
美 [rut]英 [ruːt]
  • n.根;根茎;鲁特;【圣】子孙
  • v.支持;使根深蒂固;搜寻
  • adj.根本的
  • 网络超级用户;词根;根源

复数:roots 现在分词:rooting 过去式:rooted

take root
deep root
root deeply


n. v.

植物of plant

1.[c]根;根茎the part of a plant that grows under the ground and absorbs water and minerals that it sends to the rest of the plant

头发;牙齿;指甲of hair/tooth/nail

2.[c]根;根部the part of a hair, tooth, nail or tongue that attaches it to the rest of the body

问题的主要原因main cause of problem

3.[c][ususing]根源;起因the main cause of sth, such as a problem or difficult situation


4.[c][usupl]起源;基础;根基the origin or basis of sth

与地方相关connection with place

5.[pl]根(指与出生地或原籍相关联的情感或联系)the feelings or connections that you have with a place because you have lived there or your family came from there

单词of word

6.[c]词根the part of a word that has the main meaning and that its other forms are based on; a word that other words are formed from


put down roots

生根to develop roots

root and branch

完全彻底thoroughly and completely

take root

生根to develop roots

首先,工作阶段状态模组要插入 HTTP 要求中。根据预设,这是在全电脑 Machine.config 档案中组态阶层架构的 (Root) 处完 …


超级用户ROOT)功能必须ROOT后才能使用 否则不能使用您可以使用“鱼雷助手”进行ROOT 这款软件是专门针对LT26i出的R…


有人把词根(root)、前缀和后缀称为“扩大词汇的三把钥匙”。 Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text.


九年级英语单词表 ... ancestor 祖先;祖宗 root 根;根源 overseas 海外的;国外的 ...




附属于根目录 ( / , root) 之下. 而每个次目录之下也可以有更多的次目录. 一个目录可以有两种表示方法: 1) 用目录的全名 (full nam...


植物单词_百度文库 ... stump 树桩 root 树根 root hair 根毛 ...


  l 根节点(Root): 这是树的根节点,它没有父节点,但是它拥有多个子节点;  l 父节点(Parent): 拥有一个父节点和一个或多个子节 …

AOL IMAP servers do not permit folders to be created in the root folder or to be removed from the root folder. AOLIMAP服务器不允许在根文件夹中创建文件夹,也不允许从根文件夹中删除文件夹。
And I said to myself, The things in this bag are part of my root too. I can't forget that. 我对我自己说道:这些在包里的东西也是我的根。我不能忘记这些。
But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out, Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole. 但是,正当詹姆斯开始对自己的职责产生怀疑、并决定退出培训时,伯克委派给他一项特殊任务--去根除一名“鼹鼠”(即长期潜伏的双重间谍)。
However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold. 不过,一直与脚癣做斗争的所有人都知道,一旦被真菌沾上想根除它谈何容易。
Space for the directories other than root is allocated among the data clusters, just as if they were ordinary files. 目录而不是根的存储空间是在数据簇中进行分配的,就好像他们是普通文件一样。
Gravel root, parsley root and marshmallow root have been used historically for supporting normal fluid elimination. 砾石根,香菜根和软糖根已被用于支持正常流体历史淘汰。
The root class of an inheritance hierarchy should define a virtual destructor even if the destructor has no work to do. 继承层次关系的根类应该定义虚函数性质的析构函数,即使这个析构函数不做任何的事情。
As these continue to transmit, they take root and become bits of the code with which youth cultures from around the world communicate. 当这些符号被持续地传播,他们在这些文化中植根并且成为世界各地的青年文化用于交流的代码的组成部分。
Beginning to use good scientific judgment, statistical analysis, root cause identification, robust solution implementation. 运用科学的判断,统计分析,根本原因的辨别来解决相应的问题。
From 3 years ago you had the heart to leave the root cause, no matter how, the body that he is the most important. 你的心脏从3年前就有留下病根,无论怎样,身体、自己才是最重要的。
I can sort of understand that although the square root is hard to see. 我大概能理解它,即使平方根很难看到。
The hair shaft and inner root sheath move together as the hair grows toward the surface: the outer root sheath remains fixed in position. 毛干和内根鞘当到达体表时融合在一起:外根鞘仍然保持在原来的位置。
The factory classes that come with app servers like WebSphere do not always put you in the root of the namespace. 像WebSphere这样的应用服务器所带的工厂类并不总是把您放到名称空间的根上。
" Ni Zhou Yong sincere desire to see her son's eyes and trust, encourage nodded : " You root it, you believe that mother. 周咏霓看着儿子那双真诚渴望的眼睛,信任、鼓励地点了点头:“你扎吧,妈相信你。”
The reason such a cobbled-on extension might be called a penthouse comes from the word's root which is related to the word appendix. 这么一个拼凑出来的扩展部分之所以被称为penthouse,是因为这个单词的词根与单词appendix(附件)有着联系。
The integral-type milling cutter is mainly used for fine machining of a leaf-root profile and rough machining of a small leaf-root profile. 整体式铣刀刀具主要用于叶根型线的精加工及小叶根型线的粗加工。
A controversial research project is trying to trace all human language to a common root. 一个有争议的研究项目,正设法追查所有人类的语言有共同的根。
The document, or root, element result in an inferred table if it has attributes or child elements that are inferred as columns. 如果文件或根项目具有将推断为资料行的属性或项目子系,便会产生推断资料表。
Type in a n ame for your project, the project root (where most of your application will be), and a description of your project. 键入一个名称为您的项目,该项目的根目录(如您的应用程序大部分),而您的项目介绍。
Root of the subtree is usually referred to as "left subtree" (left subtree) and "right subtree" (right subtree). 通常子树的根被称作“左子树”(leftsubtree)和“右子树”(rightsubtree)。
Once you know a certain balance between the positive and the negative is needed, you take root in the existence. 一旦你知道在正向与负向之间需要一定的平衡时,你在存在中就有根了。
And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust. 又有以赛亚说,将来有耶西的根,就是那兴起来要治理外邦的。外邦人要仰望他。
But ye should say, Why persecute we him, seeing the root of the matter is found in me? 你们若说,我们逼迫他要何等地重呢。惹事的根乃在乎他。
The third chapter of a sound social theory through the thorough research, trying to excavate the root of social theory ideas sound. 第四章经过对健全社会理论的深入研究,试图挖掘健全社会理论构想的根源。
The cells seem to have taken Root and formed connections with her own, surviving neurons, reversing much of the damage caused by the stroke. 这些细胞似乎是被接纳了,并形成了与她自己存活神经元的联系,使因中风引起的大部分损伤都得到了恢复。
The last place we went to, just a few miles out of town, was an old Root Beer Barrel drive-in that had been converted to a truck stop. 我们去的最后一个地方,就在镇子几里外,那是个由卖沙士的路边餐厅改造成的卡车休息站。
The root of a perennial called astragalus has long been used in Chinese medicine to boost the body's defenses, often with other herbs. 黄耆属多年生草本植物,长期以来在中药中一般都同其它草药一起用来提高人体的抵抗力。
Preferably, the root of at least one movable shaft neck of the movable shaft is provided with a balance weight part. 优选的,在该动轴的至少一个动轴颈的根部设置有配重部。
Perhaps this gets to the root of the matter, to the most fundamental distinction of all between East and West. 或许这会获得事情的根本,在东西方的大多区别上。
They work from rural areas to the cities, but by his own hands, a root stick and a pair of shoulder. 他们从农村到城市干活,靠的是自己的双手、一根棒棒和一对肩膀。