
美 [rʌn]英 [rʌn]
  • n.跑;跑步;跑步的时间(或距离);航程
  • v.跑;奔跑;跑(某段距离);跑步
  • 网络运行(running);经营;运行程序

过去式:ran 第三人称单数:runs 现在分词:running

run business,run company,run risk,run service,run system
effectively run,probably run


v. n.

奔跑move fast on foot

1.[i]跑;奔跑to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk

2.[t]~ sth跑(某段距离)to travel a particular distance by running

3.[i]跑步;做跑步运动to run as a sport


4.[i][t]参加赛跑to take part in a race

5.[t][oftpass]~ sth开始(比赛);使(比赛)开始to make a race take place


6.[i]+ adv./prep.迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到另一处)to hurry from one place to another


7.[t]~ sth管理;经营to be in charge of a business, etc.


8.[t]~ sth提供,开设(服务、课程等)to make a service, course of study, etc. available to people


9.[t]~ sth拥有并使用(车辆或机器等)to own and use a vehicle or machine

10.[i][t](使)运转,运行;操作to operate or function; to make sth do this


11.[i](+ adv./prep.)(按某路线)行驶to travel on a particular route

12.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)使(按某一路线)行驶;使运行to make buses, trains, etc. travel on a particular route

开车送某人drive sb

13.[t](informal)~ sb + adv./prep.开车送to drive sb to a place in a car

移往某处move somewhere

14.[i]+ adv./prep.(向某处)快速移动to move, especially quickly, in a particular direction

15.[t]~ sth + adv./某物)to move sth in a particular direction


16.[i][t](使)导向;引导;(使)伸展,延伸to lead or stretch from one place to another; to make sth do this

持续continue for time

17.[i]~ (for sth)持续;延续to continue for a particular period of time without stopping

18.[i]~ (for sth)(在一段时间内)起作用,有效to operate or be valid for a particular period of time


19.[i](在某时间)发生to happen at the time mentioned

报道;论点of story/argument

21.[i][t]包含(某种词语、内容等)to have particular words, contents, etc.


22.[i]+ adv./prep.流淌;流动to flow

23.[t]使(液体)流动to make liquid flow

24.[i]输出,放出(液体)to send out a liquid

25.[i]~ with sth被(液体)覆盖;流满to be covered with a liquid


27.[i]熔化to melt


28.[i]+ adj.变成,成为,变得(尤指不利的变化)to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way

29.[i]~ at sth达到,接近(某程度)to be at or near a particular level

报章杂志of newspaper/magazine

30.[t]~ sth发表;刊登to print and publish an item or a story

测试;检验a test/check

31.[t]~ a test/check (on sth)(对…)进行(测试或检验)to do a test/check on sth

选举in election

32.[i](尤指在美国)参加竞选to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US


大多数含 run 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 run riot 在词条 riot 下。Most idioms containingrun are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplerun riot is atriot .

come running

赶紧做某人喜欢的事;急于应某人的要求to be pleased to do what sb wants

run for it

逃跑to run in order to escape from sb/sth

up and running

全面而准确地运行working fully and correctly

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... well adv. 好;对;满意地 run v. ;奔跑 star n. 星星;明星 ...


运行MOD游戏的话,只需在运行RUN)中输入游戏地址默认C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Red Alert 3\ra3.exe 后面加上“ -…


跑字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 跑表〖 stopwatch〗 跑步run;marchatthedouble〗 跑车〖 racingbike〗 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... well adv. 好;对;满意地 run v. 跑;奔跑 star n. 星星;明星 ...


牛津英语9A单词表_百度文库 ... Egypt n. 埃及 run v. 举办;管理;经营 tale n. 故事;传说 ...


(转)ubuntu安装g++ - seven的日志 - 网易博客 ... list< 显示源代码> run< 运行程序> continue< 继续从断点处执行> ...


电器元件符号大全 - goufei929的日志 - 网易博客 ... RES 备用 D数字 RUN 运转 D降 SSET 置位、定位 E接地 ...

