
美 [rɪɡ]英 [rɪɡ]
  • n.钻机;帆装(船桅和风帆等的安装模式);大卡车;大货车
  • v.装配;(以不正当的手段)操纵;提供索具
  • 网络作弊的;非法操纵的;决战之夜

复数:rigs 现在分词:rigging 过去式:rigged

rotary rig
rig drill


v. n.

1.~ sth(以不正当的手段)操纵,控制to arrange or influence sth in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want

3.~ sth (up) (with sth)(秘密地)安装,装配to fit equipment somewhere, sometimes secretly


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(R) -亿城英语 ... rigescent 僵化的 rigged 作弊的 rigger 索具装配人 ...


英语词汇 ... Reciprocate: 报答,回报-英语词汇 Rigged: 作弊的,非法操纵的-英语词汇 Ambush: 埋伏;伏击-英语词汇 ...


《过界》(Out Of Control) 《决战之夜》(Rigged) 分类目录 日历 《监视》(Surveillance) 2009年2月24日 1,403 个脚印 发表评论 …


EMTV NOTES(2) - 花逝....的日志 - 网易博客 ... win a prize 获奖 rigged 被设计好的 knock yourself out 把这当作自己的家 ...


Yulia... ... there is the court of appeal 指上诉,没有地区法院的意思 rigged 是不当选举的意思 court of appeal 上诉法院 ...


每日一学 ... unspoken rules 潜规则 rigged 内定的 pull the strings from behind the scenes 幕后操作 ...


