
美 [rɪˈfjuz]英 [rɪˈfjuːz]
  • v.拒绝;不肯(承认,服从等);拒婚;否认
  • n.废料;废物
  • adj.废料的
  • 网络态度拒绝;屏绝

第三人称单数:refuses 现在分词:refusing 过去式:refused

refuse offer,refuse request,refuse invitation,refuse help,refuse answer



初级英语情景会话_百度百科 ... 23 Inviting/ 邀请 24 Refusing拒绝 25 Expressing Expectation/ 陈述期望 ...


2.「态度拒绝」(Refusing)非顾客,ex.德高广告:Street Furniture概念。3.「未经开发」(Unexplored)非顾客,ex.产品概念:美白 …


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"Refusing to drink costs nothing to your health, as well your festive mood on holiday, " he said. 他说,“禁酒对您的健康毫发无损,也能让您在节假日您保持愉悦的心情”。
Denying or refusing to admit and living in regret and dreams of "what could have happened" would not prepare you to start anew. 否认或拒绝承认而继续在后悔中和“也许会这样”的痴梦中活着并不能让你从头开始。
Refusing on the basis that they must have some evil ulterior motive might be safer, but you might miss out on a great new friend. 或许拒绝会来得更为安全——出于认为他们一定是别有用心的理由,但你也有可能为此错过一个非常了不起的新伙伴。
His studio numbers were unlisted and he moved around between them, refusing to be tied to one place. 他的画室号码没有载入电话簿,他在画室之间来回迁移,拒绝被束缚在一个地方。
And the Indian holy man seems dull to us, I suppose, because he seems to be refusing to play anything at all . 我认为,对于我们来说,那位印度圣人显得愚鲁,因为他拒绝玩任何游戏。
Just as I expected, he was holed up in his room, refusing to even talk to his family members. 正如我所料,他龟缩在自己的房间,甚至拒绝谈论他的家庭成员。
Refusing to be a burden of her children, Aunty Fang chooses to spend her old age alone in a cluttered tent. 方大娘怕给孩子们负担,晚年选择独居生活,住在堆满杂物的帐棚区内。
But Blues boss Mourinho is refusing to give the stories any credence and feels he does not even need to speak to Cole about the matter. 但蓝军教头穆里尼奥拒绝承认此事的真实性,甚至觉得没必要和乔科尔谈这个话题。
Without proper guidance, we used to be a bit of rebels, slowly refusing the commitments on us. 没有适当的指导下,我们以前是一点点的反叛分子,慢慢地拒绝了我们的承诺。
The reason he give gave for not rescuing refusing himself with was that there was no financial game gain for him in making his decision. 他给出不撤销自己的理由是他从法官的裁决中没有金钱利益。
George Osborne, shadow chancellor, is refusing to rule out his own windfall tax and demanding that banks forgo their tax losses. 影子财相乔治-奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)拒绝取消他自己提出暴利税方案,并要求银行放弃税损。
Recognising this and refusing to overreact will significantly help you to bring forward the day when it's all just a part of the past. 认识到这一点,并且拒绝过度反应——这将会在很大程度上帮助你早日解脱,届时,这些麻烦都仅仅是过去的一部分了。
He represented a businessman who was murdered in April, he said for refusing a corrupt deal with the president. 他是4月被谋杀的一位商人的代表律师。该商人拒绝了与总统的腐败交易。
I could be wrong, but I really wonder if there was a connection between his refusing gifts and losing what he had. 也可能我是错的,但我确实认为他丢东西和他拒绝接受礼物有一定的关系。
But according to one of his close aides, the 74-year-old anti-corruption campaigner is refusing to leave and has gone on hunger strike. 但是据他的一名亲密助手所说,这位74岁的反腐活动家拒绝离开,进行绝食抗议。
Critics say he alienated Congress by initially refusing to submit to any oversight, supporters that this was only an opening bid. 批评者认为他最初坚决拒绝屈服于任何监管而得罪了国会,但对支持者来说这只是底线。
Refusing to be a "light entertainer" like the hypocrites in Dante's inferno, Mr Hill presents a difficult world as he sees it. 他拒绝像但丁地狱里的伪君子那样,成为一名“跳梁小丑”。
Regulators were worried that Lehman's trading partners would panic, refusing to do any more business with the bank. 监管方担心雷曼的交易对手会出现恐慌,不愿意跟这家银行有任何新的业务往来。
I hear there's likely to be a bit of a hold-up at the 18th, and it won't just be the usual duffer refusing to give up on a lost ball. 听说第18号球道可能会有点堵,而且不是因为技艺欠佳的高球爱好者拒绝放弃“遗失球”之类的稀松平常的原因。
Defying one of the oldest political traditions, the Arizona senator is winning by gruffly refusing to tell people what they want to hear. 公然挑战古老的政治传统,这个亚利桑那州的参议员粗暴的拒绝了说出那些选民爱听的话,但是他胜利了。
On the whole, he was glad to have the matter settled for him by her refusing to take seriously his wish to invite M. Riviere. 总的说来,梅拒绝认真考虑他邀请里维埃先生吃饭的要求而使事情这样了结,他感到高兴。
shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. 这位父亲苦涩地现则了隐居,关闭起自己和朋友隔绝,也拒绝参加那些能让他找回平衡,返回常态的一切活动。
"I've had the time of my life out there, " she kept saying, refusing to let pre-Olympic hype define her experience. “这同样是我生命的一部分,”她不断地强调,拒绝别人用奥运之前的光环来定义她的经历。
As a Cardinal in Argentina, he sparked controversy when he chastised priests for refusing to baptize the children of single mothers. 作为阿根廷的红衣主教,他当他批评拒绝为单身母亲孩子洗礼的牧师后引发了争议。
"It was only one dance, and Mr. Barton is a good dancer, " she said airily, refusing to be intimidated. “就跳了一曲,巴顿先生舞跳得很好,”她不满地说,来抵抗所受到的恐吓。
Refusing to go with an irrational flow hurts performance for a while, and could prove durably stupid if the terrible event actually happens. 拒绝追随无理性的大流,会在短期内影响业绩,而且,一旦灾难性事件真的发生,还可能长时间贴上愚蠢的标签。
On the surface, IBM appears to be the bad guy, supplying a malfunctioning database and then refusing to help when things turned bad. 表面上,IBM看上去像是个坏孩子,提供了一份无法正常工作的数据库,并且在事情变得遭糕之后拒绝帮忙。
Even South Africa, whose spineless president, Thabo Mbeki, is still refusing to criticise Mr Mugabe outright, has begun to turn against him. 甚至连南非都开始反对他了,南非总统塔博·姆贝基是个软弱的家伙,他一直拒绝直率的批评穆加贝先生。
We always dislike refusing requests of any kind from regular customers. but regret we have no choice but to do so. 我们一贯不愿拒绝老客户们提出的任何要求。但遗憾的是我们别无选择。只能拒绝上述请求。
At quarter to five, Podesta called again and said the Miami family was now refusing even to recognize the fathers custody rights. 4点45分,波德斯塔再次电话来说,亲属一方现在甚至要拒绝承认埃连父亲的监护权。