
美 [rɪˈmaɪnd]英 [rɪ'maɪnd]
  • v.使想起
  • 网络提醒;使我想起

第三人称单数:reminds 现在分词:reminding 过去式:reminded




《Friends》词汇表A ... elephant n. 象, 一种纸张的尺寸 reminds vt. 提醒, 使想起 raisins n. 葡萄干 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... elephant n. 象, 一种纸张的尺寸 reminds vt. 提醒, 使想起 raisins n. 葡萄干 ...


几个七年级的英语问题_百度知道 ... 2.destination 目的地 3.reminds 使我想起 4.ensures 确保 ...

Which of these scenarios reminds you most of what you know of Apple's attitude towards Objective-C and Cocoa? 你有多了解苹果对Objective-C和Cocoa的态度?以上这些情景会让你想起什么吗?
yea! it's nice to see the POLICE doing their job against the people how employee them it reminds me of a regime that just FELL! 是啊!真的很高兴看到警察尽职地对抗他们的衣食父母,这我想起一个刚刚垮台的政权!
December, as it always does, reminds us how fast a year has passed so quickly and our whole life can be a glimpse of the eye. 十二月又最是让人惊异一年的时间过得如此之快,真真感到人生如白驹过隙的月份。
Stuart's very different from my first husband - he's half bald, but he reminds me that he once was a young thing with a full head of hair. 斯图亚特很不同于我的第一个丈夫。他一半的头发都掉光了,但他却时常对我说他年轻时满头乌发。
That usually incites some form of "trade war, " where the team reminds me what I'm supposed to be doing. 这实际上会引起某种形式的“贸易战”,这是团队提醒我要清楚自己在做什么。
Seriously, he is just a goal machine. He scores so many in training. He reminds me of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer so much. 事实上,他是个进球机器。他训练中就进球如麻,让我想起索尔斯克亚。
He died of a heart attack. His death reminds me that my life may come to an end anywhere at anytime and I can do nothing about it. 他死于心脏病。他的死使我想到我自己的生命随时随地都有可能结束而我却无可奈何,想到这一点,我感到绝望。
I do not know, this reminds me of the last to see a campus novel - "Nomad. " 我不知道,这让我想起了最近看到的一本校园小说——《烈火青春》。
It reminds me for a moment of my own student days, when my country, Ghana, was newly independent. 这使我想起了我自己的求学岁月,当时我的祖国加纳刚刚获得独立。
Here is kind of a little jingle, a couple of statements, some stuff that reminds me of him. 这里有一段话,有点像是那种押韵的广告词,它们总让我想起他。
I can't get him out of my head at all, everything I met everyday reminds me of him. 我根本就忘不了他,每天遇到的每件事都能让我想起他。
It's like a book that leaps off the shelf every once in a while and reminds you of the stuff you've highlighted. 就像是一本书每隔一段时间就自动跳出来,提醒你复习你划重点的那些内容。
Enron reminds us that the system can and must be improved. We are prepared to do our part. 安然提醒我们制度可以而且必须加以改进。我们已准备好做出我们自己的努力。
He reminds me of Ian Callaghan at times. They're different players but Cally would also give you everything, running all over the pitch. 有时他让我想起了卡拉汉,他们是两种不同类型的球员,但是卡里可以给你一切,纵横全场。
Ms. Cornell reminds herself that this is all temporary. 康奈尔提醒自己说,这一切都是暂时的。
I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be. 我有一个女神般的妻子,她为理想和打动人而拼命努力,我还有个女儿,她让我回忆起我的很多过去。
When your mind hurts, pain reminds you to quit worrying or to be more forgiving, or to think a different way. 当你的心灵受伤,痛苦会提醒你停止担忧,或者变得更宽宏大量,又或者用不同的角度去思考。
It reminds me of the "next day in the infinite-Bi Lin, Ying Hung Different Day flowers" of verse. 它让我想起了“接天莲中无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的诗句。
Twardon reminds us we all have a little bit of these personalities in ourselves, so treat others as you would like to be treated. 托登医生提醒我们:我们自己的性格中都会有一点这些个性,所以要像你希望自己被对待的方式那样来对待别人。
Michael: Like I said, I'd love to, but my parents would kill me! Oh! That reminds me, I'm supposed to call them. Hang on a minute. . . 迈可:就像我说的,我也想那样做,但是我父母亲会宰了我!哦,那倒提醒了我,我该打个电话给他们。等一下……
Every time Google presents me with search terms customized to what I'm typing, it reminds me that the company monitors my every move. 每次谷歌为我呈现推荐搜索关键词的时候,它也在提醒着我这个公司在监视着我的一举一动。
Mum often reminds me to turn off the light before going to bed. 妈妈经常提醒我睡前要关灯。
"But make no mistake that this film is so obscure that it might not make a return of your capital, " he reminds fund raisers. “但是要注意这样一部冷门的片子很可能不会让你有资本的回报,”他提醒募资者们。
Taking the first several minutes after waking up to acclimate to my day reminds me that I'm not at the mercy of everyone else's agenda. 好好利用好这几分钟时间来安排自己的一天,让我明白我不是受别人的议程支配的。
It's quite lean. Kind of reminds me a touch of a Chateau Musar. I was also thinking maybe of an old-style Pinotage. 口感上来说,整体属于比较清瘦型的,让我想起ChateauMusar的感觉,也有点旧风格的pinotage。
Video: James Kofi Annan: He was hit with a paddle, you know, in the head. And this reminds me of my childhood, when I used to work here. 视频:詹姆斯.科菲.安南:他被人用船桨给打了,看,打在脑袋上,这让我想起了我自己的童年,当时我就在这里工作。
that's why a day so unusually cold like this reminds me of that trip. 那就是为什么像这样冷得不同寻常的时候我想起那次旅程。
There are a lot of fruit does, bananas, apples, grapes . . . lantern to take in the children's hands, reminds me of a happy childhood! 还有好多的水果呢,香蕉,苹果,葡萄…灯笼拿在小孩子的手里,让我想起了快乐的童年!
Yes, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a threat, as this week's news of an outbreak among premature infants in London reminds us. 不错,单单从本周伦敦大批婴儿早产的事件中就可以看出,这种可以抵抗抗生素的细菌对人类是一种重大威胁。
That actually reminds me of some foreign mechanical philosopher, whose name slipt my mind, but he said: "Space is an empty frame! " 这反倒让我想起了外国的某机械唯物主义哲学家,名字我给忘了,但是,他说:“空间,是虚无的框架!”