
美 [rɪˈlaɪ]
  • v.依靠;信任
  • 网络依赖于;依赖;要依靠

第三人称单数:relies 现在分词:relying 过去式:relied

mainly rely,solely rely



...上,你这是在数据层定义业务逻辑。需要记住的重要的东西是,你的业务层依赖于RELIES)数据层以获取和持久实体,这 …


Anthony | Mission: Kobe Bryant | Homeless... ... psychology 心理学,心理状态 relies 依赖 reminder 起提醒作用的东西 ...


译言网 | 现在还有什么在美国制造?你将大吃一惊! ... cans of beer: 罐装啤酒 relies要依靠 sold 包括内销和外销。 ...

The hire is also a bit of a breach for The Huffington Post, which relies on a younger staff and unpaid guest bloggers. 此次Fineman也打破了HuffingtonPost的惯例,该网站一直招聘年轻的员工和无偿的嘉宾作者。
Losing our faculties over a matter like sex ought not to make much sense for a species like ours that relies on its wits . 对一个像我们这样依靠于机智的种族--人类来说,为何会在性事上丧失了力量这点上应该说不通。
Ultrasound has, of course, long been used in medical imaging. It relies on the fact that sound travels faster through denser tissues. 当然,超声波很早就已用于医疗成像,其应用的依据是声波在密度更大的组织中传播速度更快。
Any search for extraterrestrial life relies on Earth-based assumptions, and those the researchers made are at least sound, she said. 她说任何对地外生命的探寻都依赖于以地球为基础的假设,而研究人员所做的这些假设至少是正确的。
A Web site that relies on Ajax techniques will have to put in extra care to ensure that it still shows up in search queries. 依赖于Ajax技术的网站必须特别注意保证自己仍然出现在搜索查询中。
Yuan Shao Feng is also the advisor of the old, or it may be a bit Relies on old , tried to stop Yuan Shao not to launch the war. 田丰也是袁绍的老谋士了,也可能是有点倚老卖老,拼命地拦住不让袁绍发动这场战争。
It's hard to explain but when there's something so little that relies on you so much, you have no choice but to turn into a man. 这很难解释,但是当一个小东西这么依赖着你的时候,你不由自主地就会慢慢地成熟。
An EEG relies on the fact that this electrical energy can be transmitted along a thin metal wire. EEG依赖于电能能在金属电线中传输这一事实。
But because much of this industry still relies on subsidies to be competitive with fossil fuels, it is still not a true free market. 但由于这个行业在很大程度上仍然依赖津贴去和化石燃料竞争,因此仍然不是一个真正的自由市场。
This concept of unity relies on a full intuitive confirmation that you are indeed changing and that you are part of a greater whole. 这个统一概念依赖于你完全直观的认识你的改变,你是一个更大的整体的一部分。
Although we might tend to put this sort of skill down as basic "instinct, " it actually relies on higher activities of the brain. 尽管我们会把这种能力当作基本的“本能”,它实际上依靠大脑更高层次上的活动。
This will tell you how much the company relies on debt to finance assets. 这将告诉你公司依赖欠债投资资产多少。
SQLite has no concept of user accounts, and instead relies on the file system for all database permissions. SQLite没有用户帐户概念,而是根据文件系统确定所有数据库的权限。
It will clear the way for others that are almost ready to go ahead, and relies on our allies completing their groundwork. 并且可以为那些准备陆续出现的事情清理道路,也依赖于我们的盟友完成他们的地面工作。
Indeed, decreased Western consumer demand will dent China's economy as well as that of any that relies on exports. 事实上,西方消费需求下降会削弱中国及其他依靠出口的国家的经济。
In case the components do not provide any of this information, WebSphere Portal relies on global default values for each of the components. 如果组件不提供任何此类信息,WebSpherePortal将依赖于每个组件的全局缺省值。
Let's face it: A business model that relies primarily on online advertising cannot sustain newspapers over the long term. 让我们直面这样一个现实:主要依靠在线广告的商业模式无法将报纸长期维持下去。
Otherwise one relies on childcare or, if the children are old enough, you send them out to work. 人们也可以选择把孩子交给幼托。如果孩子们年龄较大,就可以让他们出去工作。
Yet, at least for now, China implicitly relies on the U. S. Navy to guarantee the sea-lanes along which that oil is shipped. 但至少目前为止,中国还完全依靠美国海军来保证该国进口石油所经航道的安全。
If you were working for one of these agencies that relies on discretionary funding, how would you be feeling right now? 如果你正在这样一个全权依靠资金的机构工作,你现在会有什么感觉?
AS a national strategy, China is trying to build an economy that relies on innovation rather than imitation. 作为一项国家战略,中国在试图打造依靠创新而不是山寨的经济体。
Be aware that SQLite relies solely on the file system for its database permissions and has no concept of user accounts. 要知道,SQLite的数据库权限只依赖于文件系统,没有用户帐户的概念。
Note that this application relies on the character encodings currently used for view state which may change before the final release. 注意,这个应用程序依赖于目前ViewState使用的编码字符,在最终版本发布前可能会改变。
Santiago relies upon no one and nothing but himself to control the discomfort and pain that occur during his lonely ordeal. 在这场孤独的痛苦的考验中,圣地亚哥没有依赖于任何人,任何物体,只靠他自己去控制不适与痛苦。
Mr. Jobs, by all accounts, relies on intuition and his own sense of taste, in decisions ranging from hiring to matters of product design. 乔布斯,众所周知,从招聘到产品设计都依靠他的直觉和个人品味下决定。
The company relies on advanced technology steady quality for enjoying high reputation to her customers at home and abroad. 公司组建以来,始终以技术领先,质量稳定享誉海内外用户。
Transferring ownership relies on this tabauth field despite the fact that it might not be the minimum privilege, as shown in Example 1. 转移所有权依赖于这个tabauth字段,尽管它可能不是最小特权,如例1所示。
A man with a heart is not intimated by your intelligence, intuition and sensitivity; he understands you and relies on you. 一个真正有“心”的男人他不会受你的智慧、直觉或敏感的心而左右,他会理解你、依赖着你。
So building an application that relies on Twitter's data requires a bit of planning. 因此建立依赖Twitter数据的应用程序需要一些计划。
Relies on two homologous chromosomes pair along the long axis between the formation of synaptonemal complex achieved. 配对是靠两条同源染色体间沿长轴形成的联会复合体实现的。