
美 [rɪp]英 [rɪp]
  • v.(突然或猛烈地)撕破;猛地扯开;突然拉开;扯掉 (off away out) 划破;割开;解(木材)
  • n.(织物、纸张等)撕开的大口子;巨澜;清管器;刮板;废马
  • 网络撕裂;扯裂;裂缝

过去式:ripped ripping 过去式:ripped 第三人称单数:rips 现在分词:ripping

rip hole


v. n.

1.[t][i](突然或猛烈地)撕破,裂开to tear sth or to become torn, often suddenly or violently

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.猛地扯开;突然拉开to remove sth quickly or violently, often by pulling it


let rip (at sb)

激动地说(或做);忘乎所以地说(或做)to speak or do sth with great force, enthusiasm, etc. and without control

let rip|let sth rip

(使)全速前进to go or allow sth such as a car to go as fast as possible

rip sb/sth apart/to shreds/to bits, etc.

摧毁;毁坏;猛烈抨击to destroy sth; to criticize sb very strongly

✿单词❤爱音乐♫ - ✿单词❤爱音乐♫ 第1期... ... stare 凝视,盯着 ripped jeans 牛仔裤 ...


珍妮.雪普:破碎的身体不代表破碎的人 -... ... realization 实现,领悟,实得 ripped 撕开 skull 头盖骨,头脑,脑壳 ...


SBS第一册单词表(7--12)_Cathy_新浪博客 ... ring 环,戒指,铃声 ripped 撕破 shirt 衬衫 ...


Episode 101 _默言_新浪博客... ... Mento=mentos 曼妥思简称 ripped 撕裂 [Rahcel 正在看电视] ...


...arment out of fashion),宜遭扯裂(ripped)”;亦谓妻如衣服耳。


六级选择题练习(4)_英语六级_中国英语网 ... ) deteriorated 使恶化使变坏 ) ripped 被撕破,裂缝,责备 ) stripped 剥去除去 …


外教讲解地道美语... ... sit-up n. 仰卧起坐 ripped adj. (俚语)强壮的:有极轮廓分明形体的 pull a muscle 拉伤肌肉 ...

