
美 [raɪt]英 [raɪt]
  • n.右;正确;权利;右边
  • adv.马上;正常;正好;顺利
  • adj.恰当;正常;正当;妥当
  • v.纠正;改正;使回到正常位置;把…扶正
  • int.好的;喂;(要确保对方同意或明白时说)对不
  • 网络正确的;对的;右对齐

第三人称单数:rights 现在分词:righting 过去式:righted

right thing,right way,right direction,right person,right answer
give right,enjoy right,protect right,exercise right,defend right
come right


正当morally good

1.[nubn]~ (to do sth)正当;妥当morally good or acceptable; correct according to law or a person's duty


2.正确的;真正的;真实的true or correct as a fact

3.适当的;正好的;恰当的correct for a particular situation or thing, or for a particular person

4.[nbn](意见或判断)准确,确切,恰当correct in your opinion or judgement


5.[nbn]正常;情况良好in a normal or good enough condition

右面not left

6.[obn]右边的of, on or towards the side of the body that is towards the east when a person faces north


7.[obn](informal)(强调坏事)真正的,完全的used to emphasize sth bad


give your right arm for sth/to do sth

为…情愿舍弃很多;不惜任何代价used to say that sb is willing to give up a lot in order to have or do sth that they really want

(not) in your right mind

精神正常(或不正常)(not) mentally normal

(as) right as rain

十分健康;状况奇佳in excellent health or condition

right enough

当然;无疑;不可否认certainly; in a way that cannot be denied

right on

(表示明确的赞同或鼓励)完全正确used to express strong approval or encouragement

right side up

正面朝上;位置正确;在正常位置with the top part turned to the top; in the correct, normal position

shell be right

一切都会好的(即使现在有问题)used to say that everything will be all right, even if there is a problem now

too right

毫无疑问;一点不错;对极啦used to say that there is no doubt about sth

Hjust :选择文字与元件的水平距离,可以是缺省位置的偏左(Left)、居中 (Center)、偏(Right)。 Vjust:选择文字与元件的垂 …


权利斗争的目的不是取得权力(Power),而是取得权利(Right)。权利虽然也包括政治权力的内容,但它主要是扩大政治参与、提 …


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... light 光 Right 右边 wrong 错误 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... open 打开 right 对的,正确的 lock 锁 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... open 打开 right 对的,正确的 lock 锁 ...


html之marquee详解 - 小y - 博客园 ... middle: 中间对齐 right右对齐 texttop: 顶线对齐 ...

