶性肿瘤,发病率约为1:14000至1:20000,无种族、地域及性别的差异。诊 …

跑卫(Running Back)

位置卅跑卫RB)、安全卫(S)<游卫(FS)> 背号卅29 身高卅161cm 体重卅53kg 血型卅A 生日卅4月20日 40码冲刺最佳成 …


视网膜母细胞瘤基因Rb),它编码RB蛋白,当RB蛋白去磷酸化,可阻止转录因子E2F作用,DNA合成减弱,细胞被阻滞 …


碱金属铷Rb)-DPALs能级跃迁示意图如下图所示,在二极管泵浦光(780nm)的泵浦下,碱金属原子由基态2S1/2跃迁到激 …

RB: There are quite a few DI containers already, what was the motivation by your team in creating Unity? RB:已经有相当多的依赖注入容器,又是什么动机使得你们团队创建了Unity?
RB: I was a bit emotional in the conference there and I forgot to say that I dedicate this to the whole of Brazil. RB:我在新闻发布会上有一点激动,我忘了说我要这场胜利献给巴西。
RB: Well, at the end of the day I have asked everyone - and nobody gives me a right answer of what I have done and haven't done. 嗯,其实我问过每个人了——没有人能给我正确的答案,告诉我哪些比赛我参加了哪些没有参加。
RB: Yeah, you know it was a good race because on this circuit it is so easy to put a foot wrong. RB:是的,你们认为这是一场很好的比赛时因为在这条赛道很容易出错。
RB: You know, I think it is just a little bit too early to say they really have an advantage or that they used to. . . 鲁本-巴里切罗:你知道,我认为现在说他们真的具有优势或者是他们过去如何还有些太早。
RB: Merb 0. 9 appears to be the next official point release and will be broken up into a Merb-core gem and a package of other gems. Merb0.9作为下一个官方发布版,将会分解为一个Merb-core的gem和一个由其他gem所组成的包。
RB: It is amazing, because at the end of the day you think it is the same thing again for the whole time all over again. 这很神奇,因为前一天你还在想对整个车队来说同样的事情再次重复。
RB: I was a great schoolboy because my father always told me that the only way for me to find sponsors is to have a good record in school. 我可是个三好学生哦,因为我爹老念说我找到赞助商的唯一途径就是在学校取得好成绩。
RB: I called him and I've already told him, so it's going to be between me and him. 我电话过他已经告诉过他了,所以这是我跟他之间的话。
RB: Yeah, as it turned out it proved to be the right move. But, yeah, it was sad at the time, but we moved on. 理:是啊,现在看来这可真是明智之举但当时可是挺伤心的,但我们的步伐并未因此而停歇
RB: To be honest with you, when I had conversations with McLaren it was: do you want to do that or not? 老实跟你说吧,我跟麦麦谈时,他们的反应是:你真的想这么做?
At the beginning of the controller class file addressadmin_controller. rb, you need to add the code shown in Listing 7. 在控制器类文件addressadmin_controller.rb的开头,需要添加如清单7所示的代码。
RB: Coming here we talked to someone who said he'd never seen a race here when it wasn't wet for one part of the weekend with fog and so on. 到这时我们跟个人聊了聊,他说在这里的比赛他就没见过一场是干的,这里的整个周末都有雾之类的。
RB: We went into the season with high hopes and things haven't gone our way so far. 巴里切罗:我们带着很高的希望进入了这个赛季,不过目前为止事情没有按照我们的设想发展。
RB: He could do. He was as competitive as always in the go kart races we had in Brazil. 他会的,他在巴西的卡丁车上表现的和以往一样非常有竞争力。
RB: Monaco is no overtaking territory and it's hard to see the situation changing this year, even with the DRS. 摩纳哥就没有超车区,今年也看不到有啥情况变化,即使有drs。
RB: Not anymore. I used to have plenty of them, but you win and lose races with or without them. 不再有了。以前会有很多,但你做不做这些都有可能赢得或者输掉比赛。
Direct marking of such predators with Rb is recommended as an effective tool for investigation of predator dispersal between habitats. 铷元素直接标记和释放可作为监测捕食性天敌在生境间转移的新方法。
RB: No, he told me jump, but once his weight had gone, the balloon just shot up to 12, 000 feet and I . . . 理:不,他告诉我跳伞,但是一旦他挑出舱外,给飞船减负气球就直窜1万2千米高空
RB: I just told him that I had something for him if he didn't mind. RB:我仅仅是告诉他如果他不介意的话我使用一些代表他的东西。
RB: We are working hard all the time and I can see that we are gradually making improvements. 我们工作一直都很努力,我也看到我们正慢慢取得进步。
RB Round sling is a jacketed RA round sling. It is of strong wear resistance. Both ends of the sling are fitted with fixed lifting bushing. RB环形吊装带是在RA环形吊装带的基础上加保护套,耐磨性加强,且两端有固定吊装环套。
To invoke this script, ensuring that it's executable (chmod +x user. rb), you invoke it with a user. 要调用这个脚本,首先应确保它是可执行的(chmod+xuser.rb),然后通过一个用户调用它。
RB: What would you suggest is the best way for a developer or team to get started with Unity? RB:对于开发者和团队以最好的方式开始使用Unity有什么建议?
The tumor is associated with mutations of a protein called Rb, or retinoblastoma protein. 这种肿瘤与一种称作Rb的蛋白,或视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白(retinoblastomaprotein,prb)的突变有关。
Check work error area ( Power plant, RB, VE, MB, TG ) including preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, trouble shooting. 检查工作区(电厂,RB,VE,MB,TG)包括预防性保养,故障维修和故障分析。
RB: They both had the same fuel, and the rule is whoever is in the strongest position gets the slight advantage with the one lap. 他们的油量几乎是相同的,所以不管谁有更有竞争力的位置,他们的差别不过就是一圈而已。
RB: Ah, it was very satisfying - because at the end of the day you are not just working to finish where you finish. 啊,那是相当的满意啊——因为说到底我们的工作还不足以取得那样的成绩。
RB: Yes, by not being quick enough. If we had been quicker we would have won the race, but we were too slow. 是的,因为没有很好的速度。如果我们可以更快一些的话我们就能够赢得比赛,但是我们太慢了。
RB: What still needs to be completed from the open source side of the project? RB:站在开源这边,对于这个项目,还需要完成哪些工作呢?