
美 [ˈrɑt(ə)n]英 [ˈrɒt(ə)n]
  • adj.不适;腐烂的;腐败的;腐朽的
  • adv.很大程度上;非常
  • 网络发臭的;糟糕的

比较级:rottener 最高级:rottenest

rotten apple,rotten wood,rotten fruit,rotten thing,rotten luck


1.腐烂的;腐败的;腐朽的that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used

2.[ubn](informal)非常糟糕的;恶劣的very bad


4.[nbn](informal)不舒服;不适looking or feeling ill/sick

5.[nbn](informal)感到内疚(或惭愧)feeling guilty about sth you have done

6.[obn](informal)(强调非常生气或沮丧)倒霉的,破烂的used to emphasize that you are angry or upset about sth


a rotten apple

带来恶劣影响的人;害群之马one bad person who has a bad effect on others in a group


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... fetid( 恶臭的,有臭蛋味的); rotten腐烂的,腐朽的); stab( 刺, …


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... fetid( 恶臭的,有臭蛋味的); rotten( 腐烂的,腐朽的); stab( 刺, …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... rot 腐坏 rotten 腐败的 rouge 胭脂 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... rotation n. 旋转,转动;循环 rotten a. 腐烂的,发臭的 rough a. 表面不平的;粗略的 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... rotate (使)旋转;(使)轮流 rotten 腐烂的;糟糕的 rough 粗糙的;粗野的, ...

Dry-Illuminate Method is one of Illuminate method major used in the weakness paper and flush paper easy to rotten. 主要是应用于纸力薄弱,及纸张潮湿易烂之书砖揭法。
AFTER years of frustration over its rotten security forces and judiciary, Guatemala's government decided in 2006 to call for outside help. 经过了数年对抗其腐败的安全力量和司法制度后,危地马拉政府在2006年决定寻求外界的援助。
The present invention relates to a method to produce a chemical specially for the prevention and control of fruit tree the rotten disease. 本发明涉及一种药品的生产方法,这种药品用于防治树木、特别是果树腐烂病。
You don't want to go out in such rotten weather. It's better for you to stay at home to stretch your legs and do physical exercises. 这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。
The Court, from that exclusive inner circle to its outermost rotten ring of intrigue, corruption, and dissimulation , was all gone together. 宫廷,从排他性的核心到最外层的阴险、贪婪、骄奢淫逸的腐朽圈子,也全都消失了。
You know, once you're dead, nothing smells bad anymore. Rotten eggs? No problem. Dead fish? Like a spring breeze. 你要知道,一旦你死了,什么东西闻起来都不会太差劲。臭鸡蛋?没问题。死鱼?那味道就像春风吹拂。
You do not want to go out in such rotten weather. It is better for you to stay home and stretch your legs and do physical exercise. 这这糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。
this memo in load of, is all I passed miserable failure back experience, can for your growth province back to your rotten idea. 这备忘录里载的,都是我经过惨痛失败得回来的体验,可以为你的成长省回不少冤枉路。
And having this bit of digital footage of him makes up for all the rotten landlords and housing codes in this foggy ole city. 在这雾气弥漫的城市里,忍受着房东与房规的折磨,这一点点数码影像是对我最好的慰藉。
Sometimes you get out on the wrong side of bed and everything that was peachy the day before suddenly looks rotten. 有时候你心情不好,前一天还美妙无比的事情突然看上去都变得糟糕透顶。
Nor they with him: to many of the demonstrators, all politicians, including Mr Obama, are "Republicrats" , each as rotten as the other. 而该运动也不会站在奥巴马这边,对于很多示威者,所有的政客,包括奥巴马,都是“共和党人”,一个个都一样烂。
Pear and then we do not play the next, then a few tiny fruit is also bizarre that no one again picking up rotten ripe to fall to the ground. 我们也不再到梨树下玩耍,那几个小得可怜还奇形怪状的果子也没有人再去采摘,直到成熟后烂到掉在地上。
Hitler was sure that the French political system was rotten to the core, and that it had infected the French Army. 希特勒确信法国的政治制度已经腐败不堪,而法国军队也受到了沾染。
As a little girl with fervent desire to seek knowledge, my motto had been, "Soon ripe, soon rotten. Soon learn, soon forgotten. " 作为一个有着强烈求知欲的小女孩,我的座右铭曾是:“学得快,忘得快。”
The problem was that, despite her initial good intentions, she had to work with the system, which is rotten and rife with corruption. 问题在于,尽管她的初衷是好的,但她必须与体制合作,而这个体制已经腐朽,且充斥着腐败。
"It's not like you to be so silly. " Until we lift our glasses filled with rotten sherry, please find the answer. I can't wait. . . . . . “它将不象你一样如此傻”。直到我们举起我们的充满腐烂的雪利的眼镜,请找到答案。我不能等待。
It may be fairer to say that, dealt a rotten hand, Mr Wagoner tried to do many of the right things, but ran out of luck and time. 也许更为公平地说,对付一只已经腐烂的手,瓦格纳先生设法做了很多正确的事,但运气不佳,时机不对。
It was because he really has genius, she said, that he was such a rotten individual. 她说,正是因为确有天才他才是这样一个不可救药的人。
He went to a rotten log near at hand and began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife. 他走到近处的一根烂树干旁边,开始用他的巴露折刀在一头开挖起来。
Similarly, disgust is going to stop you biting into a mouldering pile of rotten food. 类似地,厌恶会阻止你撕咬腐烂的食物。
It means nobody will be able to live here on account of the smell. A rotten egg is a regular stink bomb. 也就是说没有人可以在那种味道之下生存。一枚被孵坏了的蛋,通常来说,等同于一枚臭水炸弹。
If you pick up the tomatoes and feel them, it's easy to figure out which one is rotten. 如果你拿起这两个西红柿并触摸它们,就容易发现哪个是腐烂的。
He never understood how rotten the central bureaucracies had become or how amoral the bureaucrats. 他不了解中央机构已经变得有多么腐败,也不清楚政府官员的道德丧失得有多么严重。
The fury at "business as usual" in the Temples of Mammon is understandable, but it is a rotten basis for trying to regulate finance. 对财神庙“照常营业”的愤怒是可以理解的,但是如果要以此规范金融业,却是不够的。
But it soon became obvious that 80s babies might be getting love, hugs and things, but it was a rotten time to be born. 但很快我就发现,80年代出生的人可能会得到爱、拥抱和一些东西,但在那个年代出生其实挺糟糕的。
The great timbers, darkened now by smoke, wormed in places, looking rotten on the surface, but hard in the CORE, hard as iron. 这些大木材,表面上看被烟熏得黑黑的,有些地方被虫蛀了,烂了,但内芯却是十分坚硬的。
But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it. 但我想他可能是个坏蛋这是他活该
"I'm going to spoil her rotten and then give her back to her mother for some discipline, " she'd tell me. “我要狠狠地宠坏她,然后归还给她妈妈好好地管教,”她这么对我说。
They blame him for the rotten economy when really, in his view, they should blame his predecessor. 他们因为经济疲软而抱怨他,而在奥巴马看来,这都是他的前任种下的恶果。
Tis a strange Forest that has no rotten Wood in't. And a strange Kindred that all are good in't. 没有朽木的树林少见,全是好人的家族难得。