
美 [sæk]英 [sæk]
  • n.解雇;炒鱿鱼;开除;床
  • v.解雇;炒鱿鱼;(尤指旧时军队等)破坏;擒杀(四分卫)
  • 网络麻袋;袋子;包

第三人称单数:sacks 现在分词:sacking 过去式:sacked

sack worker


n. v.

3.[c]一满袋;一大袋东西the contents of a sack

4.[sing](informal)开除;解雇;炒鱿鱼being told by your employer that you can no longer continue working for a company, etc., usually because of sth that you have done wrong

5.[sing](informal)床a bed

6.[sing](在攻陷的城镇中的)抢劫,劫掠the act of stealing or destroying property in a captured town


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... retire v. 退休 sack v. n. 解雇 salesman n. 销售员 ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... red alert 红色警报 sack 麻袋 sacred 神圣的 ...


英语不可数名词 ... bag 包 sack 袋子 pile 堆 ...

新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... disappoint vt. 使失望,使沮丧 sack n. 袋,,睡袋 discover vt. 发现,泄露,看出 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... resignation 辞职 sack 解雇,开除 secretary of agriculture 农业部长 ...


Christmas Day_英语作文 ... ④pillow-case 枕套 ⑤sack 袋;布袋 ②Jesus 耶稣 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... rusty a. 生锈的;变迟钝的 sack n. 袋,麻袋;开除 sacred a. 上帝的;神圣的 ...

She was in her dressing sack when he called. There was a bucket of champagne on the dresser. 卡尔上门时伊雷娜穿着晨衣,梳妆台上摆着一桶香槟,屋里很暗,她的声音很好听。
Next I took an old sack and put a lot of big rocks in it. I dragged it to the door and through the woods down to the river. 接着我取出一个旧袋子,放入许多大石块,然后把它拖出门外,穿越树林,来到河边。
The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just (a) bluff. 6. You two are a perfect match. 公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。
She started to tell me, and I suddenly remembered. My Lord, it was her! It was the little barefoot girl in the feed sack dress! 她开始给我讲,我忽然一下记起来了。天哪,竟然是她!就是那个光着脚穿着一件用饲料袋改成的连衣裙的小女孩!
One man got the sack for presuming to stop him in the street to ask some questions about some work. 有一个工人就因为竟敢在路上拦住他问了几个有关工作的问题,后来就被解雇了。
Far from giving Ella the sack, she had developed some wistful respect for her. 她不但没有解雇埃拉,反而渐渐地产生出对埃拉的真诚的敬意。
What he'd have liked to do was to sack the whole shooting match and recruit a work force of his own. 他本想做的是把全部人马解雇,再招募人员组成他自己的工作班子。
The Genoese said that this was the only thing they wanted from the sack of Almeria. 热内亚人说这是他们在对阿尔梅里亚的洗劫中唯一想要的东西。
Business was so bad that the boss had to sack quite a few employees. Fortunately he was not one of those to be sacked. 生意很淡,老板不得不辞掉一些雇员,幸运的是,他不是其中之一。
Entreat him in jackass fashion; if he won't carry the sack, give him a whack. 恳求他像蠢驴一样时尚,如果他不带麻布袋,给他一拳。
The baby often seems enveloped in a protective bubble, perhaps an embryonic sack in which he hides but peers inquisitively out to the world. 画中婴儿像一个被包覆在保护膜中的胚胎,好奇地观看这个世界。
it out in a cool place with the hair side down and give it a good application of ice cream or sack salt. 去皮后,将其带毛的一面向下铺放在一个低温的地方,并涂上一层奶油或铺上一层盐。
My spirit was broken. I staggered off the road into a clump of underbrush and dropped like a sack of bricks. 我的斗志全丧失了,我蹒跚着从街道上走下来,进到一丛树林中,像一袋子砖头似的瘫在地上。
He said. "My, what did she give you? " He had seen the books, but I held the paper sack with his cookies in my arms shielded by the poems. “她给了你什么?”他已经看到那些书了,但我把装着他那份点心的纸袋放在怀里,用诗集挡住。
When he had no money, the farmer sometimes used to pay me in kind , eg with a sack of potatoes. 那个农民没有现款时,有时候给我些东西抵帐(如给一袋土豆)。
'Even in a closed, dark sack, a small dog can chew his way out, ' he explains. 他解释说,即便在一个密闭、黑暗的口袋里,小狗也能咬个洞钻出来。
And he put the tin lantern carefully in the front corner of the wagon-box, where the sack of corn held it still. 然后他把小心的把锡灯挂在马车车厢前面的角落上,那里有一袋玉米可以让灯持续亮着。
He took up a sack of grain and with ease pitched it over a packsaddle. 他拎起一口代粮食,毫不费力的地把它抛到驮鞍上。
A former finance minister said he could administer the subsidised bread programme only if he had one security guard for each sack of flour. 前财政部长说,如果他有安全警卫来看守每一袋面粉的话,他就能够管理好面包补贴项目。
Ned: You were strangled to death with a plastic sack. It's probably an odd telling to hear - I wasn't sure how to sugarcoat it. 你确实被个塑料袋套上给闷死了。可能听着挺怪的,我不知晓怎么说才能好听点。
Trudging back from Tristram, a bulging sack slung over one shoulder, Edward kept his head down and his eyes on the dusty road. 吃力的行走在从崔斯特瑞姆回去的路上,一个破包跨在肩膀,爱德华低着头,眼睛看着肮脏的路面。
One of the things I truly knew was that your father and I were going to have a wonderful time in the sack. 有一件事我非常肯定,我和你爸爸在床上会过得很好。
His second option is to persuade Mr Putin to step down, or to sack him. This would amount to a palace coup. 梅的第二个选择是说服普京下台,或者解雇他,这将等于宫廷政变。
Occasionally, just to keep the others up to concert pitch, he used to sack one of the men for being too slow. 有时,为了叫其它工人使出最大劲来干活,他会杀一儆百地辞退一个手脚慢的工人。
In case you haven't noticed, Google has been something of a sad sack since the end of 2009. 许你还没有注意到,自2009年年底以来,谷歌(Google)一直是个倒霉蛋。
The sack cushioned the line and he had found a way of leaning forward against the bow so that he was almost comfortable. 有了袋子垫在鱼线下,再加上他找到了可以依靠着船头的方法,他几乎可说还过得蛮舒服的。
"You're going to want Rat Chow, " he said, handing him a ten-pound sack, "and a bag or two of these wood shavings. " “你就要得到鼠食品了,”他说着递给他一个能装十磅重东西的袋子,“在这些木质存储物中拿出一两袋。”
To do all this he must wait in California to fill the sack with money. Already it was beginning to flow in. 为了办到这一切,他必须在加利福尼亚呆下去,让口袋里塞满了钱——钱已经开始汩汩地流来了。
Joanna had not noticed that she still had the old sack that her stepmother had given her. 乔安娜没有注意她仍然带着她继母给她的那个旧袋子。
He got a sack out of the buggy, shouldered it, and staggered with it through the cottage yard, and knocked at the door. 他从马车上搬下一只口袋,扛着它跌跌撞撞地穿过院子,敲了敲门。