
美 [rɪˈzʌlt]英 [rɪ'zʌlt]
  • v.导致;由…而造成[产生]
  • n.结果;成绩;【体】比分;【数】计算的结果

复数:results 现在分词:resulting 过去式:resulted

final result,same result,good result,direct result,Net result
get result,produce result,achieve result,see result,obtain result


Most children recover within a week, and only a few cases resulted in serious complications, the city health bureau said. 市卫生局说绝大多数儿童在一个星期之内康复,少数病例严重的会导致并发症。
Sometimes it has resulted merely from nuisance of trying to maintain an unusual name. 有时纯粹是由于有一个不同寻常的姓太麻烦所致。
"They wanted to provoke me into a fight and even a shootout and that could have resulted in my death, " he said. 他说:“他们想激怒我,迫使我跟他们打架,甚至枪战等激烈对抗,以便结束我的生命。”
Jesus was one and his ministry resulted in the earthing of powerful energies of Light, which have remained to this day. 耶稣就是一位,他的神职给地球带来了充满力量的光之能,在今天依旧散发光芒。
This was the period when Einstein began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity. 就在这期间,爱因斯坦开始进行了一项研究。经过这项研究,他创立了著名的相对论。
This was the period when he began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity. 就在这段期间,他开始了一项研究,通过这项研究创立了著名的相对论学说。
Philip Morris Finland said the incineration resulted in a significant financial loss for the company. 菲莫芬兰称,焚烧给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。
This has resulted in many negative effects, and it properly could be developed into a serious social problem if it's not handled. 这造成了许多负面影响,如果处理不好可能会影响中国股票市场的稳定,进而影响中国资本市场的稳定。
These also resulted in nearly a decade the national student physique continued to decline, one of the main reasons. 这些也是导致近十年全国大学生体质持续下降的主要理由之一。
How much has being with your partner resulted in your learning new things? 因为跟他在一起让你更想学习新东西?
The strong yen that resulted might have had much to do with the subsequent collapse in Japanese exports. 因此导致的日元走强可能与随后日本出口的崩溃有莫大的关联。
It is discouraged to have snacks just before going to bed; otherwise indigestion and weight gain may be resulted. 睡觉之前最好不要吃零食,否则可能引起消化不良和体重增加。
Even if you could structure some kind of deal that resulted in a profit. . . good luck trying to take that profit back to the USA. 所以即使你赚到了钱,你也很难把这笔钱带回美国。
Archimedes did not describe the experiments, but he wrote up his conclusions as though they resulted from purely mental theorizing. 阿基米德没有描述所做的实验,但是,他详细地记述他所做的结论,好像这些结论纯粹是头脑推理的结果。
This resulted in him bypassing the hairdresser and trying to solve the problem with a cheap DIY dye kit. 结果,他没有去理发店,而是试图用一种便宜的DIY染发工具解决这个问题。
We need to rule out what "might have" happened and stick to what "must have" or at least "would probably have" resulted. 我们需要排除“可能”发生的并坚持那些“必然”发生的或至少“将会很可能”导致的结果。
It has resulted in endless enmity and conflict, leading men to commit the greatest of crimes in the name of a higher power. 这种看法导致了无休止的敌对和冲突,导致人们以神明之名犯下莫大的罪行。
When no firm changes resulted from the committee, the couple began negotiating the legal document that decided the matter. 委员会并没有得出肯定的结果,于是,夫妻二人开始磋商法律文件以确定此事。
But the famine of the 1990s, in which more than a million people might have died, inevitably resulted in a deep questioning and cynicism. 但是90年代的饥荒夺去了超过50万人的生命,不可避免地引发了怀疑和质问。
"I can guarantee that I did not attempt to injure Petr, and I am very upset that the collision has resulted in such a bad injury, " he said. “我可以保证我不是有意要伤害皮特,我对于这次冲突导致如此严重受伤感到非常难受”他说。
"The derby did not go well for us, however I can assure the fans that it has not resulted in any problems at the club, " Dabo said. 我们在德比中的表现不太好,但是我向球迷保证这不会对球队造成任何影响。
Did not return the requested 128 characters because doing so would have resulted in an incomplete surrogate pair at the end of the buffer. 不会返回请求的128个字符,因为这样做会导致缓冲区末尾的代理项对不完整。
The formation of the mercury nanoshell resulted in a red shift and damping of the surface plasmon resonance of the inner gold nanoparticles. 研究结果表明,汞壳层的形成导致了内部金粒子表面等离子体共振的谱峰红移和强度衰减。
Our attempt to deal with this conflict has resulted in something of a compromise. 我们在处理这一矛盾时,是采取折衷主义办法。
This was the period when Newton began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Gravity. 就在这期间,牛顿开始一项研究。经过这项研究,他创立了著名的重力理论。
If that is what you want, break out of the mindset that has resulted from being indoctrinated by the dark Ones. 如果这就是你期待的,那么就摆脱那些一直被黑暗势力灌输的精神状态吧。
He said: "There are reports said the plane caught fire, has resulted in death. " 他说:“有报告称飞机起火,已造成人员死亡。”
Both times it resulted in just a sore throat for a few days compared to the full-blown cold that I usually get. 这让我不再像以前一样动辄重感冒了,顶多只是喉咙痛上几天。
Outside of the US the urge to tell the truth has resulted in many countries finding a way to have the discussion before their public. 在米国之外,想要说明真相的欲望导致很多国家找到某种方式在公众面前进行讨论。
Legend has it that it began when a youth's rude and foolish behavior resulted in the death of his mother. 传说中,有个年轻人因愚蠢和鲁莽,造成了母亲的死亡。