
美 [rʌʃ]英 [rʌʃ]
  • n.冲;匆忙;仓促;繁忙
  • v.迅速移动;急促;快速运输;速送
  • adj.〈美〉猛冲的;赶紧完成[执行]的(命令等)
  • 网络奔跑;冲击;匆匆

第三人称单数:rushes 现在分词:rushing 过去式:rushed

sudden rush,headlong rush


v. n.

快速移动move fast

1.[i][t]迅速移动;急促to move or to do sth with great speed, often too fast

迅速带走╱送出take/send quickly

2.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep..~ sb sth快速运输;速送to transport or send sb/sth somewhere with great speed

仓促行事do sth too quickly

3.[i][t](使)仓促行事,匆忙行事,做事草率to do sth or to make sb do sth without thinking about it carefully


4.[t]~ sb/sth突袭;突击抓捕to try to attack or capture sb/sth suddenly

美国大学in American colleges

7.[t]~ sb(为物色、招募目的)特别关注,非常关心to give a lot of attention to sb, especially to a student because you want them to join your fraternity or sorority

九年级英语单词表 ... go off 发出响声 rush ;奔 run off 跑掉;迅速离开 ...


大有元亨数码专营店1号商城 ... 乐摄宝- Lowepro 奔跑- rush 保谷- HOYA ...


冲击》(RUSH)完整硬盘版/更新免安装版+0day硬盘版[压缩包] 《货物运送》(Cargo Delivery)完整硬盘版[压缩包] 《超级包装 …


生而为赢-心灵鸡汤精选_百度百科 ... 53 Starting Point 我们正在起跑点 54 Rush 匆匆 55 Youth 青春 ...

抢劫_互动百科 ... 创伤,伤【 wound】 冲;rush】 抢 qiāng ...


进出口行业词汇英语翻译(R) ... rush straw hood 蒲草帽坯 rush 灯心草 russel cord 罗塞尔棱纹呢 ...


支架拉什(Rush)大学的研究人员进行了一项持续12年的研究,发现自身意识强并「做事有头有尾」的人老年痴呆症(阿兹海默 …


游戏下载_高速下载_178下载站 ... MKZ 军魂| Rush- 冲锋| SD 敢达| ...

