
美 [rɪ'tɜːnd]英 [rɪ'tɜːnd]
  • adj.被送回的;已归来的;已回国的
  • v.“return”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络退回的;返回;退货




未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... return 返回 returned a. 退回的 returns 报酬 ...


七年级英语期末复习课_百度文库... ... friends. begin/start 开始 10. young. returned 返回 29. Japanese. learn/study 学习 2. ...


ERP术语 ... requisition 请购单 640 returned 退货 641 roll 滚动 642 ...


一道英语题_百度知道 ... vi. 拒绝, 衰落 returned 被送回的, 归来的 She refused to help me. 她不肯帮助我。 ...


PP相关状态及其代表的含义 ... 已退款 Refunded 已退还 Returned 已撤消 Reversed ...


一道英语题_百度知道 ... vi. 拒绝, 衰落 returned 被送回的, 归来的 She refused to help me. 她不肯帮助我。 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... educated 受过教育的 returned 已归来的 married 已婚的 ...

In October, he returned to Russia, taking MacGregor with him in the aim of establishing a business and career. 10月分,他带着麦格雷戈返回俄罗斯,目的是与他建立业务关系并从事这个职业。
By-and-by his voice returned upon him as if the last words he had spoken were being uttered through all that infinite space. 他慢慢地记起了自己的言辞,似乎刚才最后那一句话是向着无限的空间说的。
Faced with such a grim panorama, this week Mrs Clinton returned to Mexico City, accompanied by the entire American national-security team. 面对如此严峻的局势,本周克林顿重访墨西哥城,国家安全小组全体随同前往。
The boy took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket. 男孩儿把青蛙从口袋里掏出来,对着它笑了笑,然后又把它放回去了。
Then went I up in the night by the brook, and viewed the wall, and turned back, and entered by the gate of the valley, and so returned. 于是夜间沿溪而上,察看城墙,又转身进入谷门,就回来了。
He returned to the United States with the aim of planning what was to be a victorious comeback. 他回到美国与规划的目的,是要胜利的复出。
And as Mrs Gandhi knows, Congress was returned to power with a mandate that did not include liberal reform, which most Indians mistrust. 甘地女士清楚,国大党回归权力并没有进行自由主义改革的任务,而改革是大部分印度民众不信任的。
Turned to look back to the vicissitudes of that, only to find themselves too far out of the far, far less than in the past has returned. 转过身去回望那一地沧桑,才发现自己走出了太远太远,远的已经回不到从前。
Walking home the night sucking her breath, I seem to have returned to the embrace of a child back to his mother. 走在故乡的夜里吮吸着她的气息,我仿佛又回到了儿时回到了母亲的怀抱。
She felt bad as a wet cold fat mice crawl over her instep which made her returned to past society disappear sunshine from her face. 她浑身一激灵,活像有只又湿又冷的肥老鼠爬过她的脚背,一夜回到旧社会的感觉霎时扫去她满脸阳光。
I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation; he answered the question as truthfully as he could. 我如实地告诉他我休假刚回来;他尽可能如实地回答问题。
He made as if to leave the room but, think better of it, returned to comfort the weeping girl. 他做出像要离开房间的样子,但想了想,还是走回来安慰这个在哭泣的姑娘。
I returned to the White House from a fund-raiser at about 11 p. m. and went to Leon's office to hear the grim message. 晚上约11点,我从一场募捐会返回到白宫,我去了列昂的办公室,听到了这个令人不愉快的消息。
I expect my laundry items to be returned. I lose confidence in the hotel if I receive another guest's laundry or my items go missing. 我期望我的衣物能原物回归,如果我收到其他衣物或我的衣物被遗失,我将会对酒店感到非常的失望。
So she negotiated with her doctor and took a battery of tests so they'd be ready to start treatment when she returned. 于是她与医生进行了“谈判”,先做出一系列的检查测试,等她渡假回来后再开始治疗。
Smith returned to his hometown, among other things, to see his mother. 史密斯回故乡,除了做其他事以外,是为了看看他的母亲。
It was nearly impossible for her to remember how many times she had returned to the vast land of China. 她几乎已经记不清自己多少次回到这辽阔的华夏大地了。
But when this angle is missing, there is nothing, or at most a dim darkish fuzzy area where the sunlight is being returned to the Sun. 当这个角度错过后,就什么也没有了,或者只是看见阳光正被返回太阳时一个黑暗模糊的区域。
A policeman returned to his police station one evening and reported to the sergeant that he had found an old car with no license plates . 一天傍晚,一个警察回到警察局,向警官报告说他发现了一辆没有牌照的旧汽车。
He returned to his condo and plopped on his bed. He did not move the rest of the night. He flew home in silence the next morning. 回到租住的公寓后,麦迪扑通一声把自己扔到床上,整个夜晚,他就这样一动不动。次日一早,他便飞回了家乡,默默地,一言不发。
Refurbished iPads are generally products that have been returned within a month of purchase, often within a few days. 一般说来,翻新的iPad都是购买后一个月内退回的产品,有时甚至才几天。
Southern Copper, a major copper producer, said the strike had little impact on output and that operations have returned to normal. 南方铜业为主要铜生产上,公司表示罢工对其产量影响不打,运作已经恢复正常。
When a man send costless jewellery to a woman, maybe he would like something what returned back to him were many. 当一个男人送给一个女人昂贵的珠宝,也许他想要的能回报他的东西有很多。
Although four of his children returned home with him, his daughter, Eunice Williams, remained in Canada, joining the Mohawk tribe. 虽然他四个孩子都跟着他回到鹿田,但他的女儿,欧耐丝威廉斯,却留在加拿大,添加莫霍克族。
In a minute or two her color returned, and life and amusement flowed back into her eyes. 过了一两分钟,她的脸色才转过来,两眼又恢复了那种活跃而调皮的神情。
Three years later, I returned to Russia and found that I would be unable to continue with my studies due to lack of funding. 三年后,我回到俄罗斯,由于缺钱,我不得不中断学业。
The man admitted to both charges and said he returned the funds to the bank and provided documents to prove his claim. 这位男子对两项指控都认罪,声称他已经把资金归还了银行,而且提供文件证明他的声明。
But the question of economic rationality has returned with a vengeance in the wake of the current crisis. 但在此次危机过后,经济理性的问题已卷土重来。
And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. 他们若想念所离开的家乡,还有可以回去的机会。
In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that I'd left the lights on all day, and the battery was dead. 在下午晚一点的时候,我回到了我的车上,发现我的车灯亮了一整天,而且电池已经用完了。