
美 ['rekəgnaɪz]英 ['rekəgnaɪz]
  • v.认识;承认;认出;辨别出
  • 网络认可;是认可的意思




1.认识;认出;辨别出to know who sb is or what sth is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before

2.承认;意识到to admit or to be aware that sth exists or is true

3.(正式)认可,接受,赞成to accept and approve of sb/sth officially

4.赞赏;赏识;看重;公认to be thought of as very good or important by people in general

5.~ sb/sth正式向…致谢;正式感谢to give sb official thanks for sth that they have done or achieved


新编大学英语单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... publish v. 出版, 发行 recognise v. 认出, 辨出 reserve v. 保留 ...


高一必修2英语单词_百度文库 ... participant 参与者,参加者 recognise 认识,认知,认出 leaflet 传单,印刷品 ...


高中英语单词表 ... recorder n. 录音(像)机;记录装置,记录仪 recognise vt. 承认,认可;认出,识别 receptionist n. 接待,接 …


Wu Bin has been __ a hero by the public... ... reward 是报答的意思 recognise 是认可的意思 elect 是选举的意思 ...

If people running commercial radio do not recognise that, we are in worse trouble than I thought. 如果运营商业电台的人不承认这一点,我们的处境比我想象的更糟。
But such a meeting would be seen in Taiwan as a rare show of goodwill by China towards a government it does not recognise. 但这样的会晤将被台湾视为大陆对一个它并不承认的政府罕有地表达善意。
The political class does not recognise how much women can contribute to development. 政府并没有意识到女性可以为国家的发展带来多大的贡献。
"We must recognise the fact that adequate food is only the first requisite for life, " he said in his Nobel speech. 他在诺贝尔奖的演说中说到:“我们必须得认识到这样一个事实,充足的食物只是人类生存的首要必需品。”
But I grew to recognise the signs of defeat in their eyes, and with it any hope of a cure. 但是我最终在他们的眼睛里看到的总是失败的迹象,没有任何治愈的希望。
The only way I can connect with others is if I recognise them as unique, and that happened only when I saw myself as a unique person. 我只有在将别人看作独一无二的个体,同时也将自己看作独一无二的个体时,才会将自己与别人联系起来。
Yu, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to recognise that you do not know it. That is knowledge. 由,诲汝知之乎?知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
Participation tends to be a rewarding experience and employees recognise its value for personal development and overall satisfaction. 参与这个项目对职工来说是一次获益匪浅的体验,职工籍此认同了自己在个人发展中的价值和整体满意度。
The beginning of wisdom is to recognise that financial booms and busts have been a feature of capitalism from the very start. 智慧之起源,就在于认识到金融盛衰从一开始就是资本主义的特色。
Iran doesn't recognise Israel, has no diplomatic relations with it . . . Too bad, but I don't care. 伊朗不承认以色列,跟该国没有外交关系……太糟糕了,但是我不在乎。
The second reason was that the bankers simply did not recognise the risks they were taking. 第二个原因是,银行根本没有意识到他们面临的风险。
The only requirements they seem to recognise, however, are glass, steel and concrete for the office buildings. 然而,似乎它们认识到的唯一必要条件是用于建设办公大楼的玻璃、钢材和水泥。
But after 50 years as partners Mick and Keith still recognise that "I pull things out of him; he pulls things out of me. " 但作为一对经历了50年的搭档,米克和基思还是认识到“我们彼此知根知底。”
The wisest, however, will recognise the unfortunate truth that they must do a bit of both. 然而,最明智的州长会认识到最不幸的事实—他们必须双管齐下。
A few Arab leaders recognise that water and energy profligacy must be curbed if ecological disaster is to be avoided. 一些阿拉伯国家领导人意识到,如果要避免生态灾难,必须遏制对水和能源的浪费。
I recognise how much its leaders and people must hate having been forced into a position in which they have to make this choice. 我明白,德国领导人和民众肯定憎恨落到这种被迫要进行上述选择的田地。
It may also recognise that presenting a flawless juggernaut is not in its own interests, especially if the evidence suggests otherwise. 北京还可能意识到,展现一副完美强悍的形象并不符合自身利益,尤其是在实际证据另有所指的情况下。
As she did not recognise the voice, she did not turn around to acknowledge the person. 因为她没从声音中辨识出说话者是谁,所以就没有转身回应。
It was no surprise that most of Russia's intelligentsia did not recognise Yeltsin as one of "theirs" . 这就不难解释为何俄罗斯知识界大多不承认叶利钦是他们其中一员。
Mr Cameron's wobble over the status of his pledge to recognise marriage in the tax system (itself a mistaken policy) was an unforced slip. 卡梅隆保证承认税收系统中的婚姻状况(本身这个就是一个错误的政策),但是就这一点他也是拿捏不准,这就是自己犯的错了。
His book is an impressive account of a world that few readers of this newspaper will recognise. 他的这本书令人印象深刻,描述了本报若干读者将要认识的世界。
The company said the incident cited by Mr Pan was a "misunderstanding" by security guards failing to recognise Sepa credentials. 金威公司表示,潘岳所说的事件属于“误会”,因为保安没有认出国家环保总局的证件。
One idea was that it might then propose to recognise Kosovo in exchange for formal control over the Serbian-run north of the country. 一种猜想是,塞尔维亚也许会提议承认科索沃独立,交换条件是获得科索沃北部塞族地区的正式控制权。
We are only able to feel the resonance of a particular energy and recognise it in a form of low or high 'spirited'. 我们只能够感觉即时的能量反应因素,了解它是在高还是低的“灵魂状态”。
Sir Alex has no qualms about changing his line-up; his players are amenable to rotation as they recognise the benefits for the team. 弗格森对于是否改变首发阵容并不在意,球员们乐于接受轮换,因为这对球队有利。
We are planning to put each and every one of you in direct contact with those closer to you and who you will recognise from previous lives. 我们打算派出那些接近你们,你们将让出他们是来自前世生活的存有,直接与你们每个人联系。
I thought, who logs on to a police website on the off-chance that there might be someone wanted that they might recognise? 我认为,在警察网站上登录的人极少机会能够提供帮助给我们想要的那个人。
He is beginning to recognise the example they set for us in our lives and is able to record his ideas through drawing and writing. 他开始了解这些故事对我们生活的意义并且能够通过绘画和写作记录他的想法。
The US president was dismissive of Abbas's plan to ask the security council to recognise Palestine as a state. 美国总统对阿巴斯要求安理会承认巴勒斯坦国的计划不屑一顾。
Yet let us recognise immediately that this is only the end of the beginning. 但我们需要马上认识到结束意味着新的开始。