Rush through the bone setting eye of words in this words up, the front spreads one pure ask "is a Zhen son? " 就在这话赶话的接骨眼上,前方传来一声清问“是蓁儿吗?”
But smaller males hang out close to the nuptial pair and rush in to mate with her just as she releases her eggs. 但是较小的墨鱼就在这对夫妇附近闲荡,就在雌性产卵的同时,冲进来与之交配。
Just a pity that this has to rush to go in a hurry, according to the itinerary, this time to xing ping only go there a magical Lianhua Dong. 只是可惜,这次来也匆匆、去也匆匆,按行程计划,这次到兴坪就只有去那神奇的莲花洞了。
Second, do not rush to break the existing pay system, not to make people feel merger is to take a pay cut just to save costs. 其次,不要急于打破原有薪酬体系,不要让人感觉兼并就是为了降薪,就是为了节约成本。
April 5You are wont to rush to judgment, to call a thing "wrong" or "bad" or "not enough, " rather than to bless what you do not choose. 不要急着下结论,把一样事物称作是“坏的”、“错的”或“不足”,而要去祝福你所没有选择的一切。
There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. 因此,在繁忙的他忙碌的生活,杰克没有时间想过去,往往没有时间花在与他的妻子和儿子。
so a rush of new visitors is arriving at libraries just as the local governments that fund them run out of money. 所以一大批新的访问者才蜂拥至图书馆,而为图书馆提供资金的政府却已捉襟见肘。
I could be better than Britney "- Avril Lavigne" It was the biggest rush of my life. 我可能比布兰妮更好“-艾薇儿拉维尼:”这是我一生中最大的匆忙。
In a backyard of this dusty, isolated town in the heart of Australia's outback are signs of a modern-day gold rush. 卡尔古利这个位于澳大利亚内陆的尘土飞扬的偏远小镇正显露出现代淘金热的种种迹象。
I worked in the post office for a week or two with Bob and a classmate of his, sorting mail during the Christmas rush. 我曾与鲍勃和他的一个同学,于繁忙的圣诞节期间在邮局做过一两个星期的邮件分拣员的工作。
You can't walk anywhere in Java without an entourage of the most gorgeous children, who rush up to say hello with the warmest smiles. 在爪哇,到哪里都可以看见可爱的孩子,他们总是带着温暖的微笑奔过来和我们说哈罗。
You can expect to get your own way and attract someone who will prove to be a good catch. You are about to feel the rush of love. 某个会被证明是个极好的猎物的人为你所吸引,会让你感受到爱的激流。
The Cannon halted rush-hour traffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around. 几个街区内的汽车玻璃和大楼窗户都战栗作响,正值高峰期的交通一度中断。
Everybody seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater development and greater riches and so on. 每个人看起来都是为了更大的发展和更多的财富和别的东西而这样的匆忙,这样的担忧。
The second piece of advice I'll give is to not get caught up in finding the big incoming link that will bring a rush of traffic. 我给出的建议的第二条是不要急于寻找太多的新链接,虽然这可以使流量突然增加。
Young relationships start out with an adrenaline rush. Your heart races, you get giddy, you're alert, awake and excited. 当一段新的恋情开始时,你总会感觉到肾上腺素的飙升,此时你心跳加速,头晕目眩,你变得清醒,机敏和兴奋。
Small the Everyman that pays a system to be able to let these rush about for domestic bread, gain income through citizen reporter behavior. 小额支付系统可以让这些为家庭生计奔波的普通人,通过公民记者行为获得收入。
Rush in to wipe out the oppressors; after you gun down the enemy Marines, destroy the armed Dominion Transport that fires on you. 在你干翻敌方的陆战队员后,摧毁正向你开火的自治联盟武装运输车。
This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada's Klondike Gold Rush. 这个故事非常经典,讲述的是一只狗被偷走然后卖到加拿大KlondikeGoldRush当做雪橇狗的故事。
Warm feelings rush through my soul . I suddenly found the sun shining again when I stepped out of his office . 听了这番话,我心里顿觉暖暖的。走出办公室我突然感觉到我的生命再次充满了阳光。
When something pleased him, he would rush out of doors and nm around the garden, or jump up and down on the sofa. 有什么事使他高兴了,他会冲出门去,在庭院里东奔西跑,要不就在沙发上又蹦又跳。
Capable of seeing you even with his back, he will immediately rush toward you when he notices you, trying to hit you with his sword. 一旦被他看到,他就会向你冲过来,用他的剑向你尽力攻击。
The rush of the water, and the booming of the mill, bring a dreamy deafness, which seems to heighten the peacefulness of the scene. 水的急流声,磨坊的轰隆声,给人带来了一种迷迷茫茫的耳聋的感觉,更替这景色增加了恬静的气氛。
Back to see middle-aged man took from the luggage rack of a package, luggage rack and went to another rush took a box under the machine. 回头看见中年男子从行李架上拿了一个包,又跑到另一个行李架拿了个箱子匆忙下机。
If it snowed and all became white outdoors we would rush out to make snow men or to have snowball fights. 如果下雪了,外面都变成白色的时候,我们就冲出去堆雪人,打雪仗。
AC Milan's medical staff and I will not rush my recovery, but I hope to be able to play some of the last Serie A matches in May. 米兰的医生和我都觉得不能着急着复出,但我希望我能赶上五月份赛季末的几场比赛。
He said he'd expected a huge rush of people wanting to leave. 他表示之前以为人们会蜂拥而出,抢着离开。
If it had failed to do so, the flight to institutions deemed "too big to fail" would have become a Gadarene rush. 如果政府没有介入,流向那些被认为肯定不会破产的大银行的挤兑风波,会一发而不可收拾。
Listen to the sea breeze with you, listen to you laugh loudly when the spoondrift rush to your instep. . . 和你一起听海风,听浪花冲到你脚背上时,你开心的大叫;
How much did she rush you for that bike? 她卖给你那辆自行车敲了你多少钱?