
美 [ˈriˌleɪ]英 [ˈriːleɪ]
  • v.传达;转播;【无线】转播;用驿马递送
  • n.传达;接替;接替人员;补给供应
  • 网络转播的重播的

复数:relays 现在分词:relaying 过去式:relayed 过去式:relaid

relay message



航海及海运专业英语词汇(R3) ... relay-indicating light 继电器指示灯 relayed 转播的重播的 relaying 继电保继电器控制 ...

Usually it had to be relayed by an operator, and you have to be patient in waiting. 它通常需要人工转换,你得耐心等待。
In June, Voyager 1 relayed data that showed it was no longer traveling amongst the outward flow of solar wind particles. 今年6月,旅行者1号发回数据表明,它不再在向外传送的太阳风粒子流中旅行。
Mr. Wang, the curator, said the best exhibitions will be relayed to the museum's widening web of partners like the Guangdong Times Museum. 王馆长说,最好的展览还会转入美术馆不断增加的合作展馆,比如广东时代美术馆。
She had to give in AS a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents. 由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。
and that of Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian whose self-immolation was rapidly relayed round the country through social networks. 另一个则是突尼斯的穆罕默德·布瓦吉吉,他的自焚行为通过社交网站迅速传遍了全国。
Much of this knowledge is relayed from the grids to the human vehicle, through a system of energy wheels, known to you as the chakra system. 大多数知识是从网格传播到人类媒介物里,通过一能量轮系统,就是你熟知的脉轮系统。
Olympics ended. I believe that this culture will continue on, like the Olympic torch, relayed in everyone's heart. 奥运会结束了,我相信这种文明会像奥运火炬一样,在每个人的心中传递。
By 6 a. m. the next day, she was in a blind at the foot of a tree where Connell served as deer spotter and relayed information to her. 翌日清晨还没6点,她埋伏在一棵树底的隐蔽处,康乃尔在那里充当观鹿手,并通风报信给她。
One of Mays's few remaining goals was to fly on Air Force one, a message relayed to the president by a mutual friend. 五月份的为数不多的目标是乘坐“空军一号”,一个消息转播给总统通过共同的朋友。
In an external relay domain, messages are relayed to an e-mail server, outside your organization, which you do not control. 在外部中继域中,邮件将中继到在组织外部并且您无法控制的电子邮件服务器。
He saw only family members and a few key officials who relayed information to him and decisions from him. 他只见家庭成员,以及向他汇报情况和传达他的决定的少数重要官员。
At this point, your call's packets are being relayed via a dozen access points to the far end, which isn't very efficient. 在这点上,你的电话的数据包被一打接入点中继转发给被你呼叫的那方,这不是很有效率。
And as the news was relayed throughout the country no one could rein in his or her excitement as they reeled from the joy of success. 随着消息在全国各地转播,谁也不能控制住他或她的激动,因为他们都被胜利的喜悦冲昏了头脑。
As I relayed the yoga teacher incident, my voice echoed across the canyon between who I was and what I was saying. 我跟她说了瑜伽老师的事情之后,我感觉的声音像环绕在峡谷里,在我是谁和我在说什么之间回荡着。
The Olympic flame is usually relayed by well-known athletes from Athens to the Olympic site. 奥运火炬由一些著名运动员从雅典接力传送到主办地。
He relayed the news to his mother. 他将这个消息转达给他的母亲。
Therefore one's intentions must be infused with the Language of Light, or they will not be relayed back into one's life dance. 因此你的意想必须注入光之语,否则它们将不能被转播回你的生命之舞。
It was the Olympic flame's first trip to Mt. Qomolangma, where 5 mountaineers relayed the torch at the top for about six minutes. 这是奥运圣火首次登顶珠峰,登山队员在峰顶停留约一小时,5名队员进行了大约6分钟的火炬传递。
As the psychic relayed my message to the ghost, I heard Cheryl's car pulling into her driveway, and knew she would be over any minute. 作为精神传达给我的邮件的幽灵,我听说谢的车拉她的车道,并知道她将超过任何分钟。
If an error happens, this can be relayed to the user through email, or even inserted into her session should she still be on your site. 如果发生了错误,可以通过电子邮件通知用户,如果用户仍然在网站上,甚至可以把错误通知插入他的会话。
Rational in the White House briefing today, White House spokesman Carney relayed the Obama of this. 在今天白宫的理性发布会上,白宫发言人卡尼转述了奥巴马的这句话。
And she was also being relayed all the information, including the scan that was done right there in the ambulance. 而且她也是被继电器所有的数据,包括在救护车中的就在那里被做的扫描。
This then experienced getting relayed for the legitimate auto company to ask for their help. 这就有经验的获得传递给合法汽车公司寻求他们的帮助。
It was shown only on Shanghai television, along with a painfully slow feed relayed through the internet. 不过,节目只在上海电视台播放,而网上的相关视频速度慢如蜗牛。
Although the company has not said much about how they keep the comfort factor, they have relayed many of the off-road touches. 虽然该公司没有透露多少有关他们如何保持舒适的因素,他们转达了许多越野涉及。
To be sure, photographic and video images relayed by the media have shown trees swept away by waves and water-drenched lands. 固然,媒体转播的摄影照片和录像带显示出树木被巨浪冲走、大地一片汪洋的景象。
The signal telephone call or television programme is sent to a stationary satellite by microwave and relayed by it to a ground station. 信号(包括电话和电视节目)传送到定位卫星上,再由它转到地面站。
Some South Korean TV stations relayed the North's broadcast of the procession for about an hour, then returned to regular programming. 韩国部分电视台转播了约一个小时的朝鲜对葬礼的报道,之后回到正常节目的播出。
The information is then relayed wirelessly to a centralized healthcare data repository powered by SingTel's cloud infrastructure. 这些信息随后被以无线方式传送到构建在新加坡电信的云架构中的集中式医疗健康数据库中。
Then any results need to be relayed back to the director, which then returns the response to the client who initiated the Web page request. 然后,所有结果都需要传回控制器,后者向发出Web页面请求的客户机返回响应。