...信」起码有二百场欧洲球赛(包括多项欧洲杯赛事)被人做手脚rigged),而落注几乎清一色是亚洲赌客;德国足总发言人 …

And, of course, data that have been rigged, invented or fraudulently altered won't stand up to future scrutiny. 当然,美化、捏造或篡改数据也会导致数据经不起未来的检验。
Each family had claimed a little spot, made it home, rigged up some sort of shelter like a blanket on a frame of branches. 每一个家庭只索要一点钱来重建家园,安装一些树枝框架制成的覆盖物。
I will try to explain some of the tricks I have done just to let you know in general how its fully rigged. 我会试着解释一些我使用的技术,以便让你大致了解它是如何被完全绑定的。以前轮为例。
Tsvangirai said the election was rigged and his supporters face too much violence for him to keep running. 茨万吉拉伊说,选举中充斥着舞弊,他的支持者面临太多暴力,使他无法继续竞选。
It was rigged with a rod and wires so that it would look as if it was unfurled and blowing in Apollo photographs. 旗子被线和杆所控制,所以在阿波罗的照片里似乎能看到它飘扬。
Rescue workers rigged up a camera down there so that people could watch a live feed of the miners getting ready to go up. 救援人员安装了一部摄像头,这样,人们就可以实时观看井下矿工的情况,让他们做好升井的准备。
Before the election, Senator Biden said the United States should cut military aid to Pakistan if the polls were rigged. 在巴基斯坦议会选举开始前,拜登参议员说,如果选举被操纵,美国就应当切断对巴基斯坦的军事援助。
Wheatley had staked much on his agency's effort to block the deal by alleging that a shareholder vote approving it had been rigged. 香港证监会称股东批准电讯盈科私有化计划的投票有受操纵之嫌,并试图阻止这项交易,韦奕礼在这上面冒了很大的风险。
But the court refused to compel the release of the names, strengthening Chevron's suspicions that the survey had been rigged. 但法院拒绝强迫释放的名称,加强雪佛龙公司说,调查已被怀疑作弊。
He said that the entire election process, including the election and party registration laws, is rigged to entrench the regime in power. 整个选举过程,包括选举法和政党登记法,全是造假作弊,巩固军政府体制。
Len said we had to move fast so we de-rigged in a hurry, throwing various technical things into a bag and the tapes into a leather satchel. 伦恩说我们得动作快,于是大家七手八脚收拾了起身,把所有专门器材扔进一个包里,带子放进一个皮质小背包。
Some foreign construction firms did not bid for the Panama City metro contract, fearing the tender was rigged. 由于害怕作假,一些国外建设公司没有参与投标巴拿马城地铁合同。
A year ago a rigged election brought riots, followed by hundreds of arrests, scores of alleged beatings and rapes, and three deaths. 一年前,那场被人操纵的选举导致暴乱四起,之后,数百人被逮捕,数十人据说遭到殴打和强奸,三人遇害。
Supporters of Mr. Odinga claim the vote was rigged, and international observers have said the election was flawed. 奥廷加的支持者声称,上次选举存在舞弊现象,国际社会观察人员说,那次选举漏洞百出。
In a second experiment, researchers rigged a virtual ball-tossing game so that some of the 52 players would receive the ball only twice. 在第二个实验中,研究人员操纵一个虚拟的投球游戏,使得52个玩家中的一部分玩家只能接到两次球。
In fact, there was no other player and the game was rigged so that on a randomly distributed half of the trials, the participant would lose. 然而,实际上并没有其他玩家,并且游戏被故意设计成在随机打乱的一半实验中玩家会输。
Instead he drove the bomb-rigged van some 15 blocks until he found a deserted stretch of waterfront where he could park it. 他把装满了炸药的车开出了15个街区之外,直到到达了一个荒芜的海滨停车。
The loser was to be condemned to beheading. The prince rigged his opponent's chariot to crash during the race. 当时失败者会被判斩首,而对手的战车被王子做了手脚使其在比赛中被撞毁。
In his scarce times of emergence, usually attempting to run in rigged elections, he needed all the protection he could get. 他为数不多的几次抛头露面(通常是参加那些受到幕后操控的选举),都需要周全的贴身保护。
Elections in the last few years have been so patently rigged that few voters bother to turn up. 过去几年的选举因为明显地属于人为操纵,以致于很少有选民有兴趣参加投票。
Armstrong had rigged up a strap around a vertical bar so that it formed a hammock for his feet. 阿姆斯特朗草草地把一根绳索绕在一根竖杆上,给双脚造了一张吊床。
The system of entrance exams is rigged against the poor, and the rote memory methodology rewards good memory and cheating. 高等教育的入学考试形同垄断,将穷人拒之门外;死记硬背的应考方式成为了考查记忆和作弊能力的标尺。
RIGGED elections and the instability they create have been the bane of the Philippines for much of its democratic history. 选举被暗中操纵的事实及其造成的社会不稳定已是菲律宾大部分民主史上的祸患之源。
Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto says the move is a good first step, but she says she's still concerned the elections may be rigged. 前总理斑纳兹奥·布托说这一举动是好的开始的第一步,但她说她仍关注自由选举会有暗箱操纵。
He alerted police, who found the system was rigged up to play dog barks and sounds of tongue clicks meant to attract canines. 邻居报了警,警方发现这个装置的作用是播放狗叫声和逗引犬类的叩舌声。
During testing, the HALO model is rigged in a variety of orientations on the top of a test pole. 在测试中,HALO模型被安装在测试杆顶端的不同方向。
Just kidnap a young blonde thing and chuck her into a glass house rigged to bomb in five hours, then watch John try his best. 只要绑架他身边那个金发小妞,把她扔到装了定时炸弹的玻璃房子里,五小时后爆炸,然后,就看着约翰同学怎么拼命吧。
In the culture-rigged environment, the prose turn of the history mention makes history-saying ballad turn to be far away from epic. 而文化垄断背景下的叙史散文化倾向,更使得叙史歌谣离史诗的距离越来越远。
He took over Sunnyside and rigged the whole system. 他接管了阳光幼儿园并建立了一整套邪恶的制度
A few steps away, the Marines narrowly miss stepping on a pressure plate, rigged to explode a second buried bomb. 几步之外,陆战队员险些踩上一块用于引爆第二枚埋设炸弹的压板。