
美 [rʌb]英 [rʌb]
  • n.擦;揉;抹;搓
  • v.擦;磨;抹;搓
  • 网络无摩擦音

第三人称单数:rubs 现在分词:rubbing 过去式:rubbed

rub eye,rub finger


v. n.

1.[t][i]擦;磨;搓to move your hand, or sth such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly

2.[t][i](使)相互磨擦;搓to press two surfaces against each other and move them backwards and forwards; to be pressed together and move in this way

3.[i][t]磨,摩擦(尤指引起疼痛或损害)to move backwards and forwards many times against sth while pressing it, especially causing pain or damage

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.涂;抹;搽to spread a liquid or other substance over a surface while pressing firmly


rub sbs nose in it

揭疮疤;不断恶意提起某人以往的过失to keep reminding sb in an unkind way of their past mistakes

rub salt into the wound|rub salt into sbs wounds

在伤口上抹盐;使雪上加霜to make a difficult experience even more difficult for sb

rub shoulders with sb

与某名人接触(或交往)to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job

rub sb up the wrong way

(无意中)惹人生气,触怒别人to make sb annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying sth that offends them


The Light: 英文病历书写及范例 体格检查 I ... 心律齐 a regular rhythm 无杂音,无摩擦音,无奔马律 no murmurs,rubs,or gallop…

Miyuki said the couple never discussed politics at home and that, instead, she gave him foot rubs after a hard day's campaigning. 鸠山幸称,她和鸠山在家从不谈论政治,但在一天劳碌的竞选活动之后,她会为丈夫按摩脚。
Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it. 人世间并不完全是坦途,也有崎岖。
Harry lets go of him abruptly. He rubs his forehead, but the gesture is only out of habit now. 哈利立刻放开了他。他揉了揉自己的额头,这是他的老习惯了。
Life would be to smooth if it had no rubs in it. 生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。
You know, a draftsman always makes his drawing in pencil first, and when it's done he rubs out the pencil lines with stale bread crumbs. 昨天他终于完成了用墨水描线。您知道,一个制图员往往先用铅笔打底,绘图完成后再用干面包屑擦去铅笔印。
Mr. Obama's star may have dimmed slightly in the U. S. , but politicians in Europe hope some of his stardust rubs off on them. 奥巴马的星光或许在美国有些略微失色,但欧洲政界人士还是希望他的一些星云会给他们带来光亮。
At this point Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke rubs his hands together expectantly. 在此之前,联储主席本.伯南克一直在摩拳擦掌的期待着什么。
She shakes her head, rubs her eyes. "You'd think I'd feel something. " She looks up at the ceiling. "But I'm telling you, I don't. " 她摇摇头,用手揉揉眼睛。“你可以想想我梦到什么了,”她看着头顶的天花板。“但我不会告诉你,不会的。”
Or if one of our cats comes up to say hello, rubs itself on my leg and settles down for a nap near me . . . yep: great day! 再或者,如果我们的某只猫走过来跟我打招呼,再拿身子在我腿上蹭,然后靠近我躺下来打个盹儿…没错:奇妙无比的又一天!
All hip devices, regardless of the material, create debris as the ball rotates and rubs against the cuplike socket. 无论采用何种材质,所有人工髋关节的球体扣在杯状臼内旋转摩擦都会产生碎片。
My daughter likes to help put the lotion on and she often rubs it on her face. 我女儿喜爱使用这个乳液,用手涂在脸上。
I realize that rubs a lot of Americans the wrong way because we pride ourselves on living in a country where everything is possible. 我明白这种说法会错误地惹恼很多美国人,原因是我们以自己生活在这个“一切皆有可能”的国度而感到自豪。
Bellick rubs the duct tape on his mouth against the edge of the hole, hoping to get it loose. Bellick用管道洞口的边沿来回摩擦封在他嘴上的胶带,希望能弄掉胶带。
Let's hope some of her patience rubs off on her brother. 希望她的弟弟也能有点她那样的耐性。
In the bath he rubs his feet with them, which seems to induce a trance-like state - a kind of DIY reflexology . 洗盆浴的时候,他总是拿脚在香皂上蹭来蹭去,这使他进入一种恍惚的状态,像是在自己给自己做足底反射按摩。
someone who rubs or kneads parts of the body to stimulate circulation and promote relaxation. 用磨擦或揉身体部位来刺激和放松的人。
You'll find that doing so "rubs off" a bit on you, and increases your own happiness levels. 你会发现这样做会让你慢慢受到他们的影响,同时也增加了你的幸福指数。
Philippe Charlier sets his plastic shopping bag on a battered chair and rubs his hands. 菲利普.查里尔把他的塑料购物袋放在一个破旧的椅子上然后搓着自己的双手。
If it becomes too short, the band rubs too tightly on the bone of your leg and becomes irritated. 如果变短了,就会和你的大腿紧紧的摩擦,然后变得恼人。
Bear rubs his eyes and says: "I am so sleepy. I don't care. " Mouse says: "You will miss ice skating on the lake. " 熊宝宝揉了揉眼睛说:“我太困了。我才不介意呢。”小老鼠说:“你会错过在湖上滑冰的。”
The only known mammal to stridulate is the streaked tenrec, a spiky hedgehog-like critter from Madagascar that rubs its quills together. 目前知道的唯一会发出摩擦音的哺乳类动物是马岛猬——在马达加斯加岛上的一种像刺猬一样有刺的生物,它会摩擦自己的刚毛。
According to the company, the rubs use roasted cocoa beans or unsweetened cocoa powders to complement the smokiness of the grilled meats. 据该公司所说,摩是用烤可可豆或不加糖的可可粉补充烤肉的烟熏味。
Without some protective lubrication, the glans of the penis may soon begin to hurt as it rubs against the partner's pubic hair. 如果没有具有保护作用的一些润滑剂,因为阴茎头会与性伴的阴毛发生摩擦,可能不久就会开始受损。
Simultaneously starts to the treatment group to carry on the massage technique treatment, selects rubs the law, the pressing, the spot law. 同时开始对治疗组进行推拿手法治疗,选用揉法、按法、点法。
TT: Trachomatous Trichiasis. At least one eyelash rubs on the eyeball. 沙眼性倒睫,至少一根睫毛摩擦眼球。
Both the friction arm, its teeth and the surface it rubs against are plastic. 磨擦杆、齿牙及其摩擦面均为塑料质地。
He rubs the gift for luck during the trading day to get a laugh out of colleagues. 他在交易日里总会摸摸这座雕像乞求好运,结果总是引得同事们暴笑。
Most people are easy enough to talk to, and once the sex is over it is just pillow talk and back rubs. 大多数人还是很容易沟通的,而且一旦性爱过后,只需说些枕边话,做做背部按摩。
But trouble appears when your kneecap moves out of its track, or rubs up against its sides. 如果你膝盖移动出轨或蹭到了侧面,那就会出问题。
If you're someone who rocks the boat, rubs people the wrong way, has a big ego, complains all the time, etc. 如果你是那种捣乱,有人有错误的摩擦,很自负,经常抱怨等等。