
美 [rɪˈspɑnd]英 [rɪˈspɒnd]
  • vi.响应;作出反应;反应灵敏;作出正确反应
  • v.回应
  • n.【建】(支承拱或闭合连拱廊列柱的)附墙柱,壁联;【宗教】应唱圣歌
  • 网络回答;获得的回应数量;回响

第三人称单数:responds 现在分词:responding 过去式:responded

immediately respond,respond promptly,respond instantly,respond favourably,positively respond



《Friends》词汇表B ... insults n. 侮辱, 凌辱 responds v. 回答, 响应, 作出反应 olives n. 橄榄树, 橄榄叶, 橄榄枝, 橄榄色 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... insults n. 侮辱, 凌辱 responds v. 回答, 响应, 作出反应 olives n. 橄榄树, 橄榄叶, 橄榄枝, 橄榄色 ...


item调用标签库-点评调用:review ... flowers 获得的鲜花数量 responds 获得的回应数量 content 内容 ...


意识设计 exe Design | 建筑 | 室内 | 家具 ... ... 联络 |Contact 回响 |Responds 统计 |Blog Stats ...


...: 独唱 齐唱 交替轮唱(Antiphonal) 应答轮唱Responds) 功 能 ? A.日课经文(Daily Offices) ? B.弥撒仪式(Mass/Mis…

The chameleon responds to the image it has generated, just as the shrimp responds to the atmosphere it has generated. 这条变色龙会对它自己生成的形象做出反应,就好像虾会对它自己形成的氛围做出反应一样。
Pressure is piled on the Bank of England, which responds with a rapid succession of interest rate cuts, lowering the base rate to just 2%. 英国银行被压力充斥着,据报道银行利率快速衰退,基准利率降至2%
And that goes into the system, the system basically comes up with an answer to your question, and responds appropriately. 这些内容将被输进系统,之后系统会回答你的提问,并且做出恰当的反应。
Hence, the degree to which investment responds to a change in the rate of interest issmall and may be more or less disregarded. 因此,对他们来说,投资对利率变化反应有多灵敏意义不大,或者多少可以忽视。
Steel for carburizing is usually a low-carbon steel of about 0. 15% carbon that would not in itself responds appreciably to heat treatment. 用于渗碳的一般是含碳量约为0.15%、本身不太适合热处理的低碳钢。
Most TCP sessions start with one endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with a SYN -ACK packet. 我们知道,绝大多数的TCP会话的建立,都是通过一端先发送一个SYN包开始,另一方则回发一个SYN-ACK包的过程。
Vienna responds, "He's got a little bit of a temper, but I wouldn't say [laughter] he is dangerous or anything. " 维也纳回答说:“他脾气有点不好,但我不愿说他具有危险性或什么的。”
The physical appearance of these controllers is somewhat similar and each responds to a slightly different set of programmed code. 这些控制器的外表都有些相似。每个有略微不同的程序代码。
How the party responds to this reverse will be one of the interesting sub-plots in Irish politics over the coming months and years. 该党对此次转变作何反应将会是在接下来的岁月里爱尔兰政坛上的有趣插曲。
The report says that if the Dalai Lama responds positively, the next round of talks would be held by the end of this year. 报导说,如果达赖喇嘛做出积极的反应,下一轮会谈将在今年年底举行。
I leave that to the experts, " he responds. " My art has always been a very private, kind of quiet, and extremely private process. 还是把这个称号留给专业人士吧”,他说,“我的艺术一直是非常私人的,一种宁静的,非常私人的过程。。。。
This heralds China's elevation to superpower status. It'll be interesting to see how the United States responds. 这是中国被评价成超级大国的先兆。让我们看看合众国会有什么反应,这会很有意思。
To this the candidate responds cheerfully, showing that whatever his other faults may be, obstinacy does not seem to be one of them. 后任厨师对此的反应令人愉快,表示说自己不管可能有多少其他缺点,犟头倔脑却不是他的脾气。
That of a domestic dog. Like a loyal dog, even when the Guru ridicules, irritates or ignores one, one never responds with anger. 应如家犬,即使上师讥评、激怒或忽视自己,永不回以瞋心。
All the child needs to do now is think I would like to go from the lounge room to the bedroom and the body automatically responds. 儿童所需要的仅是想一下我需要从休息室到卧室,身体就能自动做出反应。
If any UN party responds, the other relevant ones will be alerted and will be able to see what was said. 如果有任何联合国机构作出回复,其他相关机构会接到通知并可以查看该回复的内容。
Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him. Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him. 每当狗狗做到你的目标一定要赞美他,如果他不理睬你,再下达命令直到他听从你的指令然后赞扬他。
Edgar Street Towers responds to its immediate site context while establishing a strong relationship to the larger urban form of Manhattan. 艾德加街大厦在与曼哈顿较大的城市形态建立强有力关联的同时,也对其毗邻的场地现状做出了回应。
So he never responds when a blind or crippled beggar or a mother cradling her baby holds out a hand for money. 所以,当盲人、残疾乞丐或抱着婴儿的母亲伸手向他要钱时,他从来不给。
Some interviewers like a candidate with a sense of humor, but everyone responds to humor differently. 很多面试官希望求职者有幽默感,但每个人对幽默的反应不同。
So wherever they require the support of the military, say by fire or physical engagement, the military responds to that, " he said. " 不管他们在哪里需要政府军队的支持,例如火药或士兵直接交战,政府军队就会对他们的要求作出反应。
He knows her voice, she said, and her face, and responds to the hand signals she devised to help school him. 它熟悉她的声音,她说,还有她的样貌,会对她发出的手势信号做回应。
He send regular messages spelling out his vision for Nigeria and responds to comments from his followers. 他定期发消息表达他的意见,以及回应关注者的评论。
The body responds by trying to repair this damage, but sometimes it is too severe or widespread to make repair possible. 身体会试图修复损坏,但是有时候这种严重的或者大面积的受损会使得身体无计可施。
It is a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good. 它衡量了一种物品的需求量对该物品价格变化作出反应的程度大小
the largest U. S. maker. Push the screen lightly with your fingernail (not your skin). If it responds, it could be resistive or infrared. 你可用指甲(而不是皮肤)轻压荧幕,假如荧幕有反应,就可能是电阻式或红外线式荧幕。
To the "soft-landing" crowd, who argue that this is just a cycle like others we've seen, Sequoia responds "It's different this time. " 对于那些持有“软着陆”看法的乐观人群,他们争辩说,这只不过是我们以往所见的周期性的循环,红杉回应:这一次是不同的。
The resource manager then responds with a final "committed" flow, which indicates to the transaction manager that it is no longer in-doubt. 资源管理器然后以最后的已提交流程响应,该已提交流程向事务管理器显示它已经不处于可疑状态。
The price elasticity of demand is a measure of how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good. 需求的价格弹性是对某一商品需求数量就其商品价格变化作出的反应程度的测度。
When asked how he adapted to life in the front line, Sofian responds with a laugh "war is fun. " 当被问及他是如何适应前线生活的时候,他笑着回答道“战争就是游戏。”