
美 [rɪˈzɔrs]英 [rɪˈzɔː(r)s]
  • n.资源;资料;才智;财力
  • v.向…提供资金(或设备)
  • 网络办法;最新资源;资源类型

复数:resources 现在分词:resourcing 过去式:resourced

human resource,great resource,mineral resource,valuable resource,scarce resource
use resource,allocate resource,utilize resource,share resource,develop resource


n. v.

1.[c][usupl]资源;财力a supply of sth that a country, an organization or a person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth

2.[c]有助于实现目标的东西;资料something that can be used to help achieve an aim, especially a book, equipment, etc. that provides information for teachers and students

3.[pl]勇气;才智;谋略personal qualities such as courage and imagination that help you deal with difficult situations


资源和资金“实施的能力”的各个措施,反映了过程域覆盖的活动需要的足够资源resource)和资金(funding)。这些资源和资 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... revise vt 修订;校订;修正 resource n 资源;财力 department n 部;局;处;科;部门;系 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... resolve vt. 解决;决心 n.决心 resource n. 资源,物力;办法 respectful a. 恭敬的,尊重的 ...


上海瑞恒金属制品有限公司 ... 最新供求 |supply&request 最新资源 |resource 企业新闻 |news ...


序列化可以作用于资源类型resource)之外的任何类型,在对对象 (object)进行serialize()时,会自动调用__sleep()成员函 …


第三层为资源层(Resource):该层建立在连接层的通信和认证协议之上,定义了一些关于安全协商、使用共享功能计费、监控 …


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... report v. 报道;报到;告发 n.传说 resource n. 智谋;资源;应变之才 respect n. 尊敬;敬意 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... resort 求助 resource 资源;机智 restless 焦躁不安的 ...

The goal with Alcon was to offer a quick and comfortable way to debug ActionScript without making it a resource-hogging behemoth. Alcon的目标是提供一种快速且便捷的方式来调试ActionScript,避免使用过多资源。
He said the government should take the opportunity to remove the long-existing energy and resource "development bottleneck" . 他说政府应抓住机会消除长期存在的能源和资源“发展瓶颈”。
The last thing we need to do is to specify the specific SOAP address, which will be in the form of an Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). 我们需要做的最后的事情是指定特定的SOAP地址,该地址将是UniformResourceIdentifier(URI)的形式。
For each deployment file, it is possible to specify a string which will be used to create the name of each deployed resource. 对于每个部署文件,都可以指定一个字符串来创建每个部署资源的名称。
Time has always been a part of your life , so it can be strange to think of it as a resource , something helpful you can use. 时间是你生活的一部分,所以如果把它作为一种可以利用的资源,你会觉得奇怪。
Your doctor is your best resource for knowing how much damage may been done to your cardiovascular system. 你的医生是您最好的资源,不知道有多大的损害可能会做您的心血管系统。
Anthropology able to provide the knowledge resource and theoretical support for building the harmonious society at the moment. 人类学能为当前和谐社会建设提供知识资源和理论支撑。
Content and other data is referred to as resources and such data can be stored in resource files or other sources. 内容和其他数据指的就是资源,此类数据可以存储在资源文件或其他源中。
In the security context of the name and password that are specified in the connection string used to connect to the network resource. 在用于连接网络资源的连接字符串中指定的名称和密码的安全上下文中。
Or they may be a matter of preserving personal "face" or national dignity, as is often the case with natural resource development projects. 或者是顾及个人面子或维护国家的尊严的问题。这种情况常常出现在与自然资源开发项目。
If they were polished in-country, then Sierra Leone might have seen somewhere near the real value of this incredible natural resource. 假如钻石是在国内打磨,那么塞拉利昂就可以得到钻石这种神奇自然资源大部分的价值。
A resource can be an individual, a company or department, a piece of equipment, a room, or any other resource you're using for your project. 资源可以是个人、公司或部门、设备、房间或用于项目的任何其他资源。
It has no doubt gotten tougher for China to snap up resource assets as markets have regained some liquidty. 显然,随着市场流动性的恢复,中国到海外收购自然资源资产的难度已经加大。
Asynchrony must be enabled using one of the controls described in the Expressing resource limitations and its effects on asynchrony section. 必须使用表达资源限制及其对异步的影响中描述的某一种控制方法启用异步。
China's ministry of commerce said the purpose of the restrictions was to protect the environment by raising the cost of resource extraction. 中国商务部表示,上述限制的目的是通过提高资源开采成本,来保护环境。
Notice that, in the case of remote host resource, no check is performed to see that Connect permissions exist. 注意,在远端主机资源的情况下,不会执行检查来查看连接使用权限是否存在。
The important work of this paper is to deal with result of query, auto link of references and resource discovery of digital library. 本文的工作重点是数字图书馆中查询结果的处理、参考文献的自动超链接和数字图书馆中信息资源的发现。
You know how rights to resource extraction are being sold at the moment, how they've been sold over the last 40 years? 你们都知道资源开采权是现正被出售的,但从过去40年来看,它们是怎么样被出售的呢?
If the resource or capability is not owned, this requires that the rights to use the capability have to be eventually returned to the owner. 如果所有者不拥有资源和能力,这就要求使用资源和能力的权力最终必须回归到所有者那里。
The competency model is a hot question of human resource management, but the result of application is not ideal in Chinese enterprise. 胜任素质模型是当前人力资源管理的热点问题,但在我国企业的应用效果却不理想。
The Resource Compiler was not able to determine what kind of key is being set up for the accelerator. 资源编译器不能确定正在为快捷键设置何种键。
Do not attempt to embed a graphic directly in a resource file because controls will not read the resource string as a streamed image file. 不要尝试直接将图形嵌入到资源文件中,因为控件不会将资源字符串读取为流图像文件。
The CICS EPI resource adapter, which can be used for access to 3270 terminal based programs, has no global transactional support. 被用于访问基于3270终端的程序的CICSEPI资源适配器不支持全局事务。
If the resource already exists, the resource request can be set up to stop the deployment or skip the creation of this resource. 如果资源已存在,可以创建资源请求来停止部署或跳过资源创建。
When used for a scoped resource, the same name can be re-used in multiple virtual portals. 当用作限定作用域资源时,相同的名称可以在多重虚拟门户中重用。
No greater resource available to the developer is as easy to come by as the lowly and traditional book. 对开发人员而言,没有哪一种资源能比价格便宜的传统书籍更容易获取。
This type of generator was applied to the wind energy system. It could make use of resource adequately and reduce the cost of wind energy. 将这种盘式永磁同步发电机应用于变速恒频风力发电系统中,可以有效的利用资源,降低风电成本。
Money is just a resource, and there is nothing wrong with it. 金钱仅仅是一种象征意义,它本身并无任何价值。
She may get short-term genetic benefits but she can sing all night for the resource benefits, like a cat sitting out in the rain. 她也许会得到短期的基因利益,但是休想得到资源利益,只能像只雨中的猫一样哀哀地叫。
It sometimes seems as if God played a cruel trick on humanity by putting so much of a precious resource in such rough places. 这像是上帝和人类开了一个残酷的玩笑,将如此宝贵的石油资源放置到这样一个贫瘠的地区。