I feel your right is kind of how I good time to ask ourselves, did not get an answer. 我对你的感觉是怎么样的,我好多次扪心自问,也还是没有得到答案。
Since the meeting takes place on Apple's property, the company has every right to make the rules. 由于会议地点在苹果公司,公司完全有权利制定规则。
The mini-lessons will give you a glimpse at the kind of things you'll learn in b-school and help you make sure an MBA is right for you. 这个小型课程和你未来在商学院学到的知识息息相关,你会对这些知识留下初步印象并且确信MBA是你的选择。
and I've been trying to find just the right thing for her. 而我一直在为她找件合适的东西。
Our ability to speak and communicate seems to have its origin in the unlikely pairing of the left brain and the right hand. 我们说话和沟通能力似乎有它的起源在可能的组合,右手左脑。
Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown. 然后,他深吸了一口气,朝迷宫的右侧缓步跑去,跑向那片未知的领地。
Judge: Of course not. All right, in the matter of the trash can and the shoes, I find you guilty, and you are a bad dog. 法官:当然不行。就垃圾桶和鞋子这些事情,我发现你确实有罪,你是个坏狗。
The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies. 买方可能享有的要求损害赔偿的任何权利,不因他行使采取其它补救办法的权利而丧失。
Had he any right to impose again on his wife some new trial, some new mishap in his attempts and in his failures? 他有权利将某种新的尝试,他的企图的新的意外及失败,赋加在妻子身上吗?
When he appeared to be reaching for my left pocket he was swiping something from the right. 当他好像是要看看我左边口袋的时候,实际上他的手正从我右边口袋里拿东西。
With the right kind of prudential regulation in place, 'why mess with the labor market of the financial system? ' he said. 他说,在实施了恰当审慎监管的情况下,为什么要搅乱金融系统的劳动力市场?
"Those are just a few examples of how girls are mentally oppressed and denied their basic right to choose, " concluded Eman. 最后,艾蒙下了这样的结论:“以上只是几个例子,说明了女孩们怎样受到心理压迫,以及她们的选择权的怎样被否决。”
Dozens of chief executives came to see history being made and to be seen on the right side of it. But Copenhagen was a flop. 本来期待本次峰会能够在限制温室气体排放上达成新的规范,并且许多企业高管都看到了创造历史的可能性和其积极的一面,可哥本哈根峰会却以惨败收场。
"He was running a harvester and one of the teeth of the chain broke off and went right through the bulletproof glass window of his cab. " “他正在操作伐木机,突然一个链齿脱落,正好击穿他驾驶室的防弹玻璃窗。”
Right now, Mr. Bernanke is in crisis-management mode, trying to deal with the mess his predecessor left behind. 现在,伯南克正处在“危机处理”模式,他要努力解决他的前任留给他的混乱状况。
In his campaign, Mr Sarkozy was as demonised in the left-wing media as he was given an easy ride by the right. 在萨科齐的整个竞选过程中,萨科齐先生只要稍微得到右翼的帮助就遭到被左翼的媒体的魔鬼化报道。
He stared for a moment in the right direction, then said he'd be back in a minute and left the field. 酋长凝视了一会儿,说着他马上就会回来——地,离开了球场。
"Things are going well with the systems right now so we feel comfortable enough to open up invites for a brief period, " he said. “现在一切都很顺利,所以我们感觉很适宜开放一小段时期,”他说。
I thought I could exploit some possible career with this exploration. I feel I have found the right field and I am ready to settle down. 我想藉著试探可以开拓其他领域。现在我已找到适当行业,同时我要安定下来。
While speaking, he pointed with his fingers as if the images were right in front of him. But when he opened his eyes, they were gone. 他一边说,一边还用手指指点点,好像就在眼前似的,但眼睛睁开后,图案就不见了。
She then pulled out a knife and stabbed Deng Guida three times and slashed Huang's right arm when he tried to help his colleague. 她掏出一把刀子刺中了邓贵大三次并刺伤了黄的右臂,在他帮助他的同事的时候。
The patent right of patent law has always been a monopoly right from the beginning, so that patent law and monopoly law seems "conflict" . 专利法所设定的专利权从一开始就是一种垄断性的权利,在这个意义上,专利法与反垄断法似乎是冲突的。
Fisichella was always right behind him and congratulations also to him for his performance. 费斯切拉一直都跟在他的后面,也要祝贺他。
You think you know me, right? 你觉得你了解我吗?
You Had No Right To Do That. - I Was Trying To Help You, B. 你没有权利这样做-我是想帮你
"I'm technologically challenged and I might not get this right, " the president joked. "Everybody has got to help me out here. " 奥巴马总统开玩笑说:“这个在技术上对我来说是个挑战,我可能搞不定,大家要帮我哦。”
I mean, every married mom you know poses in nothing but fishnets and Louis Vuitton jewelry for an ad campaign in Vanity Fair, right? 我指的形象是,一个已婚妈妈除了穿着渔网丝袜、佩戴路易威登珠宝以外,以几乎一丝不挂的姿态出现在名利场的插页广告里,没错吧?
You know, according to the agreement, the two of you do not have the right to ask her for money. 要知道,根据约定,你们两人并没有权利问她要这笔钱。
It was such a hard decision for me but I knew in my heart it was the right time to leave. 对我来说,这是非常艰难的决定,但是我知道在我心中已经是时候离开。
This new Codex agreement now means that this threat has gone and the consumer right to be informed has been secured. 这个新的‘食品规范’协议现在意味着这种威胁已经没有了,消费者的知情权被保障。