You've been a fallen angel Ripped out of the sky But as your wings grew strong enough You left me - behind to die. 她是一个从天空中坠入凡间的天使。当她的翅膀足够强壮时,她离开了他,走向死亡。
The poor woman was set on fire and her child ripped from her womb (Asklepios etymologically meaning to be cut out). 这个可怜的女子被放火焚烧和她的孩子从她的子宫(Asklepios词源含义,切出)撕裂。
A bit of discarded climbing rope, some ripped plastic sheeting or even an old hiking boot can be of great use in the woods. 一顶点被丢弃的登山绳,一些被撕破的塑料薄膜或甚至是一只旧的徒步旅行靴,在野外都会大有用处。
He said the "hooligans" abused patrons, chanted obscenities, ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films. 他说,这些“小流氓”辱骂顾客,唱着淫秽歌曲,撕开海报,还敲打宣传电影用的人形纸板。
No, but it would damage this body and CASEY has such a fine body, I wouldn't want to see it ripped. 是没错,但他会伤到凯西的身体,这么好的身体,我可不想看她被剥开。
About five hours later, she woke up with a ripped shirt and leggings -- although she didn't remember whether or not she had been raped. 大约5个小时以后,她醒了过来,发现上衣和紧腿裤都被撕破了——但是不记得是否有被强奸。
I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off the wall. 我希望你能知道我把你所有的照片都从墙上撕了下来。
Files ripped up to this point will remain on your disk. 到目前为止提取的文件将保留在您的磁盘上。
He will cover me in his lips hand ripped, funny looked me up and down for a long time before said: " continued to make? " 他将我覆盖在他唇上的手用力扯下,好笑地上下打量了我良久才说道:“继续往下编啊?”
They talked about whether they were hungry and decided to order something later. Cal ripped open a bag of that smart popcorn. 他们谈了他们是否饿了,然后决定过会儿点些东西吃。卡尔撕开了一包那种便携装的爆玉米花。
It has come in handy for me many times when I am trying to get out the door and found a pocket ripped or a button loose. 好多次当我急着出门发现口袋撕坏了或是纽扣松了的时候,它们都能及时派上用场。
The fixture was hissing and smoking as he ripped it from the wall and toppled down to the landing below, still clutching it in his hand. 那个东西被他从墙上拔下来得时候发出嘶嘶的声响并冒着烟,就是在叔父翻到在地时。他还将它紧抓在手中。
If you get ripped off, don't spend all your time trying to get back at the guy, just suck it up and move on. 如果你被人出卖了,切莫将所有时间用在报复之上,忘掉它,继续前进吧。
Yes. If I pay a full price for a bit-ticket item, I feel like I'm being ripped off. 是啊。买高价位的东西如果照定价付,总觉得受骗了。
Folks are picking up the pieces after powerful storms ripped through the South. At least two people were killed. 猛烈的飓风袭击了南部地区,至少造成两人死亡,人们正在清理暴风带来的遍地狼藉。
Cat was sweating and out of breath. Her heavy coat was ripped. The hat on her head had a hole in it. 猫大汗淋漓,气喘吁吁。她的厚大衣撕破了。她头上的帽子破了一个洞。
He was killed when a gunshot ripped open his belly and his intestines spilled out into his hands. 他被一枪打中了腹部,内脏都流到了他的手上,他就这样死去了
His reforms ripped pages out of the Red Book of regulations with which customs inspectors tormented Indian businessmen. 他的改革删除了《规则红皮书》中原有的许多规则——海关审查员正是依据这些规则折磨着印度的进出口商人。
As she was ripped from the ground, four newborn warthog piglets rushed from the burrow and took shelter in the long grass under my vehicle. 在母疣猪被拖出地面的同时,四头新生的小疣猪从疣猪洞从地洞中奔过来躲到我车下的长草从中。
Eg. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet to be ENJOYED not ripped apart in Lit class until it has no more meaning. 莎士比亚只是觉得有趣才写了哈姆雷特,可文学课却把它肢解分析到不能在分才肯罢休。
But Ronnie's legs were still burning, so Steve laid him on the ground, ripped off his own shirt, and beat the flames with it. 但罗尼的腿仍在燃烧,于是史蒂夫将他躺在地上,撕下自己的衬衫,扑灭了火焰。
The young man walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man. 年轻人走向老人,伸出他完美的心灵并撕出一块给老年填上。
The businessman said numerous beautiful trees had been ripped out of the soil and scattered, like weeds in a garden. 那商人说,许多美丽的树从泥土里被扯出并倒落在地,就像花园中的杂草。
The explosion ripped through the floor of the truck and destroyed Holtz's lower legs, broke her jaw and tore at the lower third of her face. 地雷炸开了卡车底盘,炸碎了霍尔茨的两条小腿,炸断了她的下巴,把她脸的下部三分之一全撕裂了。
Two mobile homes had been ripped from their foundations, and all that remained Saturday morning were wooden steps and flowerbeds. 两个移动房屋已被划破从他们的基金会,以及所有仍然星期六早晨,木制的台阶和花坛。
Mary ripped the idea of dressing like a vampire for the costume party from her sister. 玛莉在化装舞会上扮成吸血鬼的构想,是从她姊姊那儿偷来的。
The interior looks like something you might have seen on a futuristic American concept car before the bean counters ripped it to shreds. 内饰看起来像你可能已经看到在未来的概念车在美国的大豆柜台发生它撕成碎片。
"If you stick your hand into one of these things, it can get ripped to shreds if you pull it out without great care, " Lambe said. 兰毕说:“如果你把手伸到那尖刺上去,拿出来的时候一个不小心就会满手鲜血淋漓。”
"I'm all about the disconnect, " she said. "If I'm wearing a plaid shirt and ripped jeans, I will wear a satin stiletto. " “我讲求的就是反差,”她说,“如果我穿一件格子衬衫和破洞牛仔裤,我就会配一双缎纹细高跟鞋。”
Thankfully, my make-up was intact so I didn't look that bad but I still looked as though someone had ripped apart of my soul out. 谢天谢地,我的化妆是完整的,所以我不看坏,但我还是看了看,好像有人在我的灵魂撕开了分开。