
美 [rɪŋ]英 [rɪŋ]
  • n.戒指;指环;集团;圆形;轮;镯子(等);【体】吊环;【化,数】环
  • v.摇(铃);敲钟[按铃]叫(人);给…打电话;环绕;响彻;给…打电话;响起铃声
  • 网络圈;光环;戒指类

过去式:rang rung 过去式:rang 第三人称单数:rings 现在分词:ringing 过去分词:rung

give ring,ring bell,phone ring,wear ring,ring number
gold ring,metal ring
back ring


n. v.


1.[c]戒指;指环a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger, consisting of a round band of gold, silver, etc., sometimes decorated with precious stones


2.[c]环状物;圈形的东西an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle

3.[c]圆形标记;圆形a round mark or shape

表演;比赛for performance/competition

4.[c]圆形表演场(或竞技场)a confined area in which animals or people perform or compete, with seats around the outside for the audience

烹饪for cooking

5.[c]炉口;灶盘a small flat place on a cooker/stove that is heated by gas or electricity and is used for cooking on

人群group of people

6.[c](尤指秘密的或非法的)团伙,帮派,集团a group of people who are working together, especially in secret or illegally


run rings around/round sb

做事远比某人好;遥遥领先to be much better at doing sth than sb else


摇滚T恤,3D个性T恤-金属天堂服饰公司官方网 ... STAINLESS( 不锈钢) Rings戒指) Pendants( 挂件) ...


体育项目_百度百科 ... relay race;relay--- 接力 rings---- 吊环 roller skating---- 滑滑旱冰 ...

商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... balance 平衡技巧 rings springboard 跳板 ...


首页-LATEARS-淘宝网 ... 项链 |Necklaces 指环 |Rings 腕饰 |Bangles ...


illustrator 10 的眩光工具--2Guys收录站 ... halo( 光晕)可调节参数: rings光环)相关参数: center( 眩光中心)可调节参 …


首页-绿格大牌小物 greenkiss-- 淘宝网 ... Others- 其他类 Rings- 戒指类 Necklace- 项链类 ...


美国CEN - 薇阁情趣成人精品-情趣用品 ... CEN*Pleasure Enhancer 高兴增强 CEN*Rings 七套环 CEN*Love Enhancers 快 …

