
美 [rid]英 [riːd]
  • v.读;阅读;朗读;读懂
  • n.阅读;读书;好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等)
  • adj.博学的;熟知的;精通的
  • 网络数据读总数量;读段;读长

第三人称单数:reads 现在分词:reading

read passage,read paper,read magazine,read poem,read bible
carefully read,widely read,closely read



1.[i][t]识字;阅读;读懂to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words or symbols

2.[i][t]读;朗读to go through written or printed words, etc. in silence or speaking them to other people

读到discover by reading

3.[i][t]读到;查阅到to discover or find out about sb/sth by reading


6.[t]懂得;理解to understand sth in a particular way

书写的东西of a piece of writing

7.[t]+ speech写着;写成to have sth written on it; to be written in a particular way

8.[i]+ adv./prep.读起来(给人以某种印象)to give a particular impression when read

测量仪器measuring instrument

9.[t]~ sth读数为;显示to show a particular weight, pressure, etc.

10.[t]~ sth看读数to get information from a measuring instrument


11.[t]~ sb听到,听明白(用无线电机讲的话)to hear and understand sb speaking on a radio set

替换文字replace word

12.[t]~ A for B.~ B as A替换;将…改为to replace one word, etc. with another when correcting a text

大学课程subject at university

13.[t][i]学习;攻读;主修to study a subject, especially at a university


14.[t]读(盘);从磁盘提取信息to take information from a disk


read between the lines

领悟隐含的意义;看出言外之意to look for or discover a meaning in sth that is not openly stated

read sb like a book

轻易地了解某人的想法(或感受);看透某人to understand easily what sb is thinking or feeling

read my lips

请听清楚;请注意听used to tell sb to listen carefully to what you are saying

read (sb) the Riot Act

警告(某人)不得做某事to tell sb with force that they must not do sth

take it/sth as read

直接认定为;不经讨论即认可to accept sth without discussing it


MySQL... ... · character_sets_dir 字符集安装目录。 · Innodb_data_reads 数据读总数量。 · Innodb_data_writes 数据写总数量 …


PEP小学英语六年级上下册单词_百度文库 ... read 阅读 reads 阅读 does doesn't different 不同的 ...


在 特定的循环次数运行后,基本上保证了所有读段reads)在最后具有相同的长度。 每一次Illumina 基因组分析器的运行产生 …


目前二代测序读长reads)有限,最长的是罗氏454,现在据说能有400bp吧,illumina测序和其他测序就只能有150bp,现在 …


某类语句的总共执行次数,平均读页面数reads)/平均CPU时间/平均执行时间等。2. 该类语句在所有语句的比例,如执行次 …


...进口(entries), 出口( exits), 读取reads), 写入( writes)。 标准单位是1 Cfsu(COSMIC functional size unit) , …


第12章 读序列(reads)定位软件Bowtie12.1 Bowtie特性12.2 Burrows-Wheeler(BW)转换程序12.3 不要求精确的比对搜索12.4 回 …

