
  • un.截面积
  • 网络水杨酸(salicylic acid);系统管理员(system administrator);唾液酸(sialic acid)



水杨酸(salicylic acid)

水杨酸(sA)是临床常用药物,有抗真菌和溶解角质等多效药理活性。牛血清白蛋白(BsA)是血浆中最为丰富的蛋白质,不仅对维 …

系统管理员(system administrator)

...事务工作,本文一共分成13章节来谈论作为一个称职的系统管理员(SA)应该在安全的议题上做些什麽事情,尽可能的防止系 …

唾液酸(sialic acid)

添加了唾液酸SA),唾液酸的主要食物来源是母乳,是大脑的组成部分,帮助宝宝提高记忆力加强神经系统发育。新西兰奶 …

模拟退火算法(Simulated Annealing)

模拟退火算法(SA)一样,EO算法也是从统计物理发展而来,然而EO算法与SA算法在收敛过程和使用的统计理论上却有着明显的 …

If it'sa hard one, it could take weeks, and eventually, whoever is trying to crack it, will probably give up after a couple of hours. 如果是硬的,它可能会持续数周,并最终谁是试图破解它,可能会放弃后的几个小时。
When SA has failed in the playoffs, it is because his teammates have not been able to help when he was more or less equalized. 去年马刺之所以输就是因为他多少被陷住了,队友又帮不上忙。
On the face of it, Bouygues SA's decision to share the risk with the brothers was an odd one. 表面上看,布伊格股份有限公司决定和布伊格兄弟们共同承担风险好像有些奇怪。
SA: Huh. You know, I've been a member of this prestige class for years, and I never actually noticed that before. 哈,要知道,我进阶这个职业好些年了,可是以前从来没注意过。
"Within a short while, she put Sa fart, and the scene was embarrassing to see that person added: " Run, ah, to pull the bride! 不一会,她放仨屁,场面尴尬起来,只见那个人又说:“快跑啊,新娘子要拉了!”
That'sa good question, because as you know designing complex chips is a very, very difficult task set. 这是一个很好的问题,因为正如你所知道的复杂芯片设计是一个非常。
'Yes sir, ' said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert's desk. There she sat down and put head on the de sa, with her arms over it. “是的,先生,”安妮说着话然后慢慢的走到吉尔伯特的桌子旁坐下来,把头埋在手臂趴在桌子上。
Samson said he was motivated by his sense of belonging towards the School to join the SA Scheme. 曾同学认为自己对商学院的归属感,驱使他成为学生大使。
Helen once the eye pupil son turn, arranging up the gun in the hand the great direction is to the farmland: "You, cover up in Sa. " 海伦眼珠子一转,收起手中的枪对田宏道:“你,把萨里埋了。”
"It'sa question of the policy and the thinking catching up with the technology, " says Mr Hanke. "Ease of access alters the debate. " “这是政策和追赶新技术的想法的问题”汉克先生说,“方便访问改变了争论。”
Sa is lost without his cattle. Liquor bottles are piled up in one corner of the farm. "There's nothing else to do, " Sa says. Sa由于牛的损失已经沉沦,在他农场的角落里堆满了烈性酒瓶。“现在这里没有什么可以做的。”他说。
though clofibrate may lower SA, there was no statistical significance in comparison to control group. 安妥明组血清SA含量较对照组虽低,但无统计学意义。
Since the SA account is only accessible when you choose to install using Windows Authentication, the SA password need never be revealed. 由于只有在您选择使用Windows身份验证进行安装时,SA帐户才可以访问,所以SA密码永远不需要显示。
Even if he went to a team like SA or the Suns, think of what they would have to give up to get him. 即便他想去马刺或太阳这样的强队,想想看,要得到科比,这些球队得放弃哪些球员。
After unification, the Vietnamese government continued to assert proper authority Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. 4统一后,越南政府继续主张适当授权黄沙和张庭选萨。
An AMP spokeswoman declined comment and officials at an agency representing AXA SA did not return calls seeking comment. AMP发言人拒绝对此置评.法国安盛保险代表处官员亦未回复询问。
Your SA node sends out the electrical signal that guides the rest of the heart tissue. 你的窦房结发出的电信号会指导心脏的其他组织。
The man looks and turns it in different directions and says, "That'sa man and a woman on a bed making love. " 男人看了看,把图片转到不同的方向说,“那是一个男人和女人在床上做爱。”
Again, the effect of this arrangement was to put Bouygues SA's investors at a disadvantage. 这样做法的结果是再一次置布伊格股份有限公司的投资者于一种不利境地。
Sa: "Here' s to us" . You used to say "Here' s to us" . Oh, I' m afraid I miss you too much. It hurts. 山:“为我们干杯”。你常说“为我们干杯”。哦,我真太想你了。我很痛苦。
After that, the French government began to take more actions to re-assert Vietnamese sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa. 在此之后,法国政府开始采取更多行动,重新肯定了黄沙和张庭选萨越南主权。
Sa: There is no way that we are going on a plane to meet some woman who could be a crazy lunatic. Didn' t you see Fatal Attraction? 山:要我坐飞机去和一个可能是疯女人见面是不可能的,你没看过《孽缘》吗?
Last eek I sa a young man giving up his seat to a oman ith a baby in her arms on a bus. 上周,我在公共汽车上看到一个年轻人给一个怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。
But the splitting of Bouygues SA's interest into a direct stake and an indirect stake deprived its investors of control of SAUR. 但是分开计算布伊格股份有限公司的直接股份和间接股份的剥夺了它的投资者对于SAUR的控制权。
Everybody wonders how you can just shut it off in the middle of the day, but it' sa routine, and you get used to it. 每个人都会对我如何切断与外界的联系在中午安然入睡感到惊奇,但这只是例行公事,而且我已习惯于此。
Suffice it to say, it is a very bad idea to be using the sa (or any high-privileged account) for application database access. 可以确切地讲,将sa(或任何高权限帐户)用于应用程序数据库访问是一个很糟糕的主意。
Replace "AStrongSAPwd" with your own strong password for the system administrator (SA) login account. 将“AStrongSAPwd”替换为系统管理员(SA)登录帐户的高安全性密码。
In late 1995, however, Khun Sa and a faction of his army surrendered to the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). 然而,在1995年晚些时候坤沙和蒙泰军一部投降于缅甸军政权‘国家法律和秩序恢复委员会’。
For example, half of new orders for Dassault Aviation SA's Falcon jets since the beginning of this year have come from China. 举例来说,自今年初以来,法国达索飞机制造公司(DassaultAviationSA)猎鹰喷气式商务客机(Falcon)一半的新订单都来自中国。
Systematicstudy was made of the factors influencing tensile property for styrene-acrylic(SA) emulsion-cement compounded waterproof coating. 本文就影响苯丙乳液-水泥复合防水涂料拉伸性能的诸多因素进行了系统的研究。