money was not the same as the money we use today. Seashells, rings, bamboo sticks, wood and cloth were all used for money. 人们用的钱和我们现在用的钱截然不同。当时,贝壳、戒指、竹棍儿、木头和布都能充当货币。
Think of it as a bell that rings, reminding you to be still for a minute. 把它视作一种提醒你去静的铃音。
The garden is also home to set up a Hengjia, above boom, a slippery rope, a pair of rings that will allow them to exercise at home. 自家的花园里还设置了一个横架,上面有吊杆、一条滑绳、一副吊环,让她们在家里进行体育锻炼。
Their necks become longer. Their necks are sometimes two or three times the normal size. Some women die if they take off the rings. 有时候她们的脖子比正常人的脖子长两三倍,但是她们如果把金属环摘下来,有些人就会死掉。
It takes at least five or six rings to get out of the shower. 感觉最少有五或六个铃声响的那么久。
Bryant's ego was an innate existence that has made him focus on honing his skills and mentality towards building a legacy stamped by rings. 科比的自我是内在的,这使得他著重于自己的技能,思想上集中于夺得更多的戒指。
This may be why Uranus's rings are slightly out of round: their self-gravity resists the tendency to smear into a circular band. 或许这就是为何天王星环不是那麽的圆:环内的重力在对抗要扩散成圆带的倾向。
Suddenly one day, I was reminded of his wife owed rings, they are excited to want to pull her to go to Guilin, cleaning office cleaning. 突然有一天,我想起他的妻子欠那枚戒指,他们很高兴能想拉她去桂林,清洁办公室清洁。
Hurst, principally occupied in playing with her bracelets and rings, joined now and then in her brother's conversation with Miss Bennet. 赫斯脱太太聚精会神地在玩弄自己的手镯和指环,偶而也在她弟弟跟班纳特小姐的对话中插几句嘴。
The fact that this saying rings true underlines the importance of establishing trust as the first step in an interaction between entities. 这个说法所反映的事实准确地强调了把建立信任作为实体间的相互作用的第一步的重要性。
Even after 18 years of marriage, my husband still comes to the front door and rings the doorbell to pick me up for our dates! 虽然结婚已经18年了,丈夫有时还会来到门前按门铃接我出去约会!
The doorbell of LJ's suburban house rings and he heads to open it. He looks out the front door. 在郊外,LJ家的门铃响起,他走过去开了门。
Although it seems to be hovering over the rings, Saturn's moon Janus is actually far behind them. 尽管看起来是漂浮在土星环之上,土卫十其实在它们后面很远的地方。
Is the season of growth rings in the hearts of people, said one said the flow of light, and finally forget the always Unable to get rid of. 季节是人心中的年轮,一曰一曰流动的光芒里,终于忘不了的和总是放不下的。
looking at her flabby figure, the dark rings under her eyes, he felt pity. 看着她那柔弱的身躯和深黑的眼圈,他顿时生成一股怜悯之情。
As the bright, beautiful rings seem to grow narrower it becomes increasingly difficult to see them, even with large telescopes . 当明亮,美丽的土星环变得越来越窄时,即使有大型望远镜,我们也很难看到他们。
He kept the rings with him for days, waiting for an ideal, spontaneous moment. 他买完戒指,在家放了好几天,就为了想出一个求婚的好主意。
Hale looks in her eyes, gun trained, but he just can't squeeze the trigger. A gunshot rings out. Hale看着她的眼神,举枪对准了她,但是不能扣下扳机。
It showed that there is migration of debris among the inner and the outer rings, as well as the surface of cage by the aid of the ball. 研究发现磨屑在轴承内外套圈表面与保持架之间,发生了借助滚珠的材料转移。
Primary school, to join us in carrying bags ready to go, ear rings will be "Baby, be careful crossing the road. " 小学的时候,我们一起拎着书包准备出门,耳边会响起“宝贝,小心过马路。”
And he put the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to bear it withal; he made the altar hollow with boards. 把杠穿在坛两旁的环子内,用以抬坛,并用板作坛,坛是空的。
On his way to 10 World Series rings and a place in the Hall of Fame, Yogi was thinking about nothing. 在他10届世界职业棒球大赛冠军戒指以及名人堂的路上,约吉什么也不思考。
The oil must be able to absorb heat from hot engine parts, pistons, rings, cylinders, and let go of the heat when it is in the pan. 石油必须能够吸收热量从高温的发动机零件,活塞,环,汽缸,并放开热时,它是泛。
1920s: Manufacturers and retail jewelers try to launch the concept of men's engagement rings, which sinks like a lead balloon. 1920年:制造商和零售珠宝商尝试制造男式订婚戒指,但是这个想法却像灌了铅的气球一样很快销声匿迹。
We aren't as concerned about the Olympic Games as we were a week ago. China's Olympic slogan still rings true today: "One World One Dream" . 我们对奥运的关注也不再像一个星期前那样强烈了,今天中国的奥运口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”还在耳边回响。
These rings became part of the inventory for immediate purchase; it also turned out to be a fantastic arrangement by God. 这些多出来的戒指便变成了现货,可即时请购。
Although the betrothed may have trouble with rings floating away, they'll at least get out of the extreme setting unscathed. 尽管这对未婚夫妻可能会有戒指飘走的困扰,但至少他们可以毫发无伤地离开这个极致的(结婚)场地。
What happens to the rings next is up to the individual. Dungy, like Manning , said he would probably stow his away soon. 冠军戒指的未来取决于它们的主人,和曼宁一样,邓吉说他会将戒指好好收藏。
Dressed fashionably in black, with rings on his fingers and shades on his nose, Mr Hirst is an impish figure with a strong streak of humour. 这位艺术家身着一身时髦的黑色,手指上戴着多个戒指,鼻梁上支着太阳镜——可以说他是一位言谈有很强幽默感的顽童人物。
His wife worked closely to the moment, he silently vowed : We must stand up and re-buy the best for his wife rings! 将妻子紧紧搂在怀里的那一刻,他暗暗发誓:一定要重新站起来,重新为妻子买回最好的戒指!