
美 [ˈraɪv(ə)l]英 ['raɪv(ə)l]
  • v.与…相匹敌;比得上
  • adj.竞争的
  • n.竞争对手
  • 网络竞争者;敌手;情敌

复数:rivals 现在分词:rivalling 过去式:rivalled

rival company,japanese rival,serious rival,rival gang,rival faction
defeat rival,beat rival,eliminate rival,oust rival


n. v.

1.~ (to sb/sth) (for sth)竞争对手a person, company, or thing that competes with another in sport, business, etc.


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... economic a. 经济的;经济学的 rival n. 竞争者,对手 professorship n. 教授职位 ...


HR英语_百度文库 ... 专利产品 proprietary product 竞争对手 rival 晋升 promotion ...


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... criminal 犯罪分子 rival 竞争者 arrival 到达者 ...


睡谷传奇 ... misbehaving 行为不端的 rival 敌手,对手 nickname 绰号 ...


动漫介绍 英文版_百度知道 ... associate 伙伴,朋友;同事,同人。 rival 竞争的,对抗的 vying 竞争的 ...


...的男子、罗曼史 (romance)、三剑客、大望、情敌(rival)、纯真年代、玻璃鞋、坏女孩、寻求阳光 (猎阳)、冬季恋歌、狐狸与 …


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... ritual 仪式,例行习惯 rival 竞争者,对手;v.与…匹敌 rivalry 竞争,对抗 ...

As she worked at her restaurant, an assailant threw acid in her face on behalf of a jealous rival. 当她正在她的餐馆工作时,一个嫉妒的竞争者把一瓶酸仍到了她的脸上。
Each works for a major U. S. search firm and won votes from at least three rival firms for being one of the top recruiters in their country. 他们三人各自为一家美资猎头公司工作,至少被三家竞争对手公司评为所在地区最优秀的招聘顾问。
Envy may lead to bitterness, or to a decision to compete with a rival and the production of a masterpiece. 妒忌可能引起怨恨,也可能激发起与对手竞争的决心,从而创造出杰作。
Speaking in the West Bank city of Ramallah, President Abbas said he would consult with rival factions to try to end the bloodshed. 巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在约旦河西岸城市拉马拉说,他会与敌对派系商榷,以努力结束流血冲突。
The news comes less than a week after rival ratings agency Moody's put Japan's bonds under review for a possible downgrade. 在其对手----莫迪信用等级机构就可能发生的降级而对日本证券进行复核,不到一个星期之后,普尔公司即传出这一消息。
Rather, Cameron uses his clothes to distinguish himself from his main rival, and link himself to the political fairytale across the pond. 卡梅伦更愿意借服装区别于他主要的竞争对手,并将自己与大洋彼岸的政治童话世界联系在一起。
Why has gone through so much with the death of a total of Health, Wan Li's campaign for a long time, my rival is actually a woman! 为什么经历了那么多的同生共死,那么长时间的万里征战,我的情敌居然是一个女人!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The company man aged to infiltrate two or three men their rival's Research and Development Unit. 这家公司设法将两三个自己人渗入到他们对手的研究发展部位。
On the same day he said it, his rival in 2000, Al Gore, was being nominated for an Oscar for his film on the subject. 就在当天,他在2000年的竞争对手艾尔•戈尔,凭借这一题材的电影而获得一项奥斯卡提名。
Africa can serve, she said, as a new source of global demand; its population may soon rival that of China and India. 她说,非洲可以成为全球的一个新增需求源;其人口将很快赶上中国和印度的人口。
In an era where play makers still reigned supreme, Savicevic could rival the best of them for the range and variety of his passing. 在一个组织者仍称雄绿茵场的年代,萨维切维奇能够跟他们中的最强手较量传球的范围和五花八门。
At courtship time, he waves it to attract females, often with a beckoning movement, or to fight rival males. 求偶期间,雄蟹会挥动大蟹钳,吸引雌蟹注意,或击退情敌。
Putin said the joint song competition among SCO members could be called "Intervision" to rival the annual Eurovision Song Contest. 普金还提到,这个歌曲大赛可以取名为“Intervision”,类似于一年一度的“欧洲歌曲大赛Eurovision”。
Barack Obama said he was inclined to back it, while John McCain, his Republican rival, said doing nothing had not been an option. 巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)表示,他倾向于支持这一方案,而其共和党对手约翰·麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)表示,不能无所作为。
Today, my football team played in a game against our rival school that was just a few blocks away. 今天,我们学校橄榄球队与隔着几条街远的死对头比赛。
Listening to the news on the radio, it's easy to imagine the world is divided into rival tribes and competing civilisations. 当收听广播中的新闻,很容易所世界想象成按敌对部落与文明竞争划分开来;
Or even, as many heady Pakistanis currently expect, he might enter into a coalition with his bitter rival, the PPP. 甚或,他可能会与他的死敌巴基斯坦人民党组建一个联合政府,这也是许多老谋深算的巴基斯坦人所期待的。
The dollar, which like the yen has recently been gaining against rival currencies, climbed against the euro and the British pound. 与日圆一样,美元兑其他主要货币的汇率近来也不断攀升,兑欧元和英镑都有上扬。
Also, despite all the blather about juche (self-reliance), it would be odd if rival factions did not court outside help. 另外,尽管有关“自主”(juche,自力更生)的套话不绝于耳,但对立的政治派别肯定会求助于外国。
A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's iPhone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . 一年前诺基亚公司上诉苹果公司,指控其美国劲敌的产品iPhone侵占了自己数项“基本专利”。
The US President highlighted what he said were differences between him and his rival , Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. 美国总统强调说,他所讲的是他和竞争对手共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼之间的差别。
For the first time, the only international sporting event to rival the Olympic Games in popularity will be taking place in Asia. 第一次,这项唯一能与奥运会的受欢迎程度相匹敌的国际运动赛事在亚洲举办。
She did not indeed rival Butler in learning; but then no woman was more devoutly venerated than her to the extent of her husband's erudition 在学识方面她远不如巴特勒,但在当时没有任何女子像她那样对丈夫的博学多才崇拜得五体投地。
It says the merger, by making it a stronger rival to Verizon, would improve the industry's competitiveness. AT&T还表示收购能使它成为Verizon更强劲的对手,进而改善该行业的竞争。
His solution? He summoned the city editor and directed him to call two rival news-papers and have them to send reporters to his office. 爱德华立即把报社的本地新闻编辑召来,让他打电话给两个竞争对手,让他们派记者到他的办公室。
You know, being a mother myself I've made mistakes That rival if not outshine your own. And I forgive you. 你知道,我自己作为一个母亲,我也犯过错误,跟你比有过之而无不及。所以我原谅你。
He is not exaggerating: in August BMS lost 75% of the market for Plavix in just a couple of weeks to its generic rival. 他并非夸大其辞:BMS相比其仿制品对手,在八月仅仅几周内便丧失了75%的Plavix市场。
But their financial centers, Tokyo and Frankfurt, never grew deep enough to rival New York and the dollar market in London. 但遗憾的是,无论是东京还是法兰克福,两国的金融中心一直没有发展壮大到能与纽约以及伦敦的美元市场相抗衡的地步。
You said to him, but the last to leave you telephone man have regarded me as a rival, attitude to me is not good. 你对他说,但是上次给你留电话的男人都已经把我当成情敌了,对我的态度总是不好。
Almost a year ago at the height of the credit crisis, Bank of America bought troubled rival Merrill Lynch in a rushed deal. 大约一年前,在次贷危机的高峰,美国银行在一笔仓促的交易中收购了陷入困境的竞争对手美林公司。