
美 [rɪˈzaɪd]英 [rɪ'zaɪd]
  • v.住;(官吏)留驻;(性质)存在;(权力,权利等)属于
  • 网络居住着;居住著;存在于

第三人称单数:resides 现在分词:residing 过去式:resided




在中央宇宙的边缘上居住着( resides )\"中央族类\",他们拥有( contains )自宇宙的创造以来最原始的\"人类DNA模板\"( the original …


在中央宇宙的边缘上居住著( resides )中央族类,他们拥有( contains )自宇宙的创造以来最原始的“人类DNA模板”( the original hum…


surgical anatomy of the pancreas... ... palpable pulsation 可触及的 resides 存在于,位于 obliquity 倾斜,斜度 ...


第1篇访谈 ... 的说法。 在〝中央宇宙〞的边缘上居住著( resides ) 〝中央族类〞,他们拥有( contains ) ...


WINGMAKERS造翼者资料合集... ... 的说法。 在〝中央宇宙〞的边缘上居住着( resides ) 〝中央族类〞,他们拥有( contains ) ...

She resides with some of the world's best table tennis players and walks less than five minutes from her dorm to practice against them. 她和一些世界上最好的乒乓球手住在一起,只需不到五分钟就可以从宿舍走到训练场地和那些好手们一起练球。
Multi-tenancy is often managed both at the hardware and software level, regardless of the tier of storage on which the data resides. 多租户往往是硬件和软件水平上的管理,而与数据存储在哪层无关。
He is a proud member of First Baptist Church in Somerset, N. J. , where he resides and is happily married to his wife Zahara. 他是新泽西州的索默塞特市第一个浸礼会值得骄傲的成员,他住在那里并且很愉快娶了他的妻子札哈拉。
As is often the case with the European construction process, the problem resides not only in diagnosing the problem. 和欧洲建设进程中的通常情况一样,问题的诊断并不完全等于问题的解决。
Ai Xuan (also known as GuiGui by his closer family members) currently resides in Beijing with his wife Jin Tao and daughter Ai Jiayi. 艾轩(家人一般叫他“艾圭圭”)目前和妻子金涛、女儿艾佳伊(音译)居住在北京。
Some of such change is the result of the toxic waste near the land upon which humanity resides . 其中一些改变是人类居住的大陆附近的有毒废物造成的结果。
Copy the debug version of the DLL to the directory where sqlservr. Exe resides or to any directory in the search path. 将DLL的调试版本复制到sqlservr.exe驻留的目录或复制到搜索路径中的任何目录。
With the database and tables in place, you are ready to pull in our data that for the purposes of this article, resides in a CSV file. 现在数据库和表已建好,可以将本文所用到的数据填充进去,这些数据在CSV文件中。
Notice that although the MyClass component resides in another assembly, it can be referenced as if it were local to the client code. 注意:尽管MyClass组件驻留在另一程序集中,它仍可以如同客户端的本地代码一样被引用。
Understanding the niche in which the product resides gives it a relevant differentiated benefit (RDB). 了解产品居住的适当位置给它一个相关的被区分的好处(RDB)。
The beauty of a women must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where the love resides. 女性的美必须通过她的眼睛才能看见,因为那是她的心灵之窗,是爱的归属。
If you are a member of multiple projects and do not know which one the artifact you are seeking resides in, the Search view will help. 如果您是多个项目的成员,并且不知道您在寻找的工件的具体位置,那么Search视图将会十分有用。
One of the top golfers in the NBA, Dawson resides in Houston with his wife, Sharon. Sharon has a daughter, Elizabeth and a son, Michael. 作为NBA顶级的高尔夫球手之一,道森现与妻子莎伦、女儿伊丽莎白和儿子迈克尔住在休斯顿。
The secret chamber of the Heart, as it has been called by esoteric teachings, is simply the place where the Christ within resides. 心之秘室,就是秘密教导过去被称它的,是基督居住的地方。
Now this mutual friend told me that he had tried to talk to her about moving her and her children here from the state in which she resides. 这位共同的朋友还告诉我,他曾经劝说把她和她的孩子从现在居住的州搬到这里来;
If your data resides on only a few spindles, what is the point exactly of having multiple logical unit numbers (LUNs) or physical disks? 如果您的数据仅位于几个轴,那么使用多个逻辑单元号(LUN)或者物理磁盘又有什么实际意义呢?
Mr. Bohndorf is an activist shareholder who resides on the Spanish island of Ibiza and who had been critical of the bank, said this person. 这位人士说,伯恩多夫是居住在西班牙伊维萨岛的一名维权股东,一直对德意志银行持批评态度。
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the door way to her heart, the place where love resides. 女人的美丽必定是从她的眼睛流露出来的,因为那是通往她心灵深处的入口,那是爱居住的地方。
One of the best ways to find where the code for a feature you saw in the program resides is to use the grep command. 要找到您在程序中看到的某个特性的代码的驻留位置,最好的方法之一就是使用grep命令。
On the queue manager, this translates to a requirement for an initiation queue for each host on which an agent resides. 在队列管理器上,这转化为要求其上驻留一个代理的每个主机有一个启动队列。
A few end with something like "X resides with his wife Sheila near Ashland, Kentucky" but most of them skip this section, which is a shame. 有些个人小传是这样结尾的:“某某某和妻子谢拉(Sheila)现住在肯塔基州亚什兰市。”但大多数个人小传都把这部分省掉了,这很可惜。
The inter-disk policy defines the number of disks on which the physical partitions of a logical volume actually resides. inter-disk策略定义了一个逻辑卷的物理分区实际驻留的磁盘的数目。
There must be a reunification with Self and a return to your center of power which resides within your Sacred Heart. 必须与一个自我重新统一和回归你们驻留有你们内在圣心的力量中心。
A service resides in an abstract hosting environment known as a container and provides a specific programming metaphor. 服务存在于抽象的托管环境(容器)中,并且提供了特定的编程框架。
The voice coming from that special place in her body where "mother guilt" resides said, "You have the menorah out, so light it already. " 从她身体的“原罪”所在的地方传来一个声音,说道,“你已经把烛台拿出来了,事实上它也已经点亮了。”
Determine in which partition a row with a particular partition key value resides, or where it would be inserted. 确定包含特定分区键值的行位于哪个分区中或将该行插入哪里。
Now a senior at Harvard, Ms. Richards was born in New York, but mostly grew up in Switzerland and Moscow, where her family still resides. 她出生于纽约,但大部分时间在瑞士和莫斯科长大,她的家人现在仍住在莫斯科。
On the surface, it resides in a cluster and behaves as a clustered application. 从表面上看,它存在于一个集群中并且行为与集群的应用程序相同。
The software itself resides on a Web server and can be distributed to devices of a particular device class by a software distribution job. 软件自身位于Web服务器上,通过软件分发作业可以将其分发给具有特定设备类的设备。
This layer resides on top of the hardware and operates through a set of low-level routines, with the hardware called hypervisor calls. 该层位于硬件之上,并且使用称为hypervisor调用的硬件,通过一组低层的例程进行操作。