It reads: 'I shall always work to advance the happiness and prosperity of my peoples, spread as they are all over the world. ' 上面写道:“我将为推进我的子民的幸福和繁荣一直工作,泽被全世界的子民。”
Singling out obscure radio stations for very specific criticisms of him, Grondona said he reads and listens to everything, all night long. 对于向他提出具体批评的电台,格隆多纳说他常常通宵达旦地去阅读和聆听。
SKINNER glares at him as CRANE hands over the phone log, a slight smile of disbelief on his lips. He reads the document and hands it back. 当克雷恩把电话几乎拿过来的时候,斯金纳盯着他看,一个怀疑的轻微的微笑在他嘴边。他看了看文档之后还了回去。
When he entered high school, he dropped the special education classes, but he still reads books only when forced, he said. 进入高中之后,他并没有再被列入特殊教育班,但是他说,每次阅读书籍还是需要强迫自己的意志。
I'd like a monthly article called "Great Books" -you know, someone reads a favorite work of literature and writes an article about it. 我喜欢一本月刊文章叫做《大书本》,你也知道,有些人喜欢阅读伟大的文学作品并作书评。
So reads the tombstone of downtrodden writer Kilgore Trout, but we have no doubt who's really talking: his alter ego Kurt Vonnegut. 因此,读取压迫作家基尔戈特劳特墓碑,但我们毫不怀疑谁是真正在谈论:他改变自我库尔特冯内古特。
In front of him, a man is sweating and hiding behind a sign that reads "I bribed. com" in Chinese. 在他面前,一名男子汗如雨下,躲在一个牌子后面,上面用中文写着“”。
To be sure, I have. Is not it a fine old place, just like what one reads about? 那当然啦,难道它不是个优雅的古刹,就像人们在书上看到的一样?
One day, there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a sign by his feet, that reads: "I am blind, please help. " 一天,一位盲人坐在建筑物的台阶上,他的脚边放着一个牌子,那上面写着:“我是盲人,请帮帮我”。
sed takes a script of any number of commands followed by an optional input filespec; by default, it reads standard input. sed接受包含任何数量命令的脚本,后面跟着可选的指定输入文件的选项;缺省情况下,它读取标准输入。
You mean it reads like an X-File. But that's what you intended, wasn't it, Sir? When you assigned me to the case. 你是说他看起来像X档案。但是那是你故意的,是不是,先生?你什么时候派我去这个案子。
A warning posted by the bailiffs on the boat reads: "Important: Do not turn on the motors, considering that the propellers are chained. " 一份被当地警方贴在船上的警告标明“注意:不要认为螺旋桨被拴就可以随便发动引擎。”
Wife talking to her husband, who reads newspaper all day: I wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day. 妻子跟她每天总是看报的丈夫说,我希望我是报纸,这样我就可以每天都在你手里。
If he reads aloud with expression, with a sense of the meaning of the sentences, he si probably an automatic reader. 如果他有表情地大声朗读,并且能感觉句子的意思,他可能是一个能够自觉去阅读的能。
When he reads his own comments, Uwe Boll becomes enraged and challenges himself to a bare-knuckled MMA match. 当他读到自己的评论时,乌维·鲍尔非常愤怒,于是与自己进行了一场徒手格斗赛。
cell phone has altered human relations. there is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads "close your handset. " 手机改变了人与人之间的关系。通常有注意到会议室的门上的告示,写着“关闭手机。”
In Propertius's love elegies, the first line of the first poem reads "Cynthia was the first to capture me with her eyes" . 普罗佩提乌斯的爱情挽歌,第一句是这样写的:“月亮女神用她的眼神俘虏了我的心。”
After he reads her Love Letter he then holds her hands and gives his own loving response with a greater awareness of what she needs to hear. 他读完她的情书后,握着她的手,有爱心地讲她希望听到的话。
Mr Medvedev's article reads like a cry of desperation, an attempt to appeal to Russian progressives over the heads of corrupt bureaucrats. 梅文像是绝望的哭诉,试图以此打动俄罗斯改革论者而非向腐败官僚乞怜。
"Robots are people, too, " reads a hostile badge, across a picture of him in a suit. “机器人也是人,”对手一个盖在他西装革履的照片上的印章如是写。
You walk through the space, a voice reads the names, ages and place of birth of the children. This voice does not repeat for six months. 当你经过这里,有一个声音念着小孩们的名字,年龄和出生地区这些声音每半年会更换。
I have to say that the prose in this book often reads as if it were written, or maybe dictated, in a great hurry. 可我不得不说,这本书的文句读来,常常让人觉得是匆匆写就。或者是口述?
The Read operation reads as much data as is available, up to the number of bytes specified by the size parameter. Read操作将读取尽可能多的可用数据,直至达到由size参数指定的字节数为止。
Inheritors of Freezable must call this method at the beginning of any API that reads data members that are not dependency properties. Freezable的继承者必须在任何API一开始读取不属于依赖属性的数据成员时调用此方法。
She reads voraciously and tends to believe that anything worth knowing about can be learned about in books. 她贪婪地阅读,而且总是相信一切能从书中学到的可信的东西。
He reads to understand the heart that the Ruan looks forward, knew to shine on if this continues the victory will come! 他读懂了阮瞻的心,知道照这样下去胜利就要来临!
Reads me a little story. . . -Put him to sleep, put him to bed? -I shake the spit out of his harmonica. -Ooh! Ooh! 给我读一个小故事…-让他睡觉,好让他上床睡觉?-我把他的口琴中的口水甩出来。-哦!哦!
The reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine had poisoned every one of her five husbands. 当读者在小说的最后几页读到小说中的女主角竟然毒死五个丈夫的时候,他感到毛骨悚然。
An impressionable child reads this, and the next thing you know your whole family is out on the street. 假如一个易感的小孩读到这本书,你知道下一件事情就是你们全家得露宿街头了。
None of that makes it into Mr Stross's account, which at times reads like a diligent summary of news articles. 所有这些都未记入Stross先生的书中,而他的书有时读起来像媒体文章的细心摘要。