
美 [ˈriəˌlɪzəm]英 [ˈrɪəˌlɪz(ə)m]
  • n.现实主义;现实性;逼真;务实作风




1.务实作风;现实主义方式a way of seeing, accepting and dealing with situations as they really are without being influenced by your emotions or false hopes

Elsewhere, he put it more bluntly: "This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it at all. " 在别的地方,他甚至更直言不讳:“简单的谈论一个体面的撤离没有任何现实意义。”
Living abroad, I might have called that wishfulness . Coming to Japan, I've learned to call it realism. 假若生活在国外,我可能会称之为“想入非非”,来日本之后,我学会称之为“现实主义”。
All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel, and I could not read enough of them. 所有我的生活已经使我形成了现实主义,现代小说的自然主义,我读它们从没有感觉已经足够了。
Think of it as a combination of shapes and aim for symbolism rather than realism, and it's not as hard as you'd think. 把它想成各种图形的结合,以象征性代替写实,不会像你想的那么困难。
Her novel Beloved is often regarded as her representative work of magical realism. 她的小说《宠儿》被誉为魔幻现实主义的杰作。
Naturalism is pessimistic realism with a philosophy that sets man in a mechanic world and conceives of him as victimized by that world. 自然主义是悲观的现实主义。自然主义者将人类置于一个机械化的世界并将其视为这个世界的受害者。
Though realism may be a tempting viewpoint, what we know about modern physics makes it a difficult one to defend. 尽管真实可能是一个挺诱惑人的观点,但是我们对现代物理学的所知使得此观点抵挡住人们的异议。
Though realism may be a tempting viewpoint, as we'll see later, what we know about modern physics makes it a difficult one to defend. 虽然现实主义也许是诱人的观点,正如我们将在下文看到的,我们有关现代物理的知识使得要为它辩护变得非常困难。
The question I wish to address is the political realism of that or alternative programs for limiting such growth. 而我希望解决的是贝克的方法、或其他控制此类(津贴)扩张的办法中的政治现实主义疑问。
But you and your colleagues are right to say that macroeconomics tried too hard to be just like micro, with rigor driving out realism. 但你和你的同事有理由说宏观经济学太过热衷于表现出所谓的宏观,产生了脱离实际的教条。
This paper discusses "realist" concept in painting, trying to distinguish realism as a concept and realism as a historical movement in art. 本文探讨了绘画中的“写实主义”观念,试图将作为观念与作为历史上的艺术运动的“写实主义”区分开来进行理解。
Tyrone and I sat on our couch in Salt Lake City and said, "I feel you" to the memory of Baltimore, to illness, to realism. 在盐湖城,泰龙和我一起坐在沙发上,对着在巴尔的摩留下的记忆,病痛,现实说“我感受到了你”。
With this, there are the argumentation for the thought of any ideal society expand realism society rationality and inevitability sometimes. 伴随此,往往也有对超越于现实社会的某种理想社会的构想及其合理性、必然性的论证。
While the slump did not reflect pessimism so much as an overdue dose of realism, it has had severe consequences nonetheless. 虽然它的衰退更多源于一个迟到的现实主义药方,而不仅是悲观情绪,但其结果仍然很严重。
Part one contrasted realism and the new concept of realism and referred to "self" in the new sense of realism reflected. 第一部分通过对比现实主义和新现实主义的概念,提出“自我”在新现实主义意识中的体现。
Soft realism artist is able to use their speed across the surface of the spirit, arrived in "the existence of the original" artist. 软现实主义艺术家就是能够用自己的精神的速度穿越表面,抵达“原始存在”的艺术家。
really so difficult? American independent filmmaking standard template, simple, direct, as if the documentary-like realism and cruelty. 好邦独立造片的本准范本,繁单、曲交,仿佛纪录片般的写实和残酷。
According to art critics around the world, my guest is one of a few prodigies in decades to capture the art of realism. 根据全世界艺术鉴赏人士,她是数十年来少数写实主义的奇才之一。
In the meantime, the video-game industry is continually trying to increase the realism of its basketball players and brawny mercenaries. 同时,电子游戏产业一直在努力增加游戏里篮球运动员和肌肉发达的雇佣兵们的真实性。
Secondly, the subjective realism of the writing task is to praise and critical, or to write the bright thing and write the dark thing. 其次,“主体性现实主义”的创作任务是“歌颂”与“批判”并举,“写光明”与“写黑暗”并举。
Can not be said to have had the critical realism literature and a number of different names of the so-called realism is really realistic. 不能说曾经有过的批判现实主义文学思潮和一些不同名目的所谓现实主义就是真正的现实主义。
Well, concerns about the tax deal reflect realism, not purism: Mr. Obama is setting up another hostage situation a year down the road. 好吧,由于对税政折射出的现实主义,而非纯粹主义的介怀,奥巴马正设好一种一年后被绑架的状况。
In east Asia, at least, Mr Bush's foreign policy would embrace the hard-headed realism of his father, George H. W. Bush. 至少在东亚地区,布什的外交政策会承继他父亲、前总统乔治•H•W•布什(GeorgeH.W.Bush)冷静的现实主义态度。
Under the principle of self-help of the structure realism, what the international order tends to be is a remarkable question . 在结构现实主义的自助原则下,国际秩序趋于合作还是冲突是个值得探讨的话题。
Model-dependent realism short-circuits all this argument and discussion between the realist and anti-realist schools of thought. 依赖模型的现实主义使现实主义和反现实主义的思想学派之间所有这类争议变得毫无意义。
No matter learning Taoism in his early years, or believing in Buddhism afternoon, he never forgot realism life. 无论是早岁学道,还是晚期倿佛,他始终不能忘怀于现实人生。
Beneath the surface realism of the novel, its apparently artless transcription of life's flow, lurks a complicated plan. 事情的背后是真实的,在表面天真浪漫的日常生活之下,潜伏著复杂缜密的计划。
Ambition tempered with realism seems to be the right approach. 用现实的做法缓和一下野心似乎是正确的手段。
I never felt any actual pressure to "write black. " I had great respect for the Gospel of Social Realism and its Canon, and I knew it well. 当时,我从未真正感受到“写黑人”的压力,我极为尊重社会现实主义信条(GospelofSocialRealism)及其准则,我对它相当熟悉。
The dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands demonstrates the conflict between international realism and a nation's interests. 福克蘭群岛的主权的争夺显示出,国际现实主义与国家利益之间的冲突。