
  • abbr.(=radio direction finding)无线电探向
  • 网络资源描述框架(Resource Description Framework);垃圾衍生燃料(Refuse Derived Fuel);径向分布函数(radial distribution function)



资源描述框架(Resource Description Framework)

被称为资源描述框架RDF)的 W3C 系列规范就是服务于这个目的的技术,它用来建立描述数据的语义结构。XML 本身并不 …

垃圾衍生燃料(Refuse Derived Fuel)

... 北京 100024) 摘要:采用自制的热解设备对垃圾衍生燃料RDF)进行热解,通过分析每次实 验残渣中重金属 Cu、Pb、C…

径向分布函数(radial distribution function)

⑥通过径向分布函数(RDF)按一定的采样间隔将原子之间的内在相关性映射到适当的坐标区间,从而形成了能够表达分子结构性 …


...架构(SOA)、Web Services、XML、资源描述架构RDF)、基于XML的元数据格式以及数据提取、转换和加载(ETL)。

Using RDF as a framework enables you to retain some of the structural information during the declaration. 采用RDF框架可以在声明过程中保留一些结构化信息。
RDF's properties make it easy to merge data and query across data from different sources. RDF的特点使其很容易合并数据和跨不同的数据源进行查询。
With SPARQL, your coupling with data can be very abstract because of the distributed but interlinked nature of the RDF. 使用SPARQL与数据进行耦合可能会非常抽象,因为RDF是分布式但又互相链接的。
Defined as "a repository of RDF graphs managed by a single service" it serves as the endpoint to which any SPARQL statement will be posted. 图库就是“在单个服务管理下的一个RDF图仓库(repository)”,其作用是作为发布SPARQL表达式的端点(endpoint)。
These, unfortunately, are not as blithely accounted for as the fact that our earlier RDF examples did not use any defined classes. 遗憾的是,我们不会象解释我们以前的RDF示例没有使用任何定义的类那样详尽地解释这些变化。
There needs to be an automatic method to recognize the presence of RDFa content and extract the RDF out of it. 此处需要能够自动识别RDFa内容是否存在并从中提取RDF。
RDF is often used to represent semi-structured data. RDF经常被用来表示半结构化的数据。
Not the RSS that you're thinking about: this RSS stands for RDF Site Summary, and it defines a syndication format in a semantic manner. 这个RSS不是您所想到的那个RSS,它表示RDFSiteSummary(RDF站点摘要),以语义方式定义一种聚合格式。
The beauty about this is that you don't have to describe yourself , or the car model. The RDF application will sort it out for you . 该指示器的优点在于,你不用自己来描述身份和车体类型,RDF应用程序将会为您筛选。
Because SKOS is defined using the RDF model, it's easy to read and create data in an XML format. 由于利用RDF模型来定义SKOS,以XML格式读取与创建数据非常方便。
Google seems to determine file type by file extension, only including files ending in . xml, . rdf and . rss. Google似乎是通过文件扩展来决定文件类型的,这些文件扩展只包括以.xml、.rdf和.rss为后缀的文件。
All that WSDL provides could really have been written in the RDF Serialized format. WSDL提供的一切本来完全可以用RDF序列化格式编写。
she was dressed in a haute couture dress that the girls and Claudia had made her buy for the RDF New Years Eve party. 裙子是舰桥的女孩们和克劳迪特意为了她参加堡垒新年派对挑选的。
If you expressed an author relationship in an RDF file on your site, could the computer assume they were the same thing? 如果您在站点的RDF文件中表达了author关系,那么计算机会认为它们是相同的内容吗?
Given the frequency with which this column focuses on RDF, it's worth noting the recent spate of activity on this W3C specification. 考虑到本专栏关注RDF的频率,有关这个W3C规范近来的大量活动是值得一提的。
And information in these formats can be treated as RDF statements, allowing RDF to be used to integrate data from many sources. 并且,这些格式的信息都能看成RDF陈述,这使得RDF能用于集成来自多个数据源的数据。
RDF containers are used to describe group of things. For example, to list the authors of a book or to list the members in a band. RDF容器用于描述组信息。举个例子,列出一本书的所有作者或列出一个乐队的子句。
To a large extent, the actual implementation of provenance tracking depends on the underlying toolkit that you use to process RDF. 对于较大范围,起源跟踪的实际实现取决于您用来处理RDF的底层工具箱。
The result of the rdf. complete function call is a node set of Statement elements. plete函数调用的结果是Statement元素的一个节点集。
So far, in brief discussions of how one might use and query the Issue Tracker RDF metadata, we used a simple and primitive query API. 到现在为止,在对人们可能怎样使用和查询问题跟踪器RDF元数据的简短讨论中,我们使用了简单而基本的查询API。
This is not a coincidence as the idea behind the RDF Site Syndication specification is to produce a syndicated format that is RDF compliant. 这不是一个巧合,因为RDFSiteSyndication规范背后的理念是创建一种与RDF兼容的聚合格式。
However, the RDF standard is now used as the standard to describe general information, resources, and relationships. 但是RDF现在变成了用于描述一般信息、资源和关系的标准。
By using RDF files like this, my "Semantic Web Agent" can determine if I can trust the person I am dealing with. 通过像这样使用RDF文件,我的“语义Web代理”可以用来确定我是否可以信任我现在正在交往的人。
The simple example demonstrated in this article only scratches the surface of provenance tracking with RDF. 本文中演示的简单示例只触及了追溯RDF源头的皮毛。
Jena is engineered to work well with RDF data models, just as JDBC is suited for working with relational models. Jena的设计目标是可以良好地处理RDF数据模型,正如JDBC适合处理关系模型一样。
RDF gives meaning to data through sets of "triples. " Each triple resembles the subject, verb and object of a sentence. RDF用「三元组」来呈现资料的意义,每个三元组就像句子一样有主语、述语和宾语。
There is a more natural early entry for WSDL cataloging and discovery in the form of the Resource Description Framework (RDF). 有一种较早的更自然的方法用于以资源描述框架(RDF)形式进行WSDL编目和发现。
Sesame is a library for Java programming language that enables you to store and manipulate RDF data using an SQL database. Sesame是面向Java编程语言的一种库,让您可以使用SQL数据库存储和处理RDF数据。
All this data is published in the Resource Description Framework ( RDF) format. 所有这些数据都是以RDF(ResourceDescriptionFramework,资源描述框架)格式发布的。
Jenabean's primary advantage, as you've seen, is in bridging the gap between Java objects and RDF. 如您所见,Jenabean的主要优势是填补了Java对象和RDF之间的差异。