royal family

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royal family


皇室家族》(Royal family)更新第06集/MBC水木剧/韩 ... 《狂欢百货店:家族财富》(Shop-N-Spree: Family F ... 《马达加斯加 …


线上看.tv: 韩剧线上看 ... 大长今 - Dae Jang Geum 豪门之路 - Royal Family 没有你活不下去 - Not live without you ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... princess 公主 royal family 王室 shah 伊朗国王的称号 ...


family,翻译。_百度知道 ... family name 姓氏 royal family 王室;皇族 family background 家庭背景 ...


●皇室/皇家royal family)、皇室成员、王室、宗室 ●汉室、唐室、清室 ---------- ●国务院台湾事务办公室(国 …


最新的一项调查显示,即将入驻英国王室(royal family)凯特•米德尔顿会在王室成员美女榜上排名第三,而已故威尔士王妃戴安 …


《毒伯爵该隐》终极研究之时代背景... ... 男爵: Baron 王族Royal Family 公爵: Duke ...

U. S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have spent the day in London with Britain's royal family. 美国总统奥巴马和夫人米歇尔在伦敦与英国王室度过了一天。
In a few months, the British royal family will be yet again rebranded and relaunched in the panoply of a wedding. 再过几个月,英国王室将再次在婚礼的一些列仪式中齐聚一堂,集体亮相。
During a press interview in the UK, and many British people to chat, tried to understand their views of the British royal family. 记者在英国采访期间,和不少英国民众聊天,试图了解他们对英国王室的看法。
A royal family who said: "The royal Grimaldi family of Monaco, a divorce can be said to be a tradition. " 一名王室人士曾说:“在摩纳哥王室格里马尔迪家族中,离婚可说是一个传统。”
Avoid giving unsolicited opinions about the Royal family, the British economy, the headlines in the Daily Mail or any other sensitive issue. 若非别人问起,不要对皇室、英国经济或《每日邮报》的头条新闻评头品足。
The main service attended by the royal family and political leaders took place in Oslo Cathedral, from Oslo, James Robbins reports. 皇室家族和政治领袖参加的主要的仪式在奥斯陆大教堂举行。来自奥斯陆,JamesRobbins报道。
It's been passed down in the royal family, so I cannot give it to you. 它只传皇室子孙,所以我不能把它给你。
Many well-wishers said they had not seen such a public turnout at the church for the royal family since the days of Charles and Diana. 很多民众说,自从查尔斯王储和戴安娜的时代结束以后,每年圣诞节在教堂外等候王室的人从来没有像今天这么多。
Moreover, Wallis was not given the right to be a Royal Highness or a member of the British Royal Family. 另外,华丽斯没有给予殿下的称号或英国皇室成员的身份。
But if he did so, Thailand and perhaps the royal family itself would have reason to thank him in the long run. 但如果他这样做的话,长期来说,泰国或许还有王室本身,最后都有理由感谢他。
Internet users can be found in the next two weeks members of the British royal family's activities and access arrangements. 网民可查阅英国皇室成员未来两星期的活动和访问安排。
Very distasteful. Why hasn't the Queen complained? If it had been any other member of the Royal Family you can bet they would have. 十分令人反感。为何女王不提出投诉?不然他们很可能用上皇室的其他成员来打广告。
This tree-lined street runs parallel to Kensington Palace (see cover), one of the royal family's residences in London. 这条绿树林立的大街紧邻英国皇室的肯辛顿王宫(见封面)。
Educated by his elegant mother from the royal family, Dharles behaves like an old-time prince. 在他出身皇族的优雅母亲的教导下,查尔斯的行为举止就像一位旧时的王子。
The Kennedy clan is often considered the only Royal family the United States has ever had. 肯尼迪家族通常被认为是美国所拥有的唯一的王室家族。
Throughout, as part of the royal family and as the Queen, she has been a reassuring and unifying presence for her people. (终其一生),无论作为皇室成员的一分子还是作为女王,对于她的人民来说她是一安定团结的象征。
Never touch the queen. Never initiate conversation with her or any member of the royal family. They will do all that. 这就包括:“不要触碰女王。不要主动与女王或是其他皇室成员交谈。”
The rather louche glamour of Monaco's royal family is nothing compared with the fading but still palpable grandeur of the British monarchy. 这丁点摩洛哥王室家族的魅力只会渐渐地凋落,但是对于英国的君主政治来说仍然是一种真实的显赫。
8 The Royal Family. People come from all over the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard them at Buckingham Palace. 8皇室。全世界的人们都到英国来看他们,或者至少看看在白金汉宫守卫他们的卫队。
The royal family is something of an anachronism in a country that prides itself on being one of the most equal in the world. 瑞典自诩为世界上最平等的国家之一,在这个国家存在皇室就像是一个时代的错误。
Diana, Princess of Wales, was one of the most adored members of the British royal family. 她是威尔士王妃,最受民众爱戴的英国皇室家族成员之一。
He told her he was a close friend of the royal family, and she was naive enough to believe him. 他告诉她自己是王室的亲密朋友,她竟天真的相信他了。
Prince William's posting to the Falklands was also an ideal time to get Kate out on the road with the Royal Family's most senior members. 威廉王子在福克兰岛的服役也曾是个极好的时机,这会使凯特避免与皇室最年长者同处。
Be in " demon give up " in, the holy knight of descendant of a royal family, his revert, can creat afresh the peace of a new era. 在《魔戒》里,一个王室后裔的圣骑士,他的复归,可以重新缔造一个新时代的和平。
The Alashan Mongol was a major tribe with which the royal family of the Qing Dynasty had political intermarriage. 阿拉善蒙古是清朝皇帝实行政治联姻。重点部落,有清一代,该部与清皇家的婚姻始终不断。
Along with the gradual weakness of Zhou royal family, every state is trying to expand domestic hegemony influence. 随着周王室的逐步衰微,各诸侯国纷纷图谋霸权,极力拓展本国势力。
The closely watched British show known as the royal family had recently fallen into a lull. 王室家族这出被人们密切关注的英国秀不久前曾进入一个平静期。
There was a large protest on Friday in Manama and on Saturday thousands of protesters marched near the royal family's palaces. 星期五,麦纳麦发生了大规模抗议。星期六,几千名抗议者在皇家宫殿附近举行游行。
York will no longer use the special envoy title but will continue to promote the U. K. abroad as a senior member of the royal family. 据一位知情人士说,白金汉宫可能会宣布,约克公爵不再担任特别代表,不过将作为资深王室成员继续向海外宣传英国。
You and the rest of the royal family are Sunnis, and you're scared to death of Shiite extremism and an Iranian-backed Shiite insurgency. 您与您皇室家族的其他成员是逊尼派教徒,所以你们极端害怕什叶派极端主义以及伊朗支援的什叶派反叛活动。