Mornings begin with the smell of my "get up and go fast" brew in the kitchen before I fly out the door on my way to a run or the gym. 每天清晨在我冲出家门去跑步或者去健身房之前,我是闻着厨房的“起床快跑”的煮咖啡的清香开始的。
Height seems to run in his generation of his family, as Zhao Liang is the oldest in a family of tall children. 高个子似乎青睐于他们家,他是家中几个高个子中的老大。
My first care was to run to the door; he had left the key in it, taking the simple precaution of turning it twice in the lock. 我做的第一件事就是跑去看看那扇门,原来他把钥匙留在了门上,但为小心起见,他把钥匙在锁孔里连转了两次。
But, you know, not everybody has all these skills. There are very few people who have the full set of skills that it takes to run a company. 但是,不是每个人都能具备所有的能力。只有很少的人会有运营一个公司的所有技能。
On the other side of the track I ran into a wall of cheers. No time to react, no time to think, just time to run and run hard. 跑道的另一侧,加油声此起彼伏,我却无瑕顾及,也没有时间思考,只是一个劲儿跑啊跑。
The next day, she was doing so well, they wanted to run tests on her. 第二天,她身体恢复得很好,医生想给她做个检查。
I wanted to reassure her, but I knew that anything I said would run the risk of making her feel uncomfortable. 我想安抚她,但我知道什么,我说会运行的风险,使她感到不舒服。
Easy-to-use, you do not need to hire a Mr. Professional to run your MIS. 易用,不再需要为了MIS系统的运行而高薪聘用专家先生。
Other times they simply run out of steam trying to get somewhere, but getting nowhere. 另一些时候,他们只是没有到达目标的气力而迷失方向。
It ends up in burnout and less production, because we inevitably run out of energy. 最终会消耗殆尽、少产,因为我们不可避免地会耗尽精力。
Managers at Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns owned lots of shares, yet did not run their companies for the long term. 雷曼兄弟和贝尔斯登的经理拥有他们公司的许多股份,却没能让他们的公司幸免于难。
Many outerlayers fold conveniently into their own small pouch, which allows you to carry them with you in a pocket as you run. 很多外套可以很容易地折叠起来放进小袋子里,这可以让你在跑的过程中很容易就把它放在口袋里。
Republicans run Arizona and are now in a state of hysteria, competing with one another to deal most toughly with the threat. 现在共和党人执掌亚利桑那州,情绪激动,争先恐后地严肃处理这一威胁。
That way, you can easily track how much you have left for each of these expenses, and when you run out of money, you know it immediately. 这样,你很容易就可以知道你还有多少钱可以花在某项开支上,一旦钱花光了,你也能马上知道。
in the long run, I think breaking up with him would make me much happier, but I know that I'll be depressed about it for a few weeks first. 从长远考虑,我觉得跟他分手我可能会更开心,但是我知道,刚分手的那几个星期我都会为这事而情绪低落。
Look at me. I'm trying to do three things at once and I'm only managing to run around in circles. 看看我,我正在努力同时做三件事情,只能忙得团团转。
Start with a warm-up, just as you would any other run. 正如你要进行其它跑步一样,开始深水跑前要热身。
The innkeeper, hearing his tale and believing what he said, became greatly alarmed and, rising from his seat, attempted to run away. 旅店老板听信了他的鬼话,变得异常紧张,从座位上站起来要逃走。
There is no reason to assume she would run away, and there is nothing for her to hide. 没有理由想当然地认为她想逃跑,她没有隐藏。
The question is: to what extent is the Bank of Japan willing to run with this activity? 问题是:日本银行到底愿意玩到什么程度?
It is usually a good idea to run your application under time first to determine if gprof is likely to yield useful information. 首先使用time来运行程序从而判断gprof是否能产生有用信息是个好主意。
PTCs are often, but by no means exclusively, at the heart of a Family Office established to run a family's affairs. PTC通常是,但不绝对是,为处理家庭事务而设立的家庭办公室的核心。
As the behaviorist tells us, man can be thought of as "an assembled organic machine ready to run. " 正如行为主义者告诉我们的,一个人被看作是“一台组装好的即将发动的机器”。
However, finding the maximum price at which Google's shares could be sold might harm both the company and its shareholders in the long run. 但从长远来看,为Google股票确定的最高售价可能会有损公司及其股东。
'if you run after me, ' said the little bunny, ' I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you' “如果你追上我,”小兔子说,“我就变成一条鱼儿,跳进凉凉的小溪,从你身边游开。”
"With the national team, I am always the last off the bus and the last to run out on the pitch, " he said. 他说:“在随国家队比赛时,我总是最后一个下巴士,最后一个上场。”
Your application is now ready to run and behave according to the coded logic. 现在您的应用程序已经可以运行,它将根据编码逻辑运转。
"Within a short while, she put Sa fart, and the scene was embarrassing to see that person added: " Run, ah, to pull the bride! 不一会,她放仨屁,场面尴尬起来,只见那个人又说:“快跑啊,新娘子要拉了!”
Daytime it secretly mountain to see or household on the door, and the land drum the red ring, frighten it jittered, turn and run back to. 白天它又偷偷下山来,见还是户户门上红,遍地咚咚响,吓得它胆颤心惊,调头又跑回去了。
He knew Dooku expected him to turn and try to get behind him. He would not expect him to run to the speeder. 他知道杜库一定以为他会转身转到他身后,杜库绝不会料到他会跑向飞船。