
美 [ˈreskju]英 [ˈreskjuː]
  • v.救;【法】劫出(囚犯);维护
  • n.救济;【法】(囚犯的)劫出
  • 网络拯救;救护;铁木杆

第三人称单数:rescues 现在分词:rescuing 过去式:rescued

successful rescue,dramatic rescue
come rescue,attempt rescue,rescue girl,rescue company,rescue woman



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The public finances also deteriorated sharply as some of the costs of the recent banking rescues came into the official figures. 随着近期银行救援措施所产生的费用进入了官方数据,公共财政也急剧恶化。
On stand's mood also infects Zheng to be clean, is nearly impossible regarding these the ball which rescues, she goes all out to pursue. 看台上的情绪也感染着郑洁,对于那些几乎不可能救到的球,她还是拼命在追。
As surely as the LORD who rescues Israel lives, even if it lies with my son Jonathan, he must die. But not one of the men said a word. 39我指著救以色列永生的耶和华起誓、就是我儿子约拿单犯了罪、他也必死.但百姓中无一人回答他。
MO has no sense that the animals produced costs shelters and rescues in every state a continual burdening of their resources. 他们没有意识到为了保护和拯救这些动物,每个州的资源负担越来越重。
Why? In short, because rescues need a bit of "shock and awe" to convince investors. 为什么会这样?简单说来,就是援助需要一点“震惊与恐惧”以使投资者心悦诚服。
Just as the ECB bought time for European banks, rescues have been attempted for the struggling governments of Greece and Ireland. 正如欧洲央行曾为欧洲各银行争取时间一样,针对苦苦挣扎的希腊和爱尔兰政府,救援行动也已经展开。
Accident rescues also need new techniques to quicken the speed of coordination and action of every involved department. 在海难援助方面,也需要新技术的支持以加快各部门之间的协调、反应速度。
But by Thursday some rescue teams had flown home, and the Haitian government was expected to call off the rescues soon. 但到周四为止,一些救援队已经乘飞机回国,而且海地政府预计很快将叫停救援行动。
The Coast Guard rescuers who quickly got to the scene and many of the ferries and boats that first responded train for water rescues. 那些很快赶到现场的海岸警卫救援人员和许多渡轮和游艇,首先作出的反应的水上救护。
Uses the automobile to be able to cause the jamming, the hindrance fire fighting, the rescue, rescues the activity. 使用汽车会引起堵塞,妨碍灭火、救援、救护活动。
Despite a confusion about IMF numbers for the fiscal cost of UK bank rescues, its forecast of total UK bank losses has not been challenged. 尽管IMF有关英国银行业纾困的财政代价数据引发疑问,但该机构对英国银行业亏损总额的预测并未受到挑战。
One of the hardest-hit countries in Europe, it has already mounted rescues for two banks, Fortis and Dexia. 作为欧洲受金融危机影响最深的国家之一,比利时已经为富通和德克夏两家银行提供了救助。
CHENGDU, China: On television, the miraculous survivor stories had begun to fade Sunday, replaced by reruns of dramatic rescues. 中国成都:礼拜天,电视上报告奇迹般生还故事的渐渐少了,代之以再次启动大规模救援行动的报导。
Over time her goal became sharing these rescues with underprivileged children who otherwise would not get such an experience. 她所做的这些事情曾一度和那些贫穷而缺少这种经历的儿童们分享。
The administration of President George W. Bush used to argue that the IMF alone, not bilateral lenders, should be in charge of rescues. 美国总统乔治-布什(GeorgeW.Bush)的政府一贯主张,应由IMF独自负责援救行动,而非双边贷款机构。
He's a fight fan himself, and he means to go on the road with his old man and more importantly with the robot Atom he rescues from scrap . 他自己也是一个拳击迷,他打算和上了年纪的老爸一起并肩作战,更重要的是,还有他从回收场中解救出来的机器人亚当的加入。
With an eye on future rescues, markets were especially concerned about the treatment of these banks' senior bondholders. 考虑到将来的救助,市场尤其关心这些银行的高级债券持有人的待遇问题。
when he in rescues others' time, has not thought of his safety. 当他在救别人的时候,没有想到他自己的安全。
Now, those efforts have come to a virtual standstill. No rescues have been reported since Wednesday. 一切救援的行动实际上已经停止,自上周三以来再没有报道有生还者被救出。
For now, rescues by the European Central Bank and other lenders are the only answer in a debt crisis. 因为现在,欧洲中央银行和其他贷款人的救助是解决债务危机唯一希望。
Because rescues promptly, several abrades besides the body on and receives frightens excessively, old person lifeless danger. 由于抢救及时,除了身上几处擦伤和受到过度惊吓外,老人无生命危险。
In the case of the banks that required state rescues, European competition rules are requiring divestment and downsizing. 至于已经申请国家救助的那些银行,根据欧盟的竞争法规,要对他们进行撤资和瘦身。
The madam of eastern mansion and miss is arrested, the general city rescues. The entire camps that ban Weis are all adapted to. 东方府的夫人和姑娘被掳,将军出城营救。整个禁卫营全都被调了去。
Most of that rise came not from financial rescues but from prolonged recessions and the fiscal expansions designed to combat them. 其中绝大多数增长并非来自金融营救,而是来自长时间的衰退,以及为了战胜衰退而制定的各类财政扩张计划。
A kid falls into the water suddenly and Li Hua goes to save the kid. Finally Li Hua rescues the kid ashore with your help. 一个小孩掉入水中。李华前去救人。在你的帮助之下。把小孩救上岸来…
The rescues of banks, insurers and mortgage lenders have also left some cleaning up to do. 对银行、保险公司和抵押贷款提供者的救助也留下了一些扫尾工作。
Fifth, it is likely that after such a rescue, the imprudent will just go back to their bad old ways, making further rescues necessary. 第五,很可能在经过这类纾困之后,那些挥霍无度之辈又会故态复萌,导致必须进行新的纾困。
Before this situation improvement, rescues the plan not to be impossible fundamentally to solve the problem. 在这个情况改善之前,救援计划并不可能从根本上解决问题。
Germany has talked a good game about making private investors share the cost of any rescues in the future. 德国大谈特谈让私人投资者分担未来纾困成本的想法。
For now, rescues by the European Central Bank and otherlanderslenders are the only answer in thea debt crisis. 到目前为止,由欧洲中央银行和其他贷方提供的救援是对负债危机